Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:11 AM

Chapter 649

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The second act is the play of Xiao Yunhai and Huang Qiusheng in the police station, in which Zhang Liping plays Mr. Ye, who bets with Huang Zhicheng.

Xiao Yunhai stood there in accordance with the standard posture of Xiangjiang police officer, his face looked very young, just like a piece of polished jade, waiting for people to carve.

Liang Hui nodded and whispered to Ye Yongren: "the sea of clouds is fierce. Just such a station will show a policeman who has not been influenced by the society incisively and vividly."

Ye Yongren said: "I really don't know how he acted when he was young."

Zhang Liping also admired Xiao Yunhai's acting skills and said, "27149, you came in ten minutes ago. How many files are there on my desk?"

Zhang Liping's words were crisp and neat, without any hesitation, which made the old drama who really played the role have a bright eye and said in his heart: "this person's name is not changed. I didn't expect that the performance will be so good."

Xiao Yunhai showed a trace of self-confidence on his face. Without hesitation, he replied, "six, four Beige on the left, one red and one white on the right, sir."

Huang Qiusheng narrowed his eyes and asked, "what do you think of me?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at Huang Qiusheng and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know, but you should be in a hurry this morning because you are wearing different socks."

Zhang Liping chuckled, waved his hand and said, "27149, go out first."

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes, sir."

While laughing, Zhang Liping spread out his hand to Huang Qiusheng and said, "five hundred, give the money quickly."

Huang Qiusheng said: "next time, I will pay you my salary."

Zhang Liping said triumphantly, "I said, he is most suitable for undercover work!"

This scene involved three actors, Xiao Yunhai, Huang Qiusheng and Zhang Liping. Although they were only a few lines, their skills were immediately displayed.

Xiao Yunhai's temperament, Huang Qiusheng's details and Zhang Liping's lines are all very good, giving people a feeling of two words, real.

In this way, people are constantly changing various roles, performing a wonderful performance that everyone in the crew can't match.

Several film masters did not stop, give full play to all their strengths, and everyone performed extremely wonderful.

Lines, emotions, actions, even a small micro expression, make people feel special charm.

No matter what role, to their hands, immediately can emit infinite brilliance, so that the actors who play these roles have a lot of insights, as if they suddenly understand how to play.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai's goal has been achieved.

In the third act, Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren play in an audio-visual shop, the owner of which is played by Liang Hui.

In the fourth act, Xiao Yunhai and Huang Qiusheng play against each other on the rooftop.

Act 5...

act 6...


the whole conference room was silent, and everyone's eyes were fixed on several actors on the rostrum.

Huang Bo, as the only non movie emperor actor who participated, felt a great pressure under the full force of the public.

The momentum of these people in acting is stronger than each other. Every time Huang Bo says a line or makes an expression, it seems that he has fallen into the mire. It takes several times more strength than usual to perform them.

In the first act alone, his back was soaked in cold sweat.

The other is Zhang Liping. Although he has the acting skills like a film emperor, he usually plays too few plays. In terms of experience, even Xiao Yunhai plays more than he does, not to mention compared with the other three film emperors.

As a result, although he was able to support it, he was already feeling a bit of a strain.

However, to have such a performance, his acting skills have been recognized by all.

The most wonderful part is the battle between Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren.

Xiao Yunhai hit the gun on Ye Yongren's waist and quickly searched Ye Yongren.

Xiao Yunhai's posture is not fiddling with, but learned from a Xiangjiang police officer training video online.

The action is fast as the wind, smooth and good-looking.

Huang Qiusheng nodded and said, "this boy is really careful."

Liang Hui said with a smile: "it's the first time for me to cooperate with him. It's really great. In terms of acting, no one in the younger generation can match it. "

Indeed, Xiao Yunhai's performance in the performance of drama is almost the same as that of Liang Hui. No one can beat anyone. In particular, the exchange of temperament in each character is like flowing clouds and flowing water. There is no flaw in it at all. Each character can learn from the Samadhi.

On this point, even Huang Qiusheng and ye Yongren are weaker than him.

On the stage, the momentum of Ye Yongren and Xiao Yunhai has reached the peak. The spirit in their eyes makes everyone dare not give a breath, just like the moment when two volcanoes are waiting for eruption.But when it really broke out, the tone of their conversation was very casual. However, every look, every expression and every action were properly grasped.

Ye Yongren said with a smile, "it's very sharp."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have also read the police academy."

Ye Yongren said: "you undercover can be really interesting, always meet on the roof."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm not like you. I'm fair and aboveboard. What about what I want? "

Ye Yongren said, "you may not bring what I want."

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, way: "what meaning, you come up bask in the sun?"

Ye Yongren face with a trace of pleading: "give me a chance."

Xiao Yunhai playfully asked: "how to give you a chance?"

Ye Yongren sincerely said: "I had no choice before, now I just want to be a good man."

"Good." Xiao Yunhai smiles, and ye Yongren's face has a glimmer of joy, but then Xiao's words put him into hell in an instant, saying: "tell the judge, let's see if he wants you to be a good man."

The joy on Ye Yongren's face disappeared and said, "that is to let me die."

Xiao Yunhai looked solemn, his eyes sharp as a sword, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a policeman."

Ye Yongren asked, "who knows?"

This is the climax of the whole play. A few short lines of dialogue are full of swords and swords. The balance of victory and defeat has been changed several times. The performance of the two people is also wonderful and somewhat excessive. Compared with the action play, this verbal confrontation is more memorable.

Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren are entangled in each other's momentum, and neither will let them. Next Zhang Liping rushed out and broke the momentum between the two men.

Zhang Liping, holding a gun, pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "let go of officer Liu."

Xiao Yunhai explained: "your officer is an undercover of Han Chen."

Zhang Liping's eyes flashed a glimmer of brilliance and said, "how can I believe you?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't believe me."

Xiao Yunhai takes Ye Yongren to the elevator, and then the gun rings. Xiao Yunhai falls to the ground, and the drama string ends here.

In an hour and a half, all the scenes are done. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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