Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:59 AM

Chapter 655

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Xiao Yunhai walked out of the building of the film and Television Bureau with the film on his face.

before he got on the bus, his mobile phone rang and opened it. It was a strange number.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Yunhai."

A magnetic voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Ren Jiwen, the manager of Xingguang cinema. I wonder if you remember me

Xiao Ren, you always said, "can you forget me?"

They were polite. Ren Jiwen said, "Mr. Xiao, I don't know if you are free now. I'd like to treat you to a cup of tea."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai likes tea and doesn't like to drink coffee. He doesn't know when it spread. Later, people who asked him for tea basically asked him to have tea.

When he came to the Tea House agreed with Ren Jiwen, Xiao Yunhai saw Ren Jiwen sitting by the window.

Xiao Yunhai walked over, shook hands with him, sat down opposite him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Ren, how can you invite me to have a cup of tea?"

Ren Jiwen poured a cup for him and said, "Mr. Xiao, please come here this time to discuss whether you can give your new film Infernal Affairs to us for screening?"

Xiao Yunhai showed a certain look and said, "Mr. Ren, your news is too smart. My movie has just been approved, you found it. It seems that there are also your friends from the film and Television Bureau. "

Ren Jiwen said with a casual smile: "it's not just me. I'm afraid the other two cinemas also have their own people. If you want to grasp the opportunity first, you need some means, which is very normal. Mr. Xiao, as long as you give the movie to our starlight cinema, I can give you a rebate of 8%

"Eight percent?" "Why?" Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise

Ren Jiwen said without any concealment: "recently, it's not only our starlight, but also Baihua and Huafeng

It turns out that after Huaxia cinema was divided up by those foreigners, the three private movie theaters have been in a dilemma of having no film to play in the past month.

In the past, they could manage theaters by introducing Hollywood blockbusters, but now the major Hollywood film companies have their own cinemas. Naturally, they will not give the films to Ren Jiwen for profit.

There is no way out. The three major cinemas can only resist the massive attack of Hollywood and other countries through domestic films. Unfortunately, except for a few three or four films that have made good box office, most of them have failed.

The market share of starlight cinema, which used to account for 15%, has dropped to 6% now. The other two cinemas are no better.

Xiao Yunhai combined with the three film emperors and two film makers to shoot the Infernal Affairs. Ren Jiwen has long been interested in this film, but he didn't expect that the film would be killed so quickly.

After a short period of time, Ren's six films made me worry.

He had a very good relationship with Yu Yuexian, so he called Yu Yuexian and asked her about the film.

Yu Yuexian told him that do not believe the rumors on the Internet, "Infernal Affairs" is absolutely the classic of Chinese movies, compared with "Jingwu hero", the level of excellence is no less than.

Ren Jiwen can't help it.

He asked for Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone number from Yu Yuexian. After knowing that the film and Television Bureau had approved the approval, he immediately called Xiao Yunhai.

Ren Jiwen took a sip of tea and sighed: "Mr. Xiao, now our domestic films have reached a very dangerous situation. If we go on like this, I'm afraid there will be big problems."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the reason why I still insist on shooting Infernal Affairs when making inception is to prove to you that our domestic films can beat Hollywood blockbusters. Mr. Ren, let's sign the contract. "

Ren Jiwen said in surprise: "Mr. Xiao is willing to give the movie to our Xingguang cinema. Ren is really very grateful."

With that, he took out two signed agreements from his briefcase. Xiao Yunhai took a serious look at it, brushed it and signed his name on the back.

Xiao Yunhai handed Ren Jiwen a contract and said, "I'm going to premiere Infernal Affairs on February 16. Mr Ren, how much film layout do you plan to give me?"

Ren Jiwen said, "60 percent."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "you are cruel enough."

Starlight cinema has 5500 screens all over the country, 60% of which is 3300.

Ren Jiwen gave him so much at once, which shows that starlight cinema is really impatient.

Xiao Yunhai took out the film and handed it to Ren Jiwen, saying, "this is the master film. You can copy it now. Alas, the first version was more wonderful, but it didn't pass the approval of the film and Television Bureau. There's no way. We can only use the second version. "

Ren Jiwen was surprised and asked, "why didn't the first version pass?"Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "because the end is that the bad people live, and the good people die. Ha ha, Mr. Ren, you can have a good look when you go back. I promise you will fall in love with this film immediately after you watch it. "

The two chatted about the film promotion for a while, and then left each other.

Ren Jiwen went back to see the film immediately.

After watching it, he called Xiao Yunhai excitedly and said, "Mr. Xiao, your film is excellent. It's the most classic and unexpected movie I've ever seen. We will try our best to promote it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you, Mr. Ren."

Next, Xiao Yunhai entrusted the publicity work of the film to Hanhai, and then called Liang Hui and asked them to cooperate in publicity matters.

That night, he handed over his elaborate "Infernal Affairs" trailer to Xianyue video network. To his movie trailer, man Wenbin naturally is put on the front page most conspicuous position.

To Xiao Yunhai's delight, the trailer has just been released. In a short hour, the number of hits reached 3.2 million.

Xiao Yunhai's trailer, which only takes two minutes, selects some classic scenes, especially their rivals. Although it only gives a glimpse, it still makes the fans enjoy themselves.

"Damn it, who says Infernal Affairs is rubbish. Stand up and I'll have a look."

"The look in the eyes of the Emperor just now really electrified me."

"Liang Tianwang is so domineering that he dares to fight with the police in the police station. You've seen someone shake hands with a corpse in a funeral parlor. It's so fierce. "

"Teacher Huang Qiusheng is also very good. Liang Hui's performance is so good, but he does not fall behind. Although the match between the two is extremely short-lived, we can see that it will certainly be very wonderful. "

"I think the most classic one is the final confrontation between emperor Yun and King Ye. I don't know why, but I feel a special charm. It seems that only the cinema can understand what happened

"I'm sure this movie will be a classic, and those with black clouds can wash and sleep."

"Come on February 16th. I can't wait."

"Support domestic films, support Infernal Affairs, and the emperor of cloud will rise."

Seeing the comments of online fans, Xiao Yunhai posted a post on his homepage.

"thank you for your support for Yunhai all the time. This Infernal Affairs is the most comfortable and best movie I've ever made. The reason why it took only six days to finish the painting was not because of the poor workmanship, but because we had set up all the scenes before. For this reason, I spent more than 10 million yuan on renting these venues alone. As for the performance of the actors, I can say with no modesty that there will be five actors who can be shortlisted for the best host and supporting role of the golden cup award

"The trailer is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see the whole picture, please go to Xingguang cinema on February 16, that is, the 18th lunar month of the lunar calendar, and support our domestic movie Infernal Affairs. Thank you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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