Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:52 AM

Chapter 660

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At this time, Xiao Yunling ran in from the yard and asked, "Grandpa, Dad, mom, who are you going to see the big brother's new movie? Wan Qing said that she could leave me five tickets and introduce many big stars to me. God, I'm so excited. "

Looking at Xiao Yunling, who was full of excitement, Xiao Leshan laughed and said, "ling'er, are you going to pursue the stars?"

Xiao Yunling said: "of course. My favorite king of heaven, ye Yongren, is there, and there will be many other stars that day. I must get all their signatures

Xiao Leshan asked, "aren't your big brother and sister-in-law the big stars of China? Why don't you go after it? "

Xiao Yunling made a cut and said, "I'm so familiar with them that I don't have any freshness. What's the point of chasing them? Come on, are you going? "

Chen Xiuzhu joked: "you'd better take your own one. We won't do your headlight. "

Xiao Yunling's face turned red when he heard it. He pinched his face and said, "Mom, did the elder brother tell you?"

Chen Xiuzhu said: "yes, so what."

Xiao Yunling stomped his feet and gnashed his teeth and said, "I told him not to tell you. Hum, his words are not true. I can't spare him."

Chen Xiuzhu chuckled and said, "your elder brother has said a lot of good things about Xiao Zhang to me. If you go to trouble with him because of this, isn't it appropriate?"

Xiao Yunling said happily, "so you agree with me and Zhang Yuan?"

"Beautiful to think." Xiao Changfeng pulled his face and said, "how old are you? You are going to fall in love with someone. How unreasonable."

Xiao Yunling snorted and said, "elder brother liked Liang Qianqian when he was in high school. I'm three or four years later than him, OK? What's more, when my elder brother and sister Wanqing were in college, wasn't they? Hum, otherwise, where will he go to find a beautiful and gentle wife like Wan Qing? "


Chen Xiuzhu pulled the sleeve of laxiao Changfeng, shook her head, and said, "ling'er, when can you bring it out for us to meet?"

Xiao Yunling's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Mom, you don't want to break us up, do you? I'll tell you first, brother and sister Wanqing see him very good, and Zhang Yuan is now helping my brother do 3D special effects technology. Once he succeeds, he will be a multimillionaire and won't starve me. "

Chen Xiuzhu rolled her eyes and said, "your brother is now a billionaire. Can you make your little sister hungry. I just wanted to see what he was like? As long as he is loyal, responsible and painful, I will not object to your association. "

Xiao Yunling said: "great, thank you, mom. I'll take Zhang Yuan with me when I have a chance. I don't want to tell you. I went to invite my classmates to the cinema. "

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "ling'er is such a lovely child."

At 3 p.m. on February 16, Zhao Wanqing, Liang Hui, ye Yongren and Huang Qiusheng arrived at Yanjing International Airport, and Xiao Yunhai's plane arrived immediately.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai did not intend to attend the premiere of Infernal Affairs in China.

But Cao Huaqian, Minister of culture, is coming. If Xiao Yunhai, the director, is not present, it will be inappropriate.

So, after getting Zhao Wanqing's phone call, Xiao Yunhai dealt with the affairs in the United States as quickly as possible, and then rushed back.

At ten past three, Xiao Yunhai came out of the airport.

Li Bing and Sima Qian rushed to meet him, took the luggage from his hand, and took him to the car.

Seeing that everyone was inside, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how come all the teachers are here? It makes me a little flattered. "

Liang Hui said with a smile: "it's OK to stay in the hotel. It's OK to come out and have a look. Cloud sea, how about America? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no problem. Because of the time difference, they showed six hours later than us. It's hard for teachers these days. I'm sorry to hear that you've been to many cities. "

Huang Qiusheng joked: "then prepare a big red envelope for us. When I wake up for three hundred million times in Asia, I have no time to sleep

"Infernal Affairs" can bring us at least 2.5 billion box office in Asian countries, let alone Huaxia. Our play has become a key film recommended by the Ministry of culture. Not only did it appear in the news broadcast, but also the Minister of culture came to the cinema to provide us with the platform. With the help of other directors and stars, with such momentum, maybe Infernal Affairs will create a miracle in China. Only the North American courtyard line is hard to say. What I fear most is acclimatization. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this point, teacher Ye is at ease. There is no problem in understanding our film. After these days of publicity, "Infernal Affairs" has had a strong influence in the United States, MGM, Warner, universal, paramount, Disneyland five major lines gave us a total of 5600 screens. If the attendance rate is good, the number of screens will rise sharply, enough for us to use. Hehe, in order to make Infernal Affairs a success in North America, I invested 120 million dollars in publicity expenses alone. ""120 million dollars?" Liang Hui said with a surprised face: "you are really cruel enough."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I can't give up the children. I can't find the wolf."

"How much do you think the box office in North America can make?" Huang asked

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "my bottom line is 1.5 billion dollars."

Ye Yongren punched him in the palm of his hand and said, "OK, it's another Jingwu hero."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there are better ones. I'm going to apply for next year's Oscars with this movie. There must be no problem in the shortlist. As for the award, ha ha, maybe, among the four of us, there may be a best leading actor or best supporting actor. "

Liang Hui shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "it's very difficult. Lao ye and I have been shortlisted for the best actor Oscar, but the results are very disappointing. It's ok if you're not good at skills. But I've heard a Chinese friend say that the Oscars are biased against Chinese actors from the bottom of their hearts. It's basically impossible to beat those European and American actors. "

"I've heard about it, too, unless we're naturalized as Americans," he sighed

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "in order to break the cup, I sold my motherland. I'm kidding. I look down on such a person most. "

Several people nodded at the same time.

Zhao Wanqing said, "well, this topic is too heavy. Let's discuss how to welcome those guests. I have been informed that a lot of people will come today. "

Xiao Yunhai had expected this situation for a long time.

Cao Huaqian, Minister of culture, came to watch the film in person. The other leaders of the Ministry of culture, the leaders of the film and Television Bureau and the bosses of the film and television companies must come to accompany them. Whether you are willing or not, you must arrive, otherwise, you are not in the same line with the leaders, and the consequences can be imagined.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how did we prepare?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "the carpet show must be held. In order to save time, several stars will come together. We will meet them on the other side of the carpet. Who knows who goes on. If you don't know, husband, you're the only director. "

"Our premiere hall is super large and can accommodate 400 people at the same time, so there will be no problem. After watching the film, you must not forget to invite Minister Cao Huaqian to speak. Nothing else. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, I understand." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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