Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:19 AM

Chapter 679

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Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Yunhai looked at Du Hongtai, who had lost a lot of weight. He turned to Li Xun and said, "elder martial brother, you are too much. This is how to take care of it. After a play, the director has lost so much weight. "

Li Xun shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "in the production team, the director is the biggest. What can we do. But you're really good. You can rest assured of us. As an investor, I have never been to the studio once. You cow. "

No doubt, Xiao Yun said. I believe in the strength of director Du and elder martial brother. This play must be no problem. "

Du Hongtai said: "it's because of this that I can't sleep at night, for fear of betraying your trust in us. No wonder director Wu Zixu even looked at me with a trace of pity when he heard that I was going to shoot the legend of Shooting Heroes. Now, I can feel the feeling that there is a mountain on my head all the time. It's terrible. "

"Well, it's not easy to be a director. When investors in order to save money, this is not allowed to buy, that is not allowed to shoot, the director is not happy, the heart thought that if there are no these hateful investors on the head. But when the investors really give 100% trust to the director, the director's heart will be a little beat, for fear of shooting things, the results are not good, sorry for others, pressure will follow

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's because you and director Wu are decent. If you change some directors with bad intentions, I'm afraid they don't want to make a good play, but try every means to put money into your pocket. Of course, I will not cooperate with such a director. "

Du Hongtai nodded, pointed to a CD on the table and said, "Yunhai, the TV series has been completed, a total of 45 episodes. The video has been put in your warehouse. You can have a look. How about the quality? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "director Du, your post production is very fast. I remember that our play didn't finish until late December. "

From late August to late December, it took only four months to shoot. Not counting the later period, it took Xiao Yunhai 960 million yuan.

During the killing, Du Hongtai once called Xiao Yunhai, hoping that he could participate in the killing banquet of the TV series. However, at that time, Xiao Yunhai was shooting "Inception", so he didn't have time to go.

Editing, dubbing and special effects took just over a month to complete. It has to be said that Du Hongtai's efficiency is really very high.

Du Hongtai said with a smile: "in order to present a first-class fighting scene, I added a lot of special effects. I thought it would take at least three months to complete. I didn't expect that dream special effects company is really powerful. After hearing that this play was invested by your boss, I sent three teams of special effects teams without saying a word. It was completed in about 20 days, and the quality was better than I expected. It's also your light. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the dream now uses the latest special effects technology, and there are thousands of people studying there. The efficiency is certainly not good. OK, let's go and have a look. "

Under the guidance of the staff, the three came to the projection hall.

Xiao Yunhai looked at a few episodes, his face showed a satisfied look.

A big director is a big director, and Du Hongtai's level is really not.

Compared with the natural and elegant of Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu, biography of Shooting Heroes can be described as calm and heavy. The picture is very beautiful, the action design is hard bridge hard horse Kung Fu, momentum force people, plus the use of a large number of special effects lens, so that the fight scene is very wonderful.

At the same time, the performance of the actors is far better than Xiao Yunhai imagined.

Elder martial brother Li Xun as the film emperor, naturally is needless to say, Guo Jing's integrity silly deduction incisively and vividly.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Huang Meiling, who played Huang Rong, was not at all under Li Xun. His vivid performance almost made him think that she was Weng Meiling in her previous life.

The actors who play Yang Kang and mu Nianci are both Xiao Yunhai's old acquaintances, Qin Yunyi and Dong Piao Piao. They perform very well.

Dong Piao Piao seems to have great talent in acting. After learning and training in Yanjing Film Academy, he played mu Nianci very well.

The east evil, the West poison, the South emperor, the North beggar and Zhou Botong are all looking for the old opera bones, and their acting skills are also very strong.

With everyone's wonderful performance, Xiao Yunhai was extremely satisfied with the effect of the whole "Legend of Shooting Heroes".

Du Hongtai, who has been observing him secretly, saw his face. The stone that was pressed in the bottom of his heart fell to the ground completely.

Two hours later, the three came out of the projection room.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "director Du, senior brother, it seems that the audience rating of our play can at least reach 10%

It is true that the quality of "Legend of shooting a hero" is not inferior to that of "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu". With a large number of novel fans, the audience rating of more than 10% is certainly no problem.

"I hope so," he said with a smile

Li Xun asked, "Yunhai, when are you going to put it on TV?"Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I'm writing a martial arts novel now, and I'll be able to finish it in a few days. If there is no accident, the novel will be available after the 15th day of the first month. "

Du Hongtai's eyes brightened and said, "you want to broadcast the legend of Shooting Heroes after your martial arts novel is successful, don't you?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no, I think the nearer the release of the novel is to the premiere of the TV series, the better. I also try to put them together in the publicity. In this way, they can complement each other very well. "

Li Xun said with a smile: "this method is good. The reason why you wrote this novel is not because of the legend of Shooting Heroes. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "No. It's just the right time. "

After discussing the propaganda for a while, the three left separately.

Xiao Yunhai drove to the film and Television Bureau with the TV series "Legend of Shooting Heroes".

There are no holidays for the film and Television Bureau. Even if it is to have a rest, it is necessary to leave enough staff to go to work and not delay the work.

Xiao Yunhai did not look for Xiao Yuanyang, but in accordance with the procedures, came to the audit department.

The new year will be over in two days, so there is basically no one in the audit department, only one staff member is reading books alone there.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming in, the staff immediately got up and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, do you have any new works to review today?"

Today's Xiao Yunhai is not only a celebrity in the Ministry of culture, but also a world-class director. Infernal Affairs is still on the air, and the box office has already exceeded the 9 billion mark. Such a person, the staff naturally dare not neglect.

However, he also had some doubts in his eyes. He didn't hear of any new plays made by Emperor Yun. But the video tape in his bag looks like a TV play again.

The staff were puzzled.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "a few days ago, I invested in shooting a martial arts TV series, and now it has been completed. So I hope you can review it as soon as possible. "

"Martial arts TV series?" The staff member's eyes brightened and said, "Mr. Xiao, is it the story of Shooting Heroes made by Du Hongtai?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "yes, it