Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:25 AM

Chapter 677

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For Xiao Yunhai, this son-in-law, Yan Piaoyun is really satisfied.

In a short period of two years, with his own efforts, he has become a real 100 billion rich man. Now he is the son of the third youngest of the Xiao family. He wants money, money and power.

If it had been for other young people, with such achievements and power, I am afraid it would have been floating.

But Xiao Yunhai still keeps his original intention. He talks and does things the same as before. He is very good to his daughter.

Such a son-in-law can't be found even in the whole world.

Zhao Mingsheng said, "you two, go and wash your hands. Your mother has finished the dishes. Yunhai, I have prepared a bottle of good wine here. We will kill it today. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Dad, you'd better keep it for yourself. I quit drinking. "

"Quit drinking?" Zhao Mingsheng asked in surprise, "why?"

In the circle, Xiao Yunhai is known as the God of wine. He has five or six kilograms of liquor, and has nothing to do with it.

Such a master of wine will quit drinking. What an international joke.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing, whose face was a little red. He said with a smile, "Dad, I have a bad stomach recently, so I want to keep it for two more days."

When Yan Piaoyun heard Xiao Yunhai's words, she saw her daughter's shy face. She didn't understand what was going on. She said happily, "if you drink too much, you'd better quit. Go and wash your hands. "

See two people into the bathroom, Yan Piaoyun to a face puzzled Zhao Mingsheng light voice way: "you are silly. They're going to have a baby. Do you understand? Put the wine away for me

Zhao Mingsheng suddenly realized and said happily, "great. So we are going to have grandchildren and granddaughters. "

Yan Piaoyun nodded and whispered, "yes. When they have children, I'm really relieved. Oh, the sea of clouds is so wonderful. I'm afraid Wan Qing can't tie him down. "

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile, "put your heart in your stomach. People say that rivers and mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change. Even if Yunhai becomes a national leader, his nature will not change. My daughter's eyes are really out of the question. Put away the wine, and I will not drink it

Yan Piaoyun made eight dishes and two soups. With Xiao Yunhai, the king of stomach, there was nothing left.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai said: "Wanqing, you go to make a pot of tea I brought, and let my parents taste the fresh tea."

"What kind of tea?" asked Zhao Mingsheng

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it's a Dahongpao for national leaders. The sea of clouds came from the old man, three or four Liang, and brought them to you. "

Zhao Mingsheng eyes a bright, impatient said: "that is not quick to bubble a pot. I've heard about it. I haven't even seen it. "

Yan Piaoyun said: "Yunhai, it's not appropriate for you to give us your grandfather's tea."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "what's wrong? In two days' time, the head of the Central Committee will surely bring some more. There's no shortage of them. "

After a while, Dahongpao was ready.

Zhao Ming picked up the cup, smelled the tea, and then took a sip. He exclaimed, "it's really fragrant and refreshing. Good tea. "

"Piaoyun, should we also go there to pay respects to Mr. Xiao and his family. I'm afraid they won't have much leisure after the year. "

Yan Piaoyun nodded and said, "this is etiquette. It must be. Just don't know when it's appropriate to go there? "

They looked at Xiao Yunhai together.

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "now there are three days to go before the Spring Festival. I think it's better to choose tomorrow instead of early. I'll call my mom and tell her that we'll go there together

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile: "OK, that's the decision."

Yan Piaoyun said: "I'm really excited at the thought of seeing Mr. Xiao tomorrow."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you just treat him as an ordinary old man. The more you care about his identity, the less happy he will be. "

Zhao Mingsheng shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "it's hard to really do it. That was the No. 1 chief, just like the ordinary old people. Feiyun, after tea, let's go shopping. Yunhai, you can help us

Xiao Yunhai said, "good."

The next day, Zhao Wanqing's "dancer" album sales came out, 2.26 million hit the front page headlines of all entertainment media.

"Zhao Wanqing's new album" dancer "sold 2.26 million copies, which swept the whole of China."

"After yunhuangqing, it made another brilliant achievement, and the first day's album sales exceeded 2 million."

"The dancer has a great reputation and fans praise it."

"With the return of the king, Zhao Wanqing once again swept the music world with" the dancer. "

"The sales of 2.2 million albums confirm that yunhuangqing is invincible."

"The first day sales of" dancer "exceeded 2 million, and Shen Xiangquan was defeated before the war."

On the Internet, both fans and music critics have given Zhao Wanqing's album a very high evaluation. I believe that with good word-of-mouth, sales will soar.However, these are no longer considered by Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai and three members of Zhao Wanqing's family came to the courtyard.

Looking at the common and even old courtyard, Zhao Mingsheng sighed: "old Xiao worked for the country all his life. I didn't expect that when he got older, he would be willing to live in such a place. The style of his predecessors is admirable."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's much better than the Jersey garden where retired leaders live. At least, it's more free. Let's get out of the car. "

Maybe they heard the sound of the car, and Xiao Changfeng, Chen Xiuzhu and Xiao Yunling came out.

Xiao Yunling politely called uncle and aunt to Zhao Mingsheng and Yan Feiyun, then took Zhao Wanqing's hand and said, "sister Wanqing, come quickly, I'll show you my new clothes."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "who sold it to you?"

Xiao Yunling's face turned red and said, "I hate it."

Yan Piaoyun is very happy to see the relationship between her daughter and her sister-in-law so good.

Xiao Changfeng said: "my family, please come in. We should have gone first. I didn't expect you to come so early. "

Chen Xiuzhu complained: "some people are procrastinating."

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile: "Xiuzhu elder sister, we are all a family, which comes so many rules."

As they walked, they talked and laughed. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Come to the main house, Xiao Leshan is sitting there, smiling at the people.

Zhao Wanqing hurriedly walked over and called for her grandfather respectfully.

Xiao Leshan said with a smile, "Wanqing, you haven't been here for a long time."

Zhao Wanqing said, "I'm sorry, Grandpa. It's mainly because I've been too busy recently. "

Xiao Leshan said, "Yunhai says you are a workaholic. I think it's all right. You should learn from this boy. Don't be tired of yourself. "

"I see." Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "grandfather, let me introduce you to you. This is my father Zhao Mingsheng and my mother Yan Piaoyun."

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "Xiao Zhao, Xiao Yan, please sit down and don't be restrained."

Looking at the old man who often appeared in the news broadcast before, Zhao Mingsheng's face looked a little stiff and said, "Hello, old Xiao."

Although Zhao Mingsheng is also a number one figure in the entertainment circle, his status is no different from that of Xiao Leshan.

Suddenly saw such a big chief, Zhao Mingsheng can say so, already very good. If he had been a junior official, he would have been shaking all over.

Yan Piaoyun is no better. She looks a little unnatural. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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