Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:26 AM

Chapter 676

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Next, Zhao Wanqing sang three songs from the "dancer" album in succession, which attracted continuous cheers.

When Xiao Yunhai heard Zhao Wanqing's voice was tired, he frowned slightly. He quickly went to the stage and said, "dear fans, although the sun is shining today, it's winter after all. My wife sings in the weather of minus three degrees. To tell you the truth, I really love it."

"I saw a friend with a guitar. Could you lend me a guitar. Next, I'd like to sing you a new song. It's the last song of the day, OK


When people hear a new song, they are naturally very happy.

Xiao Yunhai said to a rock man with long hair under the stage, "brother, can you lend me the guitar?"

The man nodded, came to the stage and gave the guitar to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said thanks, hung his guitar around his neck, tried the tone, and then sat on the stool that the staff had brought for him. He said, "this song is a folk song, which is called" zebra, zebra. ". I've just written it. I hope you like it. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and adjusted his mood. His right hand flicked, and his soft guitar voice began to ring. The melody is very low, giving a sad feeling.

After the prelude, Xiao Yunhai opened his voice and immediately suppressed everyone.

"Zebra, zebra, don't fall asleep. Show me your injured tail. I don't want to touch the scar of your wound. I just want to lift your hair. "

”Zebra zebra, you return to your home, but I waste my cold years. There is no door open for me in your city. I will go back to the road after all

"Zebra zebra, you come from the south of red, is it a moving story. If the actor next door can't stay, who will sleep with you till dawn

The author of this song "zebra, zebra" is song Dongye, a former folk singer. The lyrics and melody are all top-notch works with artistic conception.

Xiao Yunhai's grasp of the main song is very accurate, especially the emotional control.

His voice is deep, reserved and magnetic, which attracts everyone's ears as soon as he opens his voice.

When it comes to the chorus, Xiao Yunhai suddenly raises two tones, and his timbre becomes a little clearer. His mood is like a flood breaking through a dike, which suddenly rushes into the hearts of his fans.

"Zebra zebra, do you remember me? I am a fool who can only sing. Zebra zebra, you sleep, sleep, I will carry my guitar and leave the north

"Zebra zebra, will you remember me? I'm a child of strong sorrow. Zebra, zebra, go to sleep. I will take your grass back to my hometown

"Zebra zebra, will you remember me? I'm just a traveler in a hurry. Zebra, zebra, go to sleep. I will sell my house and roam the world

The three parts of the chorus, Xiao Yunhai layer by layer, like a wave of general, wave after wave of impact on the hearts of fans, many fans feel the heart, can not help but shed tears.

In fact, the song "zebra, zebra" was adapted by Xiao Yunhai, and the original singing tone was not high.

Xiao Yunhai felt that he had been singing steadily. He was not strong enough and his emotions could not be sublimated, so he revised it.

It seems that the effect is very good.

After Xiao Yunhai finished singing, applause began to ring.

"Good, good singing."

"This song really moved me. Yunhuang is so wonderful."

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. There's nothing wrong with it. "

Xiao Yunhai returned the guitar to the long haired rock man and motioned Zhao Wanqing to come to the stage. They held hands and bowed to thousands of fans.

Xiao Yunhai said: "brothers and sisters, this is the end of today's performance. I'm sorry I didn't sign your album. "

"It doesn't matter. You are already sincere."

"If it's another singer, he'll leave with a hypocritical apology, and he won't sing to us at all."

"Yes. It's worth listening to such a beautiful song on the spot. "

Hearing everyone's words, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing couldn't help thanking each other.

At noon that day, the major well-known websites reported the signing and selling of Zhao Wanqing's new album "dancer".

"After the Qing Dynasty, there was an accident at the signing ceremony of" dancer ", and thousands of fans gathered in Yanjing square

"Dancing girl" held a signing meeting in Yanjing, and the emperor of cloud showed up in surprise to help after the Qing Dynasty. "

"Zhao Wanqing was so popular that the signing ceremony of" dancer "was forced to be changed into a concert."

"There are so many unexpected signings for the" dancer "album that the emperor of cloud is surprised to sing his new work" zebra, zebra. "

……………………… ...

in the villa, Xiao Yunhai, after reading the comments on the Internet, turned to Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile: "wife, you are a great signing party, and you have made a lot of noise."

Zhao Wanqing said with a gloomy face: "who knows there will be so many people. Honey, how much do you think we can sell our albums on the first day? "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's Chinese New Year. Everyone has free money in their hands. I think it's worth a million."

Zhao Wanqing said, "that would be better."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Why are you so confident. Don't forget that when you sold two million copies of your last record one day, a million won't be a problem. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I don't know why, but my heart is not steady."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "take it easy. The most important thing for us to do next is to celebrate the new year. Let's go with the rest. In the afternoon, we go out to do some shopping and send the new year to your parents. Last time, I brought three or four liang of Dahongpao from the old man and brought it to him for a taste. "

Zhao Wanqing playfully said: "are you really willing?"

Xiao Yunhai patted his chest and said, "of course. When I want to drink, I'll go to the old man for it

Zhao Wanqing said: "I heard that people who like to drink tea tend to have boys. To tell you the truth, do you want a boy or a girl? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "boys and girls are the same. I don't have any feudal ideas. Of course, if you can give birth to a pair of twins, that would be the best. Hehe

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you have a beautiful dream."

In the afternoon of the same day, they disguised themselves and went to the mall to buy some new year's products. They came to Zhao Mingsheng's home in big bags and small bags.

Seeing her daughter and son-in-law bring so many things back, Yan Piaoyun complained: "said how many times, there is nothing missing at home, in the future, never again like this."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is the first year after Wanqing and I got married. You can't send new year to you and dad with empty hands. You can rest assured that from next year on, we will bring only one mouth. "

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile: "that would be better." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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