Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:55 AM

Chapter 658

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In just a few days, fans in the United States have known that Chen Zhen, the hero of martial arts, has shot the top work of a game of wits film Infernal Affairs.

After seeing the trailer of Infernal Affairs, they all appreciated it very much and left messages on the forum one after another.

"I didn't expect that Kung Fu Xiao would be so good at shooting literary operas. Look at that look in the eyes, I feel sad, desperate, and I can't believe it. Damn it, it's absolutely amazing."

"After watching the trailer, I think Infernal Affairs will be popular. Have you found that the actors in it are very good and explosive, not worse than those big stars in Hollywood

"Guys, I have a hunch that Infernal Affairs will be as popular in Europe and America as" hero of the best. "

"Kung Fu Xiao is my idol. Anyway, I must go to see it."

in order to promote Infernal Affairs, Xiao Yunhai, with the help of Kerry, participated in an interview program to introduce the shooting process of the film.

When people learned that Infernal Affairs only took six days to complete the whole scene, the whole scene was in an uproar, and the audience in front of the TV were also surprised.

What kind of movie can you make in six days? This is what everyone wants to know.

"When we learned that Kung Fu Xiao's Infernal Affairs only took six days to complete, everyone felt a little bit incredible," lottes, a director of the American film censorship Association, told the media. This is incredible. I can assure you with my personality that Infernal Affairs is one of the best films I've ever reviewed. The plot and story of Infernal Affairs are unexpected, and they are very exciting from the beginning to the end, and the ending is wonderful. If Infernal Affairs applies for next year's Academy Awards, it can be shortlisted for at least four awards

Even loters himself did not know how much uproar his words caused in the United States, and those who were still hesitating expressed on the forum that they would go to the cinema to see Infernal Affairs.

However, the opponents of Infernal Affairs are also very powerful.

There are 12 movies released in the same period with Infernal Affairs. The most influential films are the historical film Caesar of Warner Brothers, the action film of United American film company, the magic blockbuster of universal film company, and the cartoon jungle adventures produced by Disney film company.

Although they are better than Infernal Affairs by virtue of their home court advantage, Infernal Affairs is no worse than the other four films in terms of its influence in America.

If you want to win or lose, you can only rely on the quality of the film.

Xiao Yunhai is very confident in this.

Just when Infernal Affairs was in full swing in the United States of America, with the painstaking efforts of Liang Hui, Huang Qiusheng and ye Yongren, all the women and children in China were well aware of the hype.

In general, the three people rarely appear in variety shows, but this time, for the sake of Infernal Affairs, they even went on "literary life" and "jiangqin Club guest room", which reached 12% and 11% ratings respectively.

Huang Bo, Lin Hui and other young people went to mango station's happy Sunday. A short program made Huang Bo a propaganda Conference for Infernal Affairs.

No matter what you say, he can always bring you to the movies.

There are a number of people. The name Infernal Affairs was said 36 times by Huang Bo during the program.

No wonder he Feng said on his home page: "neck is indeed the brother of emperor Yun. He has learned the skill of gag with great skill. He has the potential to surpass the blue. I just want to ask, neck, are you in the wrong position and regard "Happy Sunday" as the release of Infernal Affairs. "

After everyone's efforts to promote, Infernal Affairs has become the most anticipated film in the Chinese Spring Festival, and countless fans are waiting for its release.

At one o'clock in the morning of February 14, an important news was released on the home page of all the creators of Infernal Affairs, which once again set off the publicity climax of Infernal Affairs.

According to the agreement between Xiao Yunhai and Southeast Asian cinema, Infernal Affairs premiered at 8:00 p.m. on February 12.

Thanks to the influence of stars such as Xiao Yunhai, ye Yongren, Liang Hui and other stars in Asian countries, the average attendance rate of the cinema reached 55% on that night. After three consecutive shows, it was converted into Chinese currency, and it won 56 million box office tickets. The results were not bad, and the word-of-mouth was even more popular.

All the fans who have seen Infernal Affairs have commented on the Internet after they go home, and more than 95% of them have been praised.

The scores of Infernal Affairs are not lower than nine on the film review websites of South Korea, Japan, Thailand and other countries.

Korea's 320000 fans scored 9.42 points, followed by Japan, with 450000 fans giving 9.38 points.

On the major forums, there are posts from fans who have already seen the movie. Without exception, almost all of them recommend that you go to the cinema to see Infernal Affairs.In such a high word-of-mouth effect, "Infernal Affairs" box office broke out on February 13.

From the morning to midnight, "Infernal Affairs" has been screened for 12 consecutive shows, almost full and cheering.

Southeast Asia cinema saw this form, and immediately adjusted the film layout that afternoon, adding 500 screens to Infernal Affairs, which still fell short of demand.

Infernal Affairs is popular in Asia, and it's a big fire.

Throughout the day, the attendance rate of Infernal Affairs was more than 95%, and the box office performance exceeded 420 million Chinese dollars, causing a huge sensation in Asia.

After Xiao Yunhai learned about Infernal Affairs from Ren Qiaoqiao, he did not care whether Huaxia was in the early hours of the morning. He directly called Zhao Wanqing and asked her to tell each of the main creators of the production team that Infernal Affairs had spread all over Asia to his home page for publicity and use.

Zhao Wanqing had already finished her album at this time. During the day, she went to three cities and participated in three publicity conferences of Infernal Affairs. She was very tired. After hearing the news, she immediately became full of energy.

"Honey, you're not kidding me. Infernal Affairs made 420 million box office hits in Asia in one day, which is incredible

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I just got the news from general manager Ren. How can it be false. If you don't believe it, you can now open the homepage of Southeast Asia cinema. I think the relevant information should have been sent out. "

Zhao Wanqing said happily, "great. I'll go online to make sure again, and then I'll call you. With the good news, I don't think I'll go to sleep tonight , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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