Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:53 AM

Chapter 659

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Zhao Wanqing turned on her computer and looked at the official website of Southeast Asia cinema. As expected, the box office of Infernal Affairs broke 420 million Chinese dollars.

Zhao Wanqing immediately called Liang Hui, ye Yongren, Huang Qiusheng and Huang Bo.

In just 15 minutes, all the main creators of the home page on the "Infernal Affairs" hot post all over Asia.

The next day, newspapers and magazines that were closely related to the entertainment industry reported that Infernal Affairs had sold 420 million box offices, and the Internet was in a terrible mess.

All the major portals and famous forums have joined hands, and even the Ministry of culture reprinted this message in the most prominent position on the home page.

I can't help it. In the past month or so, Chinese domestic films have been defeated by foreign films, and the Ministry of culture is under great pressure.

Now it is not easy to see the domestic movie Infernal Affairs which is popular in Asia. Naturally, Cao Huaqian should vigorously promote it.

The success of Infernal Affairs in Asian countries has made Chinese fans look forward to it. Besides, they have come to Xiao Yunhai's home page to set up teachers and investigate crimes.

"Emperor Yun, you didn't do it properly. Infernal Affairs is our film. How can it be released in other countries first

"Yunhuang, Infernal Affairs is coming out quickly. I can't wait."

"It's my heart to know that fans from other countries have seen our films first."

"We protest that Infernal Affairs should be released in China first."

"That's right. The cloud emperor comes out to apologize. If the premiere day is mentioned tonight, we will forgive you."

When Xiao Yunhai saw the messages from his fans, he gave a smile and replied on his home page: "I am really full of warmth when I see all the criticisms and criticisms from everyone. Thank you for your support and love for me for a long time. Thank you for your expectation of Infernal Affairs. "

"The reason why I chose to release on February 12 in Southeast Asian theaters was that there was no way. They don't have the right schedule. Before that, Southeast Asia cinema had signed a contract with Caesar, which premiered on February 20, with a film layout of no less than 45%. It can be imagined that if I premiere on the 16th, even if the results are good, the film layout can not meet my requirements. Therefore, I can only show it in Asian countries a few days in advance. I also ask my brothers and sisters to understand

Xiao Yunhai's reply has been forgiven and recognized by netizens, and a no small storm has just passed.

Infernal Affairs continues to rage in Asian countries after it won 420 million box office on February 13.

On February 14, the box office hit a new high of 460 million.

On February 15, the box office fell slightly, but still reached 410 million.

In three days, the box office of 1.34 billion yuan was ranked first in all Asian countries. The results of Infernal Affairs gave the Chinese film circle a boost and gave filmmakers hope.

Wu Zixu, a big director, said in an interview: "after" Jingwu hero ", Yunhai once again used a classic Xiangjiang police and bandit film Infernal Affairs to prove to you that as long as we dare to innovate, even if it is a theme that is not favored, it can still spread all over the world. I have received an invitation from Infernal Affairs. On February 16, I will go to Xingguang cinema to study Infernal Affairs seriously. "

"The future of Chinese movies is like" no worry about the future of Chinese movies. ". Come on, Infernal Affairs and domestic movies. "

At this moment, countless Chinese filmmakers united and cheered for Infernal Affairs in their own ways, calling on their fans to go to the cinema to support Infernal Affairs and domestic films.

The Ministry of culture once again released the good news on its website, and even the news broadcast took two minutes to broadcast the event of fans from all over the world queuing up to buy tickets for Infernal Affairs.

At the same time, the home page of the Ministry of culture also announced that Minister Cao Huaqian would go to Xingguang cinema to watch Infernal Affairs in person. The support was so strong that all film and television companies were red eyed.

No way, who can't make a good-looking domestic film.

In the courtyard, Xiao Leshan smiles after watching the news broadcast.

"Changfeng, you have a good son. Last time's "Jingwu hero" and this time's "Infernal Affairs" have been on the news broadcast twice in a row. This has never happened in the Chinese film and television circle. Even if it was mo Kaixuan in those years, it was only once. "

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile: "I didn't expect that this boy could do this. When I was a child, I didn't see what talent he had in this respect."

Since the misunderstanding was removed, Xiao Qifeng changed his name back to Xiao Changfeng and lived with Chen Wanzhu in a courtyard to take care of Xiao Leshan.

After all, father and son have not seen each other for more than 20 years, so we should get close to each other.After the winter vacation, Xiao Yunling also stayed in.

This Spring Festival, the family is ready to accompany xiaoleshan.

In this regard, Xiao Leshan was naturally happy.

Although Xiao Leshan was once the head of the government, he was very lonely in his heart.

Staying in this courtyard all day, if you want to go out for a walk, there will be countless people following behind, not free at all.

When his relatives came to see him, they were all respectful and attentive, for fear of upsetting him.

However, the more careful they were, the more irritated Xiao Leshan was. Finally, Xiao Leshan directly told everyone not to come when they were all right, so as not to be upset.

Now, after Xiao Yunhai's family came in, his son Xiao Changfeng accompanied him for a walk and chess every day. His daughter-in-law, Chen Wanzhu, was in charge of cooking and cooking. His granddaughter Xiao Yunling was also very close to him and did not regard him as a leader at all.

Sometimes Xiao Leshan makes her unhappy, and Xiao Yunling will be angry with him. He doesn't even call his grandfather. He calls him an old man directly, which makes Xiao Chang's style not light.

However, Xiao Leshan enjoyed it. He did not think that it was the first time that he felt the warmth of his family since he retired more than ten years ago.

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "this shows that Yunhai was born to eat this bowl of rice. Changfeng, I heard that Yunhai and some friends are building a movie theater together? "

Xiao Changfeng was stunned and said, "do you have any? I don't know. He never tells me what he does. Dad, is there anything wrong with this? "

Xiao Leshan waved his hand and said, "that's not true. On the contrary, it's a good thing, but his identity is a little special. Your elder brother is in charge of the cultural industry, and he approved the construction of cinemas, so Yunhai can't have any problems in terms of funds, otherwise, we Xiaos will abuse their power for personal gain. "

Chen Xiuzhu handed him a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Dad, don't worry. On the surface, Yunhai is always an unruly boy. In fact, he is very proud of himself. He will never do whatever he wants outside under the banner of the Xiao family. "

Xiao Leshan said, "I know. With its own efforts, Yunhai has created such an industry. Among the young generation, its talent, heart and ability are beyond the right. But the entertainment and business circles are too complicated. Sometimes something goes wrong and you don't even know what you're doing. So you should always remind him not to be fooled by others. "

Xiao Changfeng nodded and said, "Dad, you are right. I'll talk to him when he comes back , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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