Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:37 AM

Chapter 669

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At 3:00 p.m. on February 19, Xiao Yunhai and many stars took a special plane under Yu Yuexian's bag and flew to Bali.

Tomorrow is the day of Yu Yuexian's wedding. As her best friend, Zhao Wanqing held an album conference in Shanghai in the morning, so she rushed over.

Bali belongs to the tropical island type climate. It is hot all the year round. Xiao Yunhai just came out of the airport and felt a rush of hot air. There was at least 25 degrees above here.

The weather is very good, but we all wear too much, which makes us feel uncomfortable.

A large tourist car has been waiting outside the airport. Xiao Yunhai is the last one to go in. He sees Zhao Wanqing standing in the car with a smile.

Huang Peiqi beside him said with a smile: "Yunhai, your family leader is here. Don't hurry to come to see you."

Xiao Yunhai was as good as a stream and said: "I will obey the emperor's will. I'd like to say hello to empress Zhen Huan. I wish you happiness and youth forever. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Liang Hui, ye Yongren, Deng Yue and others immediately began to roar.

Zhao Wanqing did not have any stage fright and said, "I'm free of etiquette. For the sake of Xiaohaizi's ability to speak, please give him a hundred boards. "

"Ha ha ha."

Liang Hui said with a smile: "Xiaohaizi, well, this name is good."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "it's over. I'll be famous once it's destroyed."

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK, sit down quickly. I am the service staff sent by the bride. I take everyone to the hotel for dinner and rest. Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, gather on the second floor for a nutritious breakfast, and then take the bus to the Aji hotel for the wedding. Do you have any different opinions? "

If you don't want to be a good star, you can be a good guide

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "Mr. Huang, stop. I can't give up such a beautiful daughter-in-law. "

"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing's face turned red. She sat down beside Xiao Yunhai and twisted the soft meat in his waist.

Xiao Yunhai endured the pain and leaned to her ear and said softly, "wife, if you want to screw again, I can't help crying. Then they'll laugh at us even more. "

After hearing these words, Zhao Wanqing said in front of you

Xiao Yunhai even busy way: "guarantee not to say a word."

Zhao Wanqing moved her hand away and said, "I'll trust you this time. Next time, I'll see if I can spare you."

Deng Yue, who had been listening attentively, said with a smile: "fourth, you are so pitiful that you are so oppressed by Ruoxi. Can you show me a little bit of Yongzheng style? "

Xiao Yunhai cut a, disdainful said: "our elder brother don't say second brother, you are still obedient in front of Princess Hua. Right? Sister Zhang. "

Zhang Xinyi said with a smile: "how dare I manage him?"

"Come on." Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing, "wife, tell you a truth. All the women who save face for her husband outside must be the first to go home. The more Zhang said that, the less status Lao shisan was. This is an agreement between the two, understand? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said with a smile, "I understand."

Deng Yue retorted: "it seems that old four is very experienced."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I have no experience. All Chinese people know that Wan Qing is my leader, and she has the final say in her family. Unlike some people, they are obviously second in command, but for the sake of face, they engage in those empty headed and eight brained things, and even have no courage to admit. Oh, it's a pity. "

Deng Yue said: "it's wrong. I'm more unjust than Dou E. How can I become a second in command at home? I'm a third. You don't know there's a cat at home


Hearing Deng Yue's words, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai raised his thumb and said, "I took you."

Half an hour later, people came to a very luxurious five-star hotel, arranged rooms, Zhao Wanqing took everyone downstairs to have a buffet.

The older artists went out for a walk in twos and threes, while young people such as Xiao Yunhai and Deng Yue went for a stroll together and bought many special items.

The wedding ceremony between Yu Yuexian and man Wenbin was very grand.

Most of the guests invited by Yu Yuexian are artists in the circle. There are more than 30 directors, actors and singers above the front line. Man Wenbin invited many students and business partners, of which foreigners accounted for the majority.

Lunch is the form of buffet. There are all kinds of Chinese and Western food. The guests get together in twos and threes, eating and chatting with each other.

Yu Yuexian and man Wenbin change their clothes and come to the hall to greet the guests.

Xiao Yunhai and Deng Yue, Zhang Jiajing and others are chatting. Man Wenbin and Yu Yuexian come over with wine.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's wine in his hand, Yu Yuexian was not happy at the moment, and said, "Yunhai, you don't give face. When we toasted on the stage, we saw that you just made a comparison and didn't drink at all. How do you dislike your sister Yu's wineXiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is no such thing. Hehe, being too handsome has such a disadvantage. Standing in the crowd is like standing out from the crowd. You can't even attract people's attention. You see, there are so many people in the hall, but sister Yu saw me, which fully proves that my charm is really strong. "

Deng Yue Pei a, way: "you do not stink beautiful. We all look up to drink, you just stand there stupidly, who can't see. Still stand out from the crowd, can you stand out on your looks? I'm not too bad for that

Yu Yuexian snorted and said with a smile: "sure enough, it's stronger than strong. A mountain is higher than a mountain. You have a thick skin. But, Yunhai, you haven't answered my question yet? There's no way to change the subject. "

Xiao Yunhai looked up and drank all the wine. He said, "the main reason is that I don't think the cup is too small. I'm afraid I'll swallow it into my stomach."

Yu Yuexian smiles, looks at man Wenbin, and says: "husband, you see the sea of clouds, this is a problem. I think we should just bring him the jar that can hold ten jin of wine. "

Man Wenbin said, "no problem. It's all 20 jin. "

Xiao Yunhai quickly begged for mercy and said, "don't you think I'm wrong?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

At this time, Yu Hai, dressed in a suit and double the spirit, came over and said, "Yunhai, I have something to tell you. Can you come here?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, no problem."

When he came to a deserted corner, Xiao Yunhai first asked, "uncle, how is our cinema built?"

Yu Hai said with a smile: "very smooth. Cinemas in cities above the third tier will be able to operate directly in three months, and cities below the third tier will also be able to complete the business in four months

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "how can it be so fast?"

Yu Hai said with a smile: "the reason why Yu's real estate can become a leading enterprise in China is that it has formed a national real estate alliance in addition to its strong strength. After the news came out that we were building a cinema, countless construction companies called me. I let them work day and night, 24-hour shift without rest, the speed is naturally not said. The reason why I invited you here is to tell you that in terms of funds, we may need to pay about 5% more than planned, that is to say, each company will have to pay 6 billion more. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" as long as the speed and quality can be guaranteed, money is not a problem here. Uncle, I have a special identity. You and Mr. Hu will take care of the things on the surface. By the way, I didn't ask, how many screens would there be if our cinema was built? "

Yu Hai said with a smile: "compared with the original Chinese cinema, at least 4000 screens can be added."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were staring out and said, "18000 yuan. Why so much? "

Yu Hai said with a smile: "you think that more than 400 billion yuan is a white flower. If we didn't use the best construction, decoration and cinema facilities, we could at least build another 2000 yuan. However, the state has set a ceiling for us, which can't exceed 20000 screens. Otherwise, 30000 won't be a problem. I heard that you made a film called "Inception", so you can keep it and show it on our cinema, so as to make a good start. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem. However, only one film is not enough. I try to find more excellent domestic films. We must shoot the first shot, so even if we want to make some profits, we will not hesitate. "

Yu Haidao: "yes. You are an expert in this respect. You know more about the film circle than Mr. Hu and I, so you can have more snacks. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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