Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:06 AM

Chapter 66

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At this time, Huang Bo as a passer-by appeared, Xiao Yunhai rushed to avoid the cart.

As he walked, Huang Bo called: "daughter-in-law, I'll be home soon. Don't worry..."

At this time, he saw Zhang Ya in front of him and said, "wait a minute. I saw an old lady fall down on the main road, and no one came to help him. How can the current social atmosphere become like this? No one cares, I care!"

Huang Bo talked about me in two words and won the applause of the audience.

Who knows Huang Bo's next sentence, let everybody all stupefied.

"Don't move, ma'am. Let's take a picture. I immediately send a message on the Internet to condemn this kind of behavior, let everyone turn to comment, daughter-in-law, remember to give me some praise. Oh, the old lady fell, and she was miserable "

Huang Bo shook his head and sighed, and walked away in a graceful and unrestrained way.


"ha ha ha."

"Shit, this guy is so shameless."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "uncle, who is this? I think it's very good to act in comedy, and I'm also very good at lines

Yao Wenyuan said: "his name is Huang Bo. He has a very good relationship with Yunhai, and his achievements are also in the forefront."

Xiao Yunhai looked at Huang Bo's back as he left, and started to wave his teeth and claws at him. He said, "miserable, you don't help me!"

Xiao Yunhai ran to help Zhang Ya up. They were confused again. Cheers, applause and laughter made the whole Party explode.

The real explosive point is Huang Bo's second appearance.

The old lady always thought that Xiao Yunhai was the one who hit him. Xiao Yunhai couldn't help but saw the passer-by played by Huang Bo riding a bicycle.

Xiao Yunhai rushed to stop him: "ah, big brother."

Huang Bo stopped and said, "what's the matter? Young man. "

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Zhang Ya sitting on the ground and said, "there is an old lady here."

Huang Bo's face changed greatly when he heard it. Without saying a word, he mounted his bicycle and ran away.

That kind of panic like seeing a ghost was interpreted by Huang Bo.


"ha ha ha."

"This guy is so funny."

Huang Bo turned his head and made a gesture for Xiao Yunhai to come over. He asked softly, "Alas! You hit it? "

Xiao Yunhai hastily explained: "really not ah."

Huang Bo said anxiously, "run! I helped three. "

"What's the result?" Xiao Yunhai asked

Huang Bo, with a bitter face, sighed, "I'll tell you so. I used to drive a gallop!"

"Ha ha ha."

"It's a big drive. Now it's a bicycle. It's pathetic."

"It's a wonderful sketch."

The audience laughed and some even cried.

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath, turned to Zhang Ya and said, "aunt, I'd like to briefly introduce the situation in my family. Well, let's say that, thieves come to my house with tears in their eyes, and they have to throw two bags of rice for me on New Year's festivals... "

" ha ha, no, I can't laugh any more. "

"That's funny. What I saw before is just a scum. "

"How poor is that? Even the thief left with tears in his eyes."

Although Zhao Wanqing has seen this sketch, she still can't stand the burden inside and giggles.

Xia Xiaohu saw Zhao Wanqing's smiling face and resented Xiao Yunhai.

In the heart of xiaoyuexian, it's too early to laugh

The sketch is still going on, and the audience's laughter is getting bigger and bigger. Originally, it is not a place of burden. With the wonderful performance of Xiao Yunhai and Zhang Ya, the audience also laughed.

Listening to Xiao Yunhai's chattering story telling, Zhang Ya couldn't help but say, "it's too grinding! Help you if you want, or leave if you don't. make room for good people! I'll take it as if you didn't hit me. All right, you go, go, go, run away

Xiao Yunhai pleaded: "how can I escape? If we keep talking like this, can we play together in the future? "

Zhang Ya said, "are you going or not?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I won't go! If I leave, I'll be a fugitive. "

Zhang Ya said in a hurry: "you don't leave, do you? Well, I'll go

Zhang Ya was lying on the ground, crawling forward, which caused another laugh under the stage.

Looking at Zhang Ya's appearance, Xiao Yunhai said, "I said, aunt, you are going to blow up the blockhouse there. How can you not understand it? I'm like that Mr. Dongguo now. After that, I saved the wolf. Later, the wolf will eat me. So you say that wolf Isn't it rude? "

Zhang Ya suddenly realized that she pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "I just understand. You put that on the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree. My old lady has been lying here for a long time. Do you think I'm living? Who is the snake, who is the dog, who is the wolf? You hit me. Even if you say you're sorry, you not only don't apologize, but also bite me back. I tell you, oh, you don't want to leave today. "Zhang Ya stood up slowly, learned the old people's walking posture, walked to the bicycle, and said, "this is the evidence. Today, I'm going out of my life to fight against this kind of bad social phenomenon."

