Published at 11th of May 2022 05:52:01 AM

Chapter 654

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After communicating with Ren bridge, Xiao Yunhai said, "we have no problem showing in Asian countries."

Ye Yongren asked, "Yunhai, what about Huaxia? Which theater are you looking for? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "foreign controlled cinemas are definitely not good. We are in a competitive relationship with their films. If they are handed over to them and killed, I don't believe that they will not tamper. The relationship between Huafeng cinema and me is very poor. Baihua cinema once blocked me. It's hard to find them. So I have to go to starlight. "

Liang Hui frowned and said, "Yunhai, how did you offend so many people? You know, they all hold the lifeblood of movies? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "Huafeng cinema is because of Li Xugang's business, and Baihua cinema, I don't know why. It doesn't matter. After my theater is built, they will have nothing to do with me

"Your cinema?" Ye Yongren was surprised and said, "do you have your share in the cinema jointly built by Yu's real estate and Hu's technology?"

Although Xiao Yunhai occupies 30% of the shares, he does not go to the front desk, but all the things on the surface are handed over to Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting. So almost no one in the entertainment industry knows that Xiao Yunhai is related to the new cinema.

Xiao Yunhai found that he inadvertently let out his mouth, and simply did not hide it. He said, "yes, I hold 30% of the shares in it. Now, I owe the bank 120 billion in mortgage loans, and I'm too poor to make a fuss. I don't want to make it known all over the city, so I asked three teachers to keep it secret for me

All three nodded.

Ye Yongren looked at Xiao Yunhai with admiration on his face and sighed: "Yunhai, you are so powerful. Quietly, you already have the entire cinema line covering North America and China. In this way, you don't need to see anyone's face from the production to the release and then to the release of the film. "

Huang Qiusheng nodded and said, "I'm sorry. Although we are known as the film emperor in the circle, our status is not as high as the outsiders imagine. A lot of things are often involuntarily. Not to mention anything else, every time we shoot a film, we and the director need to accompany investors to dinner. Even if we don't want to, we have to go. Otherwise, they will not give them face. If we offend these gold owners, it will be difficult for us to mix in the circle. "

"But you are self-made, self directed, self invested, self released, and self released. No one can control you. You are really free from the shackles of the circle, and you have gained freedom and control of your own destiny. To tell you the truth, I really envy you. "

Liang Hui said: "who does not envy it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my character is too hard and I don't like to ask for help, so I try my best to buy cinemas. The main purpose is to be able to make movies freely without any restrictions. Otherwise, with my lazy nature, I would not engage in these things. A few days ago, many cinemas informed me of the shareholders' meeting, but I didn't even go there. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they don't delay my screening, then everything is OK. Because of this, the big shareholders of those cinemas are willing to sell their shares to me

Ye Yongren said: "anyway, you are now a small group of people standing at the top of the entertainment industry. In the future, the three of us will ask you to take good care of us. "

Xiao Yunhai took up his glass and said, "Mr. Ye, I blush at what you said. Let's drop everything else. Let's drink to the success of Infernal Affairs

"Well, to Infernal Affairs."

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai got his own and ye Yongren's songs from the voice of the emperor, and then left Xiangjiang with his crew.

It's seven o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Wanqing is shooting the music MV outside, so she is not at home.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunhai also has a good cooking skills, so he disguised himself and bought some things at the nearby supermarket. Then he came back to fry four dishes and had a big meal.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai found Zheng buguo, a quick clipper, and they began editing the film. Because all the pictures are in Xiao Yunhai's mind, and their work efficiency is much faster than ordinary people, Infernal Affairs was edited in just one day.

The next soundtrack was all arranged by Xiao Yunhai. The classic song "unforgettable time" in the previous life was recorded by Xiao Yunhai with a singer with the same voice as Cai Qin.

In three days, the post production of Infernal Affairs was completed.

Xiao Yunhai made a total of two versions, one is the domestic version, the other is the foreign version, the two versions are similar, I feel very good.

After finishing all the work of Infernal Affairs, he handed the film to the Audit Department of the film and television administration.

I thought it would be approved soon. But the next day, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Xiao Yuanyang and asked him to go there.

Xiao Yunhai came to the film and Television Bureau. Without knocking at the door, he walked into Xiao Yuanyang's office and said, "I said that director Xiao, do you have anything to do with me?"Xiao Yuanyang said: "it's Infernal Affairs.". It's my pleasure to tell you that you didn't pass the play. "

"Why?" Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise

Xiao Yuanyang said: "I've seen your play. Speaking of conscience, it's really good. I'm looking at a film that's both intense and exciting, absolutely good. But you can't end up killing the good guys and letting the bad guys get away with it. It's too inappropriate. It's impossible to have such an outcome tried. "

Xiao Yunhai argued: "boss, do you understand the meaning of the movie. The so-called infernal way is a hell which is always subjected to severe punishment, and is suffering all the time. If a good man dies, that's relief. Don't you see the last look in Ye Yongren's eyes? Is that envy and jealousy

Xiao Yuanyang said: "don't talk to me about these things. Anyway, I only saw that the good police died, while the bad police presided over the funeral of the good police. The film and Television Bureau can't accept this ending. All other plots are OK, but this one must be changed. There is no room for discussion. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "pity my creativity. You bureaucrats don't know anything about movies. "

Another ending of Xiao Li's story is "another one from Xiaoli. All the good and the bad are dead. This is the end of the line. "

Xiao Yuanyang pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile: "your boy's ghost mind is really not. Before that, you guessed that the movie couldn't pass, right? It's just that you have a fluke in mind, thinking that if you pass, you won't be able to use this version, will you? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. However, the first version is the best. I will broadcast it in theaters in other Asian countries. As for the second version, it will be shown in China alone

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile, "you are so smart."

He picked up the phone and called Liu Yi, the new director of the audit department, and asked him to take Xiao Yunhai's second version to review it.

The result came out very quickly and passed in two words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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