Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:13 AM

Chapter 647

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Mo Taicheng nodded and looked at Xiao Yunhai with a trace of approval and admiration. He said, "no wonder everyone says that director Xiao is the most efficient filmmaker. There is such a generous investor and director, who will not work hard for him. All the other troupes are willing to spend one cent of their money. However, this master treats one dollar as a dime. He doesn't care. He has worked in the entertainment industry all his life, and it's the first time I've seen such a crew. "

When Mo Taicheng told the news to the crew, everyone cheered.

"Xiao leads the way."

"Long live Xiao Dao."

"Now, I have money to buy new year's products."

Originally, Xiao Yunhai paid them 300 yuan a day. According to the industry standard, the money is more than twice that of other cast members.

Now Xiao Yunhai has doubled their income, that is, 600 yuan a day. Moreover, the places where they live and the lunch boxes they eat are of high standards.

How can we not be grateful.

Mo Taicheng said, "it's not for nothing that director Xiao gives you so much salary. Do a good job. You must finish the task assigned by director Xiao before five o'clock tomorrow. Otherwise, you will not only have no money, but also get a lot of criticism, you know? "

"Don't worry, don't worry. We won't go to bed tonight. We must finish it before noon tomorrow. At that time, please also ask you and Mr. Xiao to come and check it. Once there is something inappropriate, we will rectify it immediately. "

"Yes. Director Xiao is so good to us. If we don't do our work well, we can't face him. "


Hearing everyone's words, Mo Taicheng nodded with satisfaction.

When Xiao Yunhai returned to the hotel, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, except for Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing who need to come tomorrow, all the actors and actresses of Infernal Affairs have arrived.

That night, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to have a meal in the hotel, and then came to a large conference room to hold a mobilization meeting before starting.

Xiao Yunhai said: "dear teachers, brothers and sisters, we don't use many sets in Infernal Affairs. In total, there are only a dozen. For this reason, I asked deputy director Mo Taicheng to come to Xiangjiang with the crew a week in advance. Through their efforts, the preparation work before shooting can be completed before tomorrow afternoon. The next thing is to see us actors. I don't care about money when I make movies. What I care about is the efficiency of shooting and the attitude of the crew. Now that the staff have successfully completed the task, I don't want to have problems with our actors. "

"The launch of Infernal Affairs is the day after tomorrow, that is, January 26. According to my plan, it will be finished in a week. If conditions permit, the play will be launched in China, Asia and North America on February 16. Therefore, our time is very tight, post production will be carried out together with publicity. I have only one goal. I want to make the momentum of domestic movies and break through at least three billion US dollars at the world box office. "


Xiao Yunhai's words shocked all the actors.

"Really? That's too much fun. "

"How can it be done in seven days?"

"Why not? The preparatory work has been finished. With the acting skills of the four film masters and the two film queens, it is not too difficult to shoot these plays. "

"We're going to refuel. If the performance is not good, don't say it's director Xiao. It is estimated that Mr. Ye, Mr. Huang and Mr. Liang will not let us go. "

"I'm a little nervous about what director Xiao said now."

Hearing the whispers of those supporting roles, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we don't need to be nervous. If there is any uncertainty in the process of acting, you can consult Mr. Liang, Mr. Huang and Mr. Ye. As long as you are serious about acting, I won't be too harsh. In order to improve the shooting speed and quality, I, Mr. Ye, Mr. Huang and Mr. Liang will make a show here at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow. If you are interested, you can come and have a look. Some teachers, are you ready? "

Liang Hui said with a smile: "all the lines and plots are already in my mind. As long as you don't take too much, it's OK. "

Huang Qiusheng laughed and said, "Lao Liang, I don't like what you said. We too much? Hehe, OK, let's have a good fight tomorrow afternoon, but I'm going to do my best. If you're humiliated by me and you lose face in front of everyone, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

Ye Yongren said: "it seems that the smell of gunpowder is very heavy. Yunhai, we are the main characters, we can't lose to them. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "although the acting skills of the three teachers are the best in China, I wrote this script. If you want to suppress me, ha ha, it's more difficult than going to heaven."

The other actors were very excited when they heard that the four actors were going to play.

This kind of learning opportunity can be described as once in a blue moon.

It is not easy to gather the four film masters in a play, but it is basically impossible for them to perform in public.Even if the general director wants to, he will not move at all. That is, Xiao Yunhai has such a big face.

The words of the four film emperors are very gunpowder, and they will definitely show their real skills when they arrive. This is very good for everyone to improve their acting skills.

"Are you going shopping tomorrow?"

"What a fool. You can go shopping at any time. I haven't seen any of the four Movie Masters in my career for ten years. "

"Yes, we are very lucky."

Ignoring everyone's shock, Xiao Yunhai continued to ask, "who thinks he is good and wants to join in?"

When they heard this, they said in their hearts, "are you kidding. Who can get involved in the four movie emperors? That's too much for me. I'm afraid it's no longer possible to go up by the momentum of the four movie emperors. "

But there are people who can't help themselves.

"I want to try."

A refined but loud voice resounded through the conference room.

Following the reputation, the actors sitting in front of Huang Bo stood up and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

"Who is this? Why don't I know each other? "

"Yes, an actor who does not change his fame should have the delusion to fight with the four film emperors. Is he not afraid of losing face?"

"Don't look down on people. Maybe you are a top expert hiding in the world."

"Old Joe, do you see too many novels and movies?"

"I remember who he was. The head teacher in Charlotte's troubles. "

"Yes, yes, he is."

Zhang Liping turned a deaf ear to the comments, and continued: "my role needs to play with Mr. Xiao, Mr. Ye and Mr. Huang, so I want to try to avoid problems on the set. I don't know if it's ok? "

Ye Yongren, who did not know Zhang Liping, looked at Xiao Yunhai at the smell of speech.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. Your role is one of the most important dark lines in the play. It's good to be able to join in. Ha ha, I would like to introduce to you, this is our teacher Zhang Liping of Yanjing Film Academy. His acting skill is no longer under any film emperor. If you don't believe it, you can have a good look tomorrow. All right, go back and prepare well. The meeting is over. "

All but the five who needed to take part in the show left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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