As she spoke, she moved Hao Jian's bicycle.

Xiao Yunhai said in surprise, "no, how did you move past?"

Zhang Ya was also stunned: "huh?"

Xiao Yunhai said with surprise and joy, "no, auntie, you're OK!"

Zhang Ya pursed her lips and said, "me? I'm so angry with you

With an innocent look, Xiao Yunhai said, "ah! This irritating person can also cure a disease. Then I am Qigong

"Ha ha ha."

Yao Wenyuan shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Qigong is here. Thanks to his imagination."

Zhang Ya said, "I have to find someone to judge me today. Come on, come on..."

With the sound of an alarm, Huang Bo as the police appeared.

Huang Bo saluted Zhang Ya and asked, "what's the situation, aunt?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at it, his face showed a trace of panic, his eyes turned, he fell on the ground, and then convulsed.

The audience was stunned, and then the biggest clapping of the party began to ring, and everyone laughed crazy.

"Ha ha ha."

"It's so funny."

"This turning point is just amazing"

Yu Yuexian smiles and wipes tears.

Zhao Wanqing couldn't stand it either. She held each other with a female classmate and bent over with a smile.

Even Xia Xiaohu, who has been watching coldly, laughs and finds out that it is not right, and immediately tries to resist the face under the board.

Zhang Ya dropped out of the car, clenched the hands of the police officer, and said with dim tears, "help! Just now, he was... "

Zhang Ya turned around and found Xiao Yunhai was convulsing on the ground. She said angrily and anxiously," why did you fall down? He... "

Huang Bo inspected the scene carefully and said to Zhang Ya, "Auntie, you are riding too fast! The rim is like this. Are you racing? "

"Ha ha ha."

"This scene is really like a aunt hit."

"Cycling or racing? What do you think? "

Zhang Ya was incoherent and didn't know what to say: "I... i..."

Huang Bo said, "you see, you hit people."

Zhang Ya explained: "I didn't hit him."

With a positive tone, Huang Bo said, "Auntie, the car is lying here. The scene of the accident is too clear."

"That's not my bike," she said

Xiao Yunhai took the message and said, "you didn't pedal your wife's bicycle so fast. I delayed your take-off!"

"Ha ha ha."

"It's too much of an exaggeration to delay taking off."

Huang Bo was afraid that Zhang Ya was in a hurry and said to her, "don't be excited, aunt. I'll deal with it. Come and come. Oh, comrade, it's not broken. Does it hurt? "

Xiao Yunhai cried out in a loud voice: "I, my elbow, my corrugated cover, my waist plate."

"All broken?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Xiao Yunhai's words made the scene explode again.

"Ha ha ha, this is the old lady's word in front of me. He used it first."

"This sketch is so interesting. The packages are more funny than the others. It's great."

Huang Bo rolled his eyes and said, "don't use the exclusion method now. It's OK. Let's see if we can take a walk? "

while howling, Xiao Yunhai said," we should be able to walk, but we must also follow the schedule. "

There was another frenzy of laughter under the stage.

Zhang Ya pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "why did you still follow the watch?"

When Xiao Yunhai saw the car, he showed a look of panic and said, "ah, the rims are all like that. It's been a long time. I came from there. Can I rescue it? Look at this, I can fly out of 10 meters

Zhang Ya was very anxious: "where did you fly 10 meters?"

Xiao Yunhai patted the ground and said, "then I fly a few meters. Now, I still compare the three meters and two meters of zhener with me. Is it meaningful?"

Zhang Ya said, "what he said is all my words."

Xiao Yunhai lay on the ground and said in a soft voice, "this thing is who says it is."

Two people each said, the following is a laugh, some teachers are laughing straight waist.

Huang Bo bent down to get Xiao Yunhai, and said, "Hey, comrade, I'll help you up first. Come here. Ah, this Don't you run after that boy? "

Xiao Yunhai turned to his feet, pointed to Huang Bo and said happily, "deal with my accident, that traffic policeman!"Zhang Ya said in one side: "it's over, they still know each other!"

Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo said the matter, Zhang Ya also remembered the process of his fall.

Xiao Yunhai patted his thigh and said, "the truth is finally revealed. I'm sorry, aunt. Don't be angry with me. I didn't mean to be angry with you just now. I have no choice but to play it all over for you."

Zhang Ya took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "my child, my aunt misunderstood you so much. You didn't leave. You have to help your aunt. Good job."

Huang Bo also gives Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said the most important sentence of the whole sketch.

"Auntie, if we don't help this person, won't people fall? If people's hearts fall down, we can't help them any more... "

"Well said."


All the teachers and students on the stage cheered up Xiao Yunhai's words. Even Yao Wenyuan, Xiao's teacher, nodded and clapped for the first time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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