Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:05 AM

Chapter 67

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The sketch is finally over. Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo supporting Zhang Ya to step down, Xiao Yunhai suddenly stops and faces the audience and asks, "can you help the old man when you see him fall?"

"Help." The students under the stage roared.

Xiao Yunhai is not satisfied, and his voice is louder. He asks, "can you help me?"

"Help." The thunderous cry resounded throughout the party.

Xiao Yunhai and his three people thumbed up at the same time and walked to the stage together.

"Hua Hua Hua Hua."

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Both the teachers and the students stood up and clapped to the three.

Yu Yuexian's face was flushed with laughter. While clapping, she said, "I can't believe that such a top-level sketch should come from a junior student. It's really great. I'm absolutely qualified to go to any TV station's party."

Yao Wenyuan said with satisfaction, "I didn't expect Yunhai to have such ability."

When Xiao Yunhai and the other three returned backstage, the student actors and actresses gave them thumbs up one after another.

"This sketch is wonderful."

"Cow, real cow."

The three people said thank you and quickly took off their thick clothes.

Huang Bo wiped the sweat on his face and said, "fortunately, there is an air conditioner here. Otherwise, we will have heatstroke in three minutes without three minutes."

Xiao Yunhai is also hot, the whole body is soaked with sweat, smell speech smile way: "fortunately, we succeeded."

Zhang Ya took off the headgear in her hand and admiringly said to Xiao Yunhai, "if it wasn't for your script, we wouldn't have made such achievements."

"OK, three, don't praise each other here, eat quickly, but don't get heatstroke." Zhao Wanqing just bought three ice cream to three people.

Zhang Ya said with a smile: "we Wanqing is considerate and considerate. If someone marries you in the future, you will not be happy for a lifetime. " With that, he looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Although Zhang Ya and Zhao Wanqing are not in the same class, they are very friendly and often rehearse together.

Hearing Zhang Ya's words, Zhao Wanqing's face turned red in an instant, and she said, "well, Sister Zhang, ice cream can't control your mouth." With that, he secretly looked at Xiao Yunhai and found that Fang Zheng was smiling at himself. He was immediately startled. He quickly turned his eyes to other places and his face became more red.

At this time, a sophomore who was going to play suddenly came out and said to Xiao Yunhai, "Xiao Xuechang, you should hurry up to the stage. Xia Xuechang is calling you."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said: "I am not finished? What else do you want me to do up there? "

The man said, "just now I seem to hear Xia Xuechang say, let you go up to sing. It seems that there is no such thing in the program

Huang Bo understood immediately and scolded: "this Xia Xiaohu is really not a thing. He is doing something bad to the third brother."

Zhao Wanqing's face was gloomy and said to Xiao Yunhai, "I didn't expect that he would do anything to deal with you. He's using the audience to kidnap you. If you don't, the impact on you may not be very good. "

Xiao Yunhai forced his anger in his heart, nodded and said, "I understand that it is difficult to get out of the Tiger now. Let's go through this hurdle first."

Huang Bo said in a hurry: "but third brother, you are not prepared for anything?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's just a song. What a big thing."

With that, Xiao Yunhai went to the stage again.

Before he came to power, Xiao Yunhai heard Xia Xiaohu calling himself.

"Xiao Xuedi, Xiao Xuedi, where are you? Didn't you say you'd like to sing a new song? "

"It seems that Xiao Xuedi wants to play games with everyone. Let's call him out, will you? "


The students at the bottom thought that it had been arranged before, so everyone cooperated with Xia Xiaohu very much.

"Xiao Yunhai."

"Xiao Yunhai."

Hearing everyone's crazy cry, Yu Yuexian asked Yao Wenyuan, "does Yunhai want to play a program?"

At this time, Yao Wenyuan looked at Xia Xiaohu with his eyes like a knife, and said angrily: "there is no singing program in the program list. Even if you want to add it, it will never be after he has just finished his sketch. Xia Xiaohu and Yunhai have never been able to deal with him. He is deliberately trying to make trouble for Yunhai and make him lose face. His heart is punishable. "

"What?" Yu Yuexian was shocked and said: "this Xia Xiaohu is too brave. How can the school allow such a thing to happen?"

Yao Wenyuan said coldly: "he is the nephew of the president of Hongda entertainment group. He has a big background. Well, he thinks that the backstage is hard enough to break the school rules at will, but he doesn't think that our film school is comparable to one or two entertainment companies. Tomorrow, I'll ask the headmaster for an explanation. "Xiao Yunhai listened to the huge call under the stage, took a deep breath, and walked onto the stage with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear, want to become a star, at least one point is to have star professionalism.

No matter how uncomfortable you are at the bottom, once you're on stage, you have to show your best to the audience.

Xia Xiaohu turned to Xiao Yunhai with a successful smile and said, "Xiao Xuedi, you are here at last. You may not know that for this party, Xiao Xuedi not only wrote the sketch that just made everyone laugh, but also wrote a new song to sing to everyone. Tell me, do you want to hear it? "


Huang Bo heard Xia Xiaohu on the stage talking nonsense there and said indignantly: "this son of a bitch."

Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai with a smile on her face and said, "how can I do it?"

Xiao Yunhai did not hurry up, with a strange smile on Xia Xiaohu, said: "thank you for your kindness. You may not know that elder martial brother Xia and I are very close friends in private. Before attending the party, we once said that if I want to sing songs, elder martial brother Xia would dance for me. Do you want to see it? "

Xiao Yunhai's words changed Xia Xiaohu's face. When he saw Xiao Yunhai's strange smile, he felt bad. Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai is tough enough to dance with him.

Just ready to refuse, the audience yelled: "want to see."

I don't know who called out: "elder martial brother Xiao sings, senior brother Xia dances."

All of a sudden, the whole audience yelled.

"Elder martial brother Xiao sings and Xia dances."

"Elder martial brother Xiao sings and Xia dances."


Huang Bo clapped his thigh and laughed wildly: "the third brother is great. Let this son of a bitch harm people."

Zhao Wanqing and Zhang Ya laugh when they see Xia Xiaohu's changed face.

Yu Yuexian, who was under the stage, said with a smile to Yao Wenyuan, "it seems that you don't need to show up. This guy is not a loser. When he was filming the great master, he could make the whole Xue family class have no temper at all, let alone Xia Xiaohu. "

"No matter what, what should be done still needs to be done," Yao said

Xia Xiaohu saw everyone in the crazy cry, some at a loss, silly standing there do not know what to do.

Xiao Yunhai went over and hugged Xia Xiaohu. He said softly, "elder martial brother Xia, you should dance well."

After that, he patted him on the shoulder, took out a memory from his pocket, and said to the audience, "a few days ago, I wrote a rock song called" the sea and the sky. ". The accompaniment has been done. I wanted to record it in the studio. Now I'll sing it to you once. "


"Pa Pa Pa Pa"

there was a lot of applause and cheers.

Xiao Yunhai gave the memory to a staff member and turned to Xia Xiaohu with a smile: "are you ready, elder martial brother Xia? We are about to start. "

If Xia Xiaohu's eyes can kill people, Xiao Yunhai estimates that at least ten thousand arrows will pierce the heart.

"Don't worry, no problem." Xia Xiaohu forced a smile and said to Xiao Yunhai.

"That's good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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