Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:16 AM

Chapter 645

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There were applause and cheers.

After Cheng Dong left the court, Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "it is estimated that I am the only one who is not happy. Ten million just flew away from my bank card. Who will comfort my injured soul

"Ha ha ha."

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Lu zhe said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, can I ask you a favor?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "what's up?"

Because Lu zhe Dao was the first time to host this program, it was not my first time. Our program is an hour and a half. Now we have only five minutes left before the end. It is impossible to have another game. So in the remaining few minutes, can you give us a show? "


"The supporters are great."

"We're going to listen to music."

The audience got up in succession.

Xiao Yunhai gave Lu zhe a thumbs up and said, "you don't control the program time well. I think it's quite good."

"Poo Chi"

"ha ha ha"

everyone laughed again.

Lu zhe said: "Mr. Xiao, you've come here. You have to sing a song for the audience rating of" multimillionaire ". Isn't it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Lu Da, I really believe you. To tell you the truth, I really didn't prepare for anything this time. Stop singing. I didn't even plan to come on the stage. But now that I'm on stage, I'll give you a song. I need a guitar. Do you have one here? "

Lu Zhelian said, "of course. Director, get a guitar for Mr. Xiao

Less than 20 seconds, a staff member came to the stage panting and handed the guitar to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai tried the music, sat on a stool and said, "when I was making an album for my leader a few days ago, I suddenly got a trace of inspiration and wrote a new song called" true hero ". Today, I'll leave this song on our program. I want to tell you that in my heart, you are the real heroes. "

In the applause and cheers of the public, Xiao Yunhai brought the most popular song in the previous life to the world.

"I once had a dream in my heart,

to let you forget all the pain by singing.

Who is the real hero in the brilliant starry sky?

ordinary people have moved me most.

No more hate and no pain,

I hope there is love everywhere in the world.

Exchange your sincere smile with our songs,

wish you a different life from now on. "

"True hero" is a song with simple melody, simple lyrics, and the warm and magnetic voice of Xiao Yunhai, which shocked the audience.

"That's good. It's very nice."

"I feel this song is very comfortable."

"The cloud emperor is the cloud emperor. It's very powerful."

In front of the TV, many viewers directly turned on the recording function of their mobile phones and wanted to record Xiao Yunhai's song.

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai's whole mind has been integrated into his own singing.

"Seize every minute of our lives and

spare no effort in our dreams.

How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain,

no one can succeed casually.

Grasp every move in your life,

and embrace your beloved friends warmly.

Let the sincere words and happy tears flow in your and my heart. "

At the end of the first paragraph, there was thunderous applause.


"It's great."

"Absolutely classic."

"I must learn this song."

In front of the TV, ye Yongren looked at Xiao Yunhai on the stage and sighed: "this guy is so powerful. Classic songs are emerging in endlessly. Sometimes I can't believe that there are such musical talents in the world. "

Huang Qiusheng, on the other side, said: "not only is he a genius in music, but also a genius in acting. When I was young, my acting skills were no less than ours, and I was also a world-class director. Ha ha, I can't find a second artist in the world after several times. "

Ye Yongren and Huang Qiusheng have no jobs recently. They are Xiangjiang people, so they went back to Xiangjiang two days ago.

Today, they agreed to meet Xiao Yunhai at the airport, so they sat together.

"In my heart, there was a dream,

to forget all the pain with singing.

Let the sincere words and happy tears flow in your and my heart. "When the last note of "true hero" falls, the audience stands up and gives the warmest applause to Xiao Yunhai.

The first issue of "multimillionaire" came to a successful end here, but its impact is very big.

Xiao Yunhai, like a loose money boy, sent out more than 12 million yuan in a short time of one and a half hours, which is tantamount to dropping a bomb in the hearts of the audience.

The saying that knowledge changes fate has been fully reflected in the program. Cheng Dong answered 15 questions correctly and earned 10 million yuan, with an average of 700000 yuan per question, which made everyone envious and envious.

On the Internet, all forums, large and small, are talking about this matter.

"Multimillionaire is too thrilling, too nervous, too exciting."

"The emperor of cloud is indeed the king of variety show," and "multimillionaire" is a bit too good-looking. "

"One step forward, it could be heaven, it could be hell. You can't play this game well without a super large heart. "

"Yes, there is a difference of 9.8 million between the last question correctly and the last one wrong, which makes me feel dizzy."

"From now on, study hard, make progress day by day, and strive to participate in the next issue of" multimillionaire. "

In addition to the forum, the major web portals on the network have also carried out reports.

"Multimillionaire" is too exciting. Are you ready

"When the first issue of" multimillionaire "was broadcast, the emperor of cloud threw 12 million yuan and lamented that he had lost a lot."

"Anhui TV station" millionaire "crazy attack, average ratings breakthrough 10%, hot all over China."

"Tsinghua mathematics doctor won ten million prize, the cloud emperor lost a lot."

At the same time, Xiao Yunhai has been on the plane to Xiangjiang.

The plane in this world is obviously much faster than that in previous generations. It took only an hour to land at Xiangjiang International Airport.

It was 11:20 p.m., and ye Yongren and Huang Qiusheng, who came to pick up the plane, had been waiting for him for more than half an hour, which made Xiao Yunhai very embarrassed.

"Mr. Ye and Mr. Huang, just let the crew pick me up. Where do you need to come here in person?"

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "you director Xiao came to our Xiangjiang River. Lao Huang and I, as Xiangjiang people, naturally want to do our friendship as masters of the earth."

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile, "I know you must be hungry now. Let's have a snack first. Tomorrow laoliang will arrive, and then we can sit down."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's great. I flew from Yanjing to Anhui TV station. After the program, I came to Xiangjiang. I was really hungry all the way. "

Ye Yongren said: "the" millionaire "you planned, we also watched it on TV, and it was really very nervous and exciting. You're the king of variety shows. It's not for nothing. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "I think the audience rating of this educational program is likely to surpass" run, brother "and" voice of China ". Because it's obvious that it's much more attractive to the average audience than the two programs above. It is said that the average audience rating of the first period has exceeded 10%, which is really amazing. Yunhai, it seems that you can make a lot of money again. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my requirement is not high, as long as it is enough for us to shoot Infernal Affairs." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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