Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:29 AM

Chapter 674

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After a dinner outside, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to the villa, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Wanqing took off her coat and put on her slippers. Turning around, she hugged Xiao Yunhai's neck and said, "husband, did you miss me?"

"I've been choked to death these days. Do you think you want to?"

Words fall, Xiao Yunhai bowed his head to kiss her vermilion lips, one hand around the waist, the other hand everywhere evil.

Zhao Wanqing said, her face was crimson and her whole body was soft. Xiao Yunhai was allowed to act recklessly.

After a while, they came to the bedroom and fell on the bed together.

An hour later, the clouds and rain began to rest. Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing with a satisfied face and said in a soft voice, "wife, I want a child. Do you think it's ok?"

Zhao Wanqing's body was shocked. She looked up at Xiao Yunhai and said, "husband, did your parents urge you?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Wife, don't blame them. It's normal that they want to have grandchildren. It is estimated that the father-in-law and his mother-in-law are similar. "

Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai with bright eyes and said, "what about you? What do you think in your heart

Xiao Yunhai solemnly said, "I want it very much. Wife, I know, this is very unfair to you. After all, you are only 24 years old, which is the best time in a woman's life. If you have children, whether it's life or work, it will definitely have a great impact on you. But I don't want to lie to you. Of course, it doesn't matter if you really don't want to have a baby so early. We can talk about it two years later. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "let's get ready now."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and couldn't believe his ears. He asked, "what do you say?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I said we would have a child next year. From today on, you should avoid drinking for two months. Have you heard it clearly? "

"Yes." Xiao Yun sea dew ecstasy color, in Zhao Wanqing's face mercilessly kiss, excitedly said: "wife, I love you to death. You know what? I didn't think you would agree? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "you don't know women. For us, family always comes first. With children, our home will be complete. "

Xiao Yunhai said excitedly: "wife, thank you."

With that, in Zhao Wanqing's exclamation, Xiao Yunhai rode on her again.

A night without sleep.

The next morning, there were long lines in front of the major audio shops in Yanjing.

At this time, it was winter, the weather was very cold, and the fans were wearing thick down coats, standing there to discuss enthusiastically.

"That's great. The song after Sunny is finally on the shelves."

"Yes, I have been waiting for today for a whole year. Unfortunately, the emperor has not released an album, otherwise, I would be more happy. "

"Don't be greedy. Did you listen to the song "Seventy two changes of love" by Qing Hou? That's very nice

"Of course. There's the main song "dancer" and another song "Pirates", which I've heard more than 20 times. It's a pity that the remaining seven songs have not been heard yet. The only thing I know is that they're no worse than "the dancer."

"The songs written by Emperor Yun must be classic. Oh, it's 7:58. Why doesn't the owner of the video shop open yet? I have to go to the signing meeting after sunny. "

"Here it is, here it is. The door is open."

A fat boss opened the door and saw dozens of fans gathered outside. He couldn't help laughing and said, "everyone is here for the album" dancer "after Qing Dynasty

"Yes. Boss, have you got the goods yet

Fat boss hehe said with a smile: "long time ago, I'm ready, you can come in and have a look. Don't crowd. I've got 10000 of them. I'll make sure everyone has a share. "

"Boss, would you like to play the song after sunny for us to listen to?"

The fat boss said, "no problem. I tell you, the song after the Qing Dynasty is very good in every capital. You're right to buy her album. "

After a while, Zhao Wanqing's rock song "your smile" began to ring.

"I like to sing your taste with my tone. This second has a kind of sweet fermentation. A hundred words know that love has a voice, only then can understand that it is the secret signal from your eyes

"Too many happy reports, put together the beauty of love. Smile into your arms and act like a coquette. Don't need to be taught. Hold on to love. This second decided to embrace the beauty you gave me. "

This song "your smile" is the representative work of Feier band in the past life. The melody is very beautiful, and the lyrics are so sweet that they are tired of water.

It goes without saying that Zhao Wanqing's singing skills are needless to say. In order to perform the song perfectly, she changed her previous singing method. Her voice became clear and pleasant. There was a trace of laziness in the tone, and a strong feeling was mixed in.

"That's great."

"The melody is so fast. It's a rock song."

"After Qing Dynasty, it seems that she changed her singing style. If I didn't know in advance, I would have thought it was another singer.""It's a great song to sing in a KTV. I must learn. "

"The combination after the cloud emperor is really not built."

The song soon reached its climax. Zhao Wanqing raised half a key, and her voice was more powerful. Fans couldn't help but move along with the melody.

"Love is your unique taste, which is surrounded in my heart. No one else can, only you know. Because your world is no longer monotonous, my smile, you understand very well.

You are like the moon in orbit, embracing the earth and shining. On my planet, write an exclamation point. With you, the world is captivated, and your smile weaves every wonder.. "

after the broadcast of" your smile ", another representative work of Feier band," love in a thousand years ", immediately started.

"The lantern of bamboo forest, the desert of island country, and the country of seven colors are constantly floating in the wind. There is a mysterious gray whirlpool, I was involved in the fog, can not see the hands, a flower who passed by the gentle. Through thousands of years of pain, just for one result...

the fans were waiting in line while listening to the songs, and their anxious hearts gradually calmed down.

At nine o'clock sharp, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing arrived at the square.

At this time, Tianlai records company has set up the stage, Zhao Wanqing needs to perform on it.

More than 200 fans lined up spontaneously with records. When they saw Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing come to the scene at the same time, they could not help but scream.

"It's a great surprise that the emperor Yun has come."

"It's not appropriate for the emperor not to come. When you want to publicize in the major cities after Qing Dynasty, the emperor did not follow. Now, if you don't even come to Yanjing's signing ceremony, then the emperor of cloud is a little too much. "

"Yes, he must sign it later."

Standing on the stage, Xiao Yunhai guest acted as a host, holding the microphone and saying, "brothers and sisters, seeing you so supportive of our leader's" dancer ", my heart is warm, just two words, thank you."

"Two days ago, there was a cold wind. It was a little cold. Today, ah, the wind suddenly stopped, and the sun came out. The sun was very comfortable. I think this may be the fate in the dark, indicating that the "dancer" album will be brilliant

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the fans under the stage are rolling their eyes.

"Damn it, the emperor of cloud can pull too much."

"Isn't it just a little warmer today? It has something to do with the album. "

"I admit that the ten songs after Qing Dynasty are really good, but my grandfather doesn't seem to know it."

"Emperor Yun is really a good host. The weather and the album can be pinched together, and the skin is really thick. "

Even Zhao Wanqing stood there shaking his head and smiling bitterly. He had no way to deal with her husband.

"Of course, it's not the weather, it's you that counts for the performance of the dancer. So in order to thank you for your support, my leader will sing a song from the album live. Let's applaud, OK


"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Huge applause and cheers were heard immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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