Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:49 AM

Chapter 662

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Xiao Yunhai finished, bowed and sat down in the area of the creators of Infernal Affairs.

At this time, the film officially began.

The first scene is the gangland boss Han Chen worship Buddha, let a group of young people to the police there to do undercover.

Liang Hui held a glass of wine and said in high spirits: "well, I wish you all the best in the police department! Cheers, officers!

Just this first scene makes people's eyes no longer move away from the screen.

Hong tianchio said softly: "the original police bandit film was that the police went to the underworld to do undercover work, but" Infernal Affairs "actually did the opposite. The underworld sent people to the police to do undercover work. Oh, good idea. "

Wu Zixu shook his head and said, "I checked the Buddhist scriptures. Infernal Affairs actually means that life is not like death. It should not be as simple as the old-fashioned undercover game."

Sure enough, to the second scene, Xiao Yunhai's Chen Yongren is arranged by Huang Qiusheng to work undercover in the underworld.

With the help of the police, Xiao Yunhai became the backbone of Han Chen's staff, while ye Yongren, with the information provided by the underworld, went straight to the top of the police force.

In just five minutes, everyone understood that it was a double undercover play. Next, it must be Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren.

Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren played against each other in the sound shop soon.

As if it was a fateful encounter, the two stood face-to-face for the first time.

The plot is very simple. Ye Yongren buys a loudspeaker. Xiao Yunhai helps the boss watch the stall in the video shop and sells one to him.

If put in other movies, such a plot is very ordinary, we will not feel how.

In the movie, there is a sense of being mixed up by the police and the fake.

Especially when the song "forgotten time" sung by Cai Qin in the previous life was broadcast, the whole picture suddenly showed a kind of inexplicable sadness, as if it set a tune for the film.

Mr. Wang Yifu's five-star comment was very successful. An ordinary play code actually gives people a sense of tension and stimulation, which is very powerful. "

The picture turns to the rooftop.

Huang Qiusheng, wearing a pair of sunglasses, angrily cursed Xiao Yunhai: "you have deliberately hurt people for several times. I tried my best to tell the Department of justice that you have psychological problems. I want you to see a psychologist, but you still beat people everywhere? Are you really psychopathic? Have you forgotten whether you are good or bad

Xiao Yunhai tit for tat said: "clearly said good is three years, but three years later and three years, three years later, almost ten years old boss!"

This short line came out of Xiao Yunhai's mouth. With his sad and angry eyes, the audience suddenly felt a sense of desolation.

It's not easy to be undercover.

Huang Qiusheng said angrily, "can you treat me better? Now I'm the only one in Hong Kong who knows your identity. I'll go back and delete your information. I don't need to be bothered if you are a fool all your life. "

Xiao Yunhai said angrily, "what do you think of me? I remind myself that I am a policeman every day. Even when I dream, I say, "put down the gun, I am a policeman!" Is that so? "

Hearing his words, the audience sighed again.

Chen Qingqing shook his head and said, "the script is really wonderful. There is no nonsense in the lines."

Huang Peiqi, the film emperor, said: "the acting skills of both of them are superb. No matter it is the movement, the manner is appropriate, easy to handle. Mr. Huang Qiusheng is an old movie emperor. I don't think it's strange that he has such ability. But Yunhai has only been acting for a few years, and it has made such progress, which really makes me feel a little incredible. You see, his eyes are so sharp that they seem to be able to speak and convey all the emotions they want to express to the audience. Few people in China can do this. "

Chen Qingqing sighed, "this is a real genius."

In the movie, Mr. Ye's funeral, Xiao Yunhai looks serious and hides in an alley to salute the funeral cart.

Looking at his lonely voice, sad eyes and his face full of vicissitudes of life, some of the audience with low tear points cried out.

"This police undercover is so pathetic that he can only hide secretly at the last step of seeing off his colleagues."

"There is no way. If the emperor wants to live, he can only hide his feelings deeply. Otherwise, waiting for him is a death. "

"I felt a sense of sadness and firmness from a simple salute. The cloud emperor is so powerful. "

"Good, absolutely good. No wonder it's so successful that it can spread all over Asia

On the other side, in the police station, ye Yongren dressed as a lawyer and entered the interrogation room of the gangsters.

Gangster smoking, a face proud said: "the lawyer did not come, I will not say anything."

Ye Yongren said: "I'm Lawyer Liu. Did you call home?"The gangster frowned and asked, "why fight back?"

Ye Yongren said: "no, it's good. Where did you go from 3:45 to 5:00 last Friday afternoon? "

After that, ye Yongren said in a low voice: "brother Mao wants me to ask if you have anything to help you with at home? You don't have to look around. Lawyers are here. They can't video. It's useless. "

"Brother Mao asked you to come

Ye Yongren, with a look of love and disbelief, said: "yesterday, your two subordinates gave us the location. Brother Mao asked me to tell you not to talk nonsense. But your brother is there. Let him know and tell him to go first. "

The gangster looked at Ye Yongren for a moment and pressed the number in his phone.

Ye Yongren's face showed a trace of satisfaction, fleeting: "how?"

The gangster turned to him and said in a pun, "go. Come on, let's go. Do you hear me

Ye Yongren shrugged and said, "OK, I'll go. Since you don't believe it, that's all. Oh, by the way, don't talk until the lawyer comes. "

Gangster cut a, way: "still use you to teach me."

After this scene appeared, the fans in the projection hall were in a commotion.

"Damn it, ye Tianwang is so handsome. I'll just get rid of that gangster."

"Good. Ye Tianwang has played a new height with his cool skills. "

"Ye Tianwang's acting skills are excellent."

In the studio, ye Yongren's face showed a smile, obviously very satisfied with his performance just now.

Huang Qiusheng touched his arm and said, "Lao ye, in other movies, you are acting handsome. And in this movie, you are so handsome. "

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "it's not thanks to the script of Yunhai."

After finishing the gangster, ye Yongren returned to the office with a face of excitement, and found out the gangster's factory with the mobile phone signal.

Zhang Liping, who played another undercover big B, handed him a cup of coffee and said, "I have two sons. By the way, how do you know that the factory is a Mao's?"

Ye Yongren's face did not change, but his pupils in his eyes suddenly contracted. The atmosphere in the film was tense, and the audience also cluttered for a moment, thinking about ye Yongren's answer.

At this time, a phone call just came in and saved Ye Yongren. The fans let out a collective breath.

Oh, no, Liu Jianmin is clearly a bad man. How can I seem to be afraid that he will be caught. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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