Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:28 AM

Chapter 675

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Zhao Wanqing stepped onto the stage, took the microphone from Xiao Yunhai's hand, gave him a blank look, and said, "thank you for coming to my signing party in the cold. I'd like to present you with a dream scene."

The accompaniment soon rang, and Zhao Wanqing's sad and infectious voice rang out, and the whole scene was quiet.

"We've all been lonely and committed to each other. We're all tired of life because of torture. It's just this kind of day, the same way, how long will it take. "

"We have changed our attitude and accepted each other, we have wronged ourselves to fulfill whose dream.

It doesn't matter how much is left in such a day. Often think of the past warmth, it makes me not cold at night. You said that one person's beauty is serious, two people can be together is fate. "

"A dream" is a masterpiece of Na Ying, a former pop star. Once it was launched, it was loved by fans.

Zhao Wanqing's singing is deep and introverted, with a sad melody, so that the fans in line have a little sour nose.

"If I had known that it was like a dream, I would not have put all my love in the same place.

I can forgive your absurdity. It's ridiculous that I can't forget it. "

"If I knew it was such a dream, why should I lock my tears in my eyes. Let you go crazy, let you go crazy, let you be strong in the place without me. "

The soft and emotional voice lingers in people's ears, making everyone seem to enter the dream that Zhao Wanqing weaves for them, thinking of the feelings that they have paid.

Especially the fans who have lost their love, they feel the same.

"... if I knew it was such a dream, why should I lock my tears in my eyes. Let you go crazy, let you go crazy, let you strong in the place without me. Let me heal where there is no you. "

after the whole song was sung, the fans in the square applauded.

"It's a wonderful song."

"It seems that the live version is different from the album. When I was listening to this song in the video shop, although I thought it was very good, it was far less impressive than it is now. "

"That's why people like to go to concerts. The songs in the album are much less than the live singing of singers, and the touching of our hearts will naturally be different. "

"The singing skill after Qing Dynasty has no choice, especially the emotion inside is very strong, powerful."

"If the emperor was not here, I would have thought there was something wrong with their relationship."

"Don't talk nonsense. If they are separated, I will never believe in love in my life."

When people were discussing with each other, Zhao Wanqing's signing activity officially began.

One by one, fans put their purchased albums in front of Zhao Wanqing, talking with her excitedly and taking photos with her mobile phone.

Xiao Yunhai nearby is not idle. They let Zhao Wanqing sign his name, and then let Xiao Yunhai sign one for them.

Xiao Yunhai was originally to help promote his wife's album, but he didn't refuse to write down his name directly on it.

Some fans sent the news that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing appeared in Yanjing square at the same time to hold a signing party for the "dancer" album to the Internet.

In just one hour, the number of fans in line has increased by thousands, and the fans from behind are still coming, and they are almost on top of a second-line singer's concert.

Zhao Wanqing's insistence on holding an album signing party in the square is very wrong, because she is no longer a little star at the beginning. As a star performer in the Chinese music and film circles, she has hundreds of millions of fans alone. In addition, Xiao Yunhai is also here to help the platform. The attraction of the two people's combination is no less than the release of an atomic bomb.

Zhao Wanqing's wife said, "it's not easy for her to get down to the edge of things. I think we can change the signing ceremony into a concert. You can sing a few songs on the stage to express your apology, and then withdraw quickly. How about it? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and returned the signed album to the fans in front of her. Then she stood up, walked to the stage, looked at the thousands of fans, and said, "my friends, I'm sorry, it's my thoughtfulness. I didn't expect so many friends to support my album today. My heart is really moved and I am very grateful. But, at my speed, even in three days, I'm afraid I can't sign so many albums. "

"Therefore, I decided to change the album signing ceremony into a small concert, which will be held here. Can you see it?"



We all applauded Zhao Wanqing's words.

Zhao Wanqing said happily, "thank you for your understanding. The conditions here are limited and the sound is very poor. Maybe the singing effect will not be very good. Please don't mind. "

"The following song is very special on my album, because its name is just one word. Do you know what it is? "


"Yes, a song of silence is for you."Zhao Wanqing took a deep breath, closed her eyes and adjusted her state. She felt almost the same. She nodded to the staff.

Thousands of fans stood in silence, waiting for Zhao Wanqing to sing.

"I can't help but incarnate as a stubborn fish, swimming alone against the current. When I was young, I swore piously and sank in the deep sea in silence. Relive it a few times and lose you in the end. "

Among the ten songs that Xiao Yunhai plagiarized, to say the difficulty, this song "Mo" sung by Na Ying in the previous life should be ranked first.

This song is not difficult in skills. All professional singers can sing very well, but the key is whether they can be distracted and can sing the artistic conception of the work like the Chinese style.

Zhao Wanqing played a very good part in the main song, abandoning her usual singing skills and singing in a low voice full of stickiness, which firmly stuck the audience's heart in the song.

"I was condemned by love to be lonely all my life, not to fight back, not to let go. It's you who can't finish the circle and fill in the dissatisfaction between your heart. "

"Why does love sentence all living beings to be lonely and unable to escape. The knot that can't be untied,

it's you who can't get rid of it. "


after listening to Zhao Wanqing's chorus, Xiao Yunhai nodded in admiration.

If put in the general singer, I'm afraid the front will try to suppress the voice of singing, and then in the climax, let go of the voice, the emotion in the song bang out.

It's a very normal way to sing.

But Zhao Wanqing did not. Although she also used treble when singing the chorus, she did not use the extreme. Instead, she left a lot of spare effort to make the song full of a special charm, leaving a space for the audience to aftertaste.

Zhao Wanqing at this time has devoted himself to the song, singing the second time, completely closed his eyes, even tears flow out.

The fans under the stage were infatuated with it. Some emotional girls' eyes were also full of tears.

When the last note of "silent" fell, the whole scene was quiet for three seconds, followed by thunderous applause and cheers.

"It's wonderful to sing after sunny."

"Lost heart, this is definitely a lost heart song."

"Qing Hou's interpretation of this song is excellent."

"Ha ha, it's not a waste today. It's worth it to hear such a song. "

In the time of only one song, hundreds more fans came to the scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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