Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:07 AM

Chapter 65

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Although Xia Xiaohu is far more mature than others, he is a young man in the end.

Seeing that he was so popular, he could not help but feel proud. He glanced at Xiao Yunhai, who was about to play, with a sneer in his heart.

After Xia Xiaohu stepped down from the stage, Zhao Wanqing came up and said, "students, there are many good songs in the entertainment circle recently. I wonder if you have heard two of them, one is" big man "and the other is" Orchid Pavilion preface. "

"Yes Under the stage sounded the most enthusiastic shouts, the party atmosphere immediately for one of the hot.

Zhao Wanqing didn't expect the awesome response from his classmates. He grabbed the opportunity and said, "do you know who the two songs are?"


"Xiao Yunhai!"

Although the students' answers are not very neat, they are loud enough and enthusiastic enough!

"However, this time, what he brought was not a song, but a sketch composed and directed by him, which was called" help or not help. ". Let's welcome Xiao Yunhai, Zhang Ya and Huang Bo with warm applause! Welcome

Suddenly, thunderous applause broke out from the audience.

Yu Yuexian heard that Xiao Yunhai was going to play a sketch. With a smile on his gorgeous face, Yu Yuexian said to Yao Wenyuan, "uncle, has this guy ever acted in a sketch before?"

Yao Wenyuan shook his head and said, "I've performed a lot of stage plays, but I've never seen him perform this special amusing sketch. But he has always been steady, and I don't think there will be any problem. "

At this time, Xiao Yunhai, who looked more than ten years older than usual in his old overcoat, dragged a bicycle with a hoop on it, shouting pain while walking up. His face was helpless, sad and mixed with a trace of anger.

"You say that I have one of the biggest shortcomings, that is, too much meddling. No, I saw the trunk of a car on the road just now. I'm chasing after it in the back. I want to tell people. As a result, they had a sudden brake, and I went into the trunk. This is a good shot of the police. I lost 200 yuan. Do you think I'm nosy? I swear, if I want to meddle in the future, I will not be Hao Jian, I will be called very cheap!

On hearing Xiao Yunhai's name "Hao Jian", Yu Yuexian was happy on the spot and said with a smile to Yao Wenyuan, "don't say, this boy is really good at playing a role. He shows a middle-aged man who is not satisfied with his life. It seems to have improved a lot compared with the original shooting of "great master."

Looking at his most proud disciple on the stage, Yao Wenyuan said, "I can't see his future clearly."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai finished speaking, Zhang Ya, who played the role of the old lady, came up with a fan and fell to the ground.

Xiao Yunhai pursed his lips and pretended that nothing had happened. He murmured: "I didn't see anything"

Zhang Ya: "ouch..."

Xiao Yunhai: "ouch......"

Zhang Ya: "ouch..."

Xiao Yunhai: "ouch......"

Zhang Ya: "Oh, my God."

"You won." Xiao Yunhai showed a helpless look, suddenly turned around and said, "aunt, didn't you fall?"

Zhang Ya put on a look of pain and said, "Oh, my elbow! Oh, my Bologna! Oh, my waist plate! Oh, it doesn't hurt!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Poof! I thought it all hurt. "

There was applause!

Xiao Yunhai showed a speechless look on his face, and said in his mouth, "Auntie, it's all now. Don't use exclusion method. Since it doesn't hurt, let's try to see if we can walk. "

Zhang Ya: OK, I'll try

Zhang Ya was lying on the ground and directly came to a 360 degree rotation. Xiao Yunhai quickly stopped him and said, "Oh! You can walk here, but you can walk according to your watch!

Zhang Ya's funny behavior and Xiao Yunhai's humorous lines made the scene laugh!

"My God, it's fun to follow the watch."

"Ha ha, that's funny."

the sketches are more and more wonderful, and the applause and cheers are more and more enthusiastic.

Xia Xiaohu saw that the teachers and classmates were all laughing, and his face was gloomy to the extreme.

Zhang Ya showed a trace of pain, supported her waist and cried, "Oh, why did my hip bone hurt suddenly?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted, glanced at her, and said, "that's sure. It was ground just now. It's good if there is no fire. Come on, aunt. I'll help you up

"Pa Pa Pa""The friction is on fire. It's so funny."

Zhang Ya pointed to Xiao Yunhai's face and said with a trembling voice: "Oh, young man, your face is blue and purple, and you fell hard enough."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I'm ok."

Zhang Ya nodded and praised, "you are a good child, and you know how to help your aunt up. It's a change for someone else. I'll run away after hitting! "

Xiao Yunhai listen, smile on the face of a stagnation, and put Zhang Ya gently on the ground.

Yao Wenyuan saw this and said, "the conflict has come out."

Yu Yuexian nodded and said, "no wonder the sketch is called" help or not ". It turns out that it is aimed at the focus of social issues. I have also seen on the Internet that after an old man fell to the ground, many people watched, but no one helped him. I have to say that this is a tragedy of modern society. "

Speaking of this, Yu Yuexian stopped and worried and said, "Yunhai is a brave boy who dares to touch this subject. If the performance is good, naturally there will be no problem. If the performance is not good, even if there is a small problem, it will be infinitely magnified by some malicious people. I hope he can handle it. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhang Ya are getting better and better, and their cooperation is becoming more and more tacit.

Xiao Yunhai used a very strange tone and said, "Auntie, you are confused, and muddled very suddenly. You fell down by yourself. When you fell down, I was 10 meters away from you. You see, that's my bike. There's a lot of proof. "

Zhang Ya looked frightened and said, "Oh, the rims are all like that. After a long time, I flew over from there. Can I rescue it? Ah... "

"Ha ha ha."

"It's over. There's no reason why."

The audience laughed again.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the scene and said, "Oh, my God, it's really like the scene of the accident, but aunt is not what you think. My car is chasing after the rear.

Zhang Ya said, "Oh, my tail vertebrae!"

Xiao Yunhai hastily explained: "I mean rear end chasing, not rear end vertebra. I mean bumper, you mean tail root."

Zhang Ya cried bitterly: "it's over, the Chinese New Year's day, and the tail root has been smashed. OK, it's safe to break it up."

"Hua Hua Hua"

"ha ha ha"

"how safe are you all year round? That's brilliant. "

Xiao Yunhai painstakingly said: "I said Aunt, you have a good memory, really no one hit you."

Zhang Ya airway: "no one hit me to fly more than 10 meters ah, then you will hit me, I am now going abroad."

Xiao Yunhai widened his eyes and said in a hurry: "no, ma'am, what's your identity? You can go abroad without signing. What's the matter? Besides, you didn't fly 10 meters. "

Zhang Ya said, "how many meters does it take to fly? At this time, are you still more meaningful than the three meter two meter zhener? "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "OK, auntie, let's stop pulling. Let's talk through the pictures. Fortunately, cameras are installed in all the streets and alleys..."

Xiao Yunhai deliberately looked at the top of the slope, pursed his mouth and said, "where is your head? It's over. My head is gone. If I entangle myself again, I will not be able to wash my head when I jump into the Yellow River. "


"without a camera, this guy is finished."

Zhang Ya stopped Xiao Yunhai and said, "why, do you still want to go?"

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and showed a trace of cheap smile on his face. He said, "I'm sure I won't make it. I have to run."

"Ha ha ha"

ha ha , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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