Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:07 AM

Chapter 651

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In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai led the whole crew to run at full capacity. Whether it was a few film emperors or ordinary supporting actors, they were all extremely serious.

The effect of the last performance is also reflected at this time, many actors are directly in accordance with the template of their several film masters, the effect is very good.

As for the stars, not to mention, they all played 120% of the level, and no one dared to slack off. As long as they play, it is basically a one-off.

Driven by several Movie Masters, the other actors in the cast performed better.

Accordingly, Infernal Affairs is progressing faster and faster.

Six days later, on the afternoon of February 1, with the sound of Xiao Yunhai, Infernal Affairs was killed.

The crowd cheered.

Huang Qiusheng said with a wry smile: "this is the end of the shooting. How can I feel like I am dreaming?"

"It's the most efficient crew I've ever seen. It's so fast," Liang sighed

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "no wonder Yunhai can become a world-class director. From the beginning, the whole crew was twisted into a rope by him. Everyone did his duty and was very busy. These days, I haven't seen a crew member doing nothing on the set. It's really convincing that the crew is managed like this by him. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "but I'm very happy. I've never been so cool in these years. This film gives us the opposite play is really too addictive, I can't bear to kill

Liang Hui said with a smile, "yes. It's a great pleasure to break out with all your strength, without any effort. It's a pity that you can have one in a few years

Ye Yongren looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was busy directing the crew to move things. He said, "this is the first play I cooperated with Yunhai. Although it is only six days, I really learned a lot from him. Well, it's hard for me to imagine what his future will be like now

Liang Hui nodded and said, "yes. When I saw him, I found that we were really old. "

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai invited all the crew to have a sumptuous green killing banquet at a five-star hotel in Xiangjiang. They were all drinking happily.

Xiao Yunhai said at the banquet: "ladies and gentlemen, in less than a week, all the later work of Infernal Affairs has almost been completed. At that time, we need to carry out nationwide publicity. If there's no problem, I'm going to show it on February 16th. At that time, I may need to go to the United States of America, so the publicity in China depends on a few teachers. "

Liang Hui said with a smile: "don't worry, no problem."

Xiao Yunhai said: "teacher ye, the theme song of the movie, how are you getting ready? I think we'll go to the studio tomorrow and record it for film promotion. "

Ye Yongren said with a smile, "I've sung it dozens of times. I have to say, this song is a perfect match for our movie. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, we'll be over at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Two hours should be about the same."

Next, Xiao Yunhai arranged a few more things. Finally, he stood up and said to the crowd, "brothers and sisters, please raise your glasses together. I wish our Infernal Affairs a big box office success and be popular all over the world. Cheers. "

"Cheers. “


the news of the death of Infernal Affairs spread throughout China that night.

There are messages from netizens all over the network.

"My God, it's too fast."

"After shooting a play in six days, I don't think it's impossible."

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. Don't smash your own signboard for speed. "

"Anyway, I have to go to the cinema anyway."

"That's right. As the iron powder of the emperor of cloud, there are only two words to support it."

"Cheers from the emperor of cloud, and the domestic movies are booming."

For idols' films, fans naturally strongly support them. In other words, they will kill for six days.

That's the power of fans.

However, many people are not optimistic about Xiao Yunhai's Infernal Affairs. The most famous one is mo Kaixuan, who is known as the national master of Chinese film.

Mo Kaixuan is 56 years old. His father is a great director of Huaxia. Since he was 18 years old, he has been hanging out with his father on the set.

Mo Kaixuan is very good at learning and has been an actor, photographer, art director and even action director. Ten years later, with the help of his father, he directed the first film "Resurrection", which made him famous.

Since then, for 20 years in a row, he has made more than 20 films, including comedies, war films, police and bandit films, action films and so on. Almost all of them are sold well. His position in the Chinese film circle is similar to that of Zhang Yimou in his previous life.

Mo Kaixuan's rhythm and Xiao Yunhai are two extremes. He advocated that slow work leads to meticulous work. At first, a film could be made in half a year, but gradually, the efficiency became lower and lower, and finally even two years later.Since 1995, the circle said that his health was not very good, so he had been cultivating in the United States and did not continue to work.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mo Kaixuan appeared, he aimed his spearhead at Xiao Yunhai.

"After a five-year break, I just came out to do something about Infernal Affairs," he wrote on his long-standing home page. I don't know how Xiao Yunhai, a young man, did it in six days. Maybe I can only shoot a dozen scenes. It's a little too scary. "

"In my semi retirement years, Xiao Yunhai was born and made several well received films and TV series, which I have basically watched. In a word of conscience, I don't think the other works are so outstanding except Langya bang. But for a young man, to be able to do this is already a genius of genius. "

"As a forerunner in the film industry, I've seen too many talents flash away like meteors. The reason is that they are not responsible for their work, treat their own works not seriously and carelessly. I hope Xiao Yunhai will not follow their old ways. It's too sensational to kill people in six days. Can you make a good movie by doing this? Can you be worthy of those fans who like you? I think you should calm down and reflect on yourself. Don't waste the gift that God has given you. "

Mo Kaixuan, as a national teacher in the entertainment industry, has a high status and hundreds of millions of fans. In addition, the company behind him has boosted his comeback. His posts have been viewed tens of millions of times in just one hour.

Countless fans made comments in his comments section.

"Is mo Dao going to be ready to return to the world? That's great. Looking forward to your new movie. "

"For Mo's words, I think it is very reasonable. Xiao Yunhai is really a bit of a farce. It's terrible to kill a play in six days. "

"In such a short time, I just want to ask, can I watch it?"

"Film is about excellence. Every line, every action and even every look should be taken seriously. We can't muddle along. Xiao Yunhai's practice is really disappointing. "

"There is no doubt that Xiao Yunhai is a genius. But you can't play like that. I really think so. "

Not only his fans, but also many directors who are jealous of Xiao Yunhai see the national master scold Xiao Yunhai, and they all follow the banner and shout, and they are able to belittle Xiao Yunhai's film Infernal Affairs.

There are also some Mo Kaixuan brought out of the stars have also forwarded his post, however, these artists just forward, did not blatantly attack Xiao Yunhai.

I'm kidding. Who dares to offend such an international director as Xiao Yunhai.

What's more, he's still the boss of magic effects company. Even the big guys in the entertainment industry want him to be three points, let alone these artists.

Once Xiao Yunhai is hated and blocked by him, it will be miserable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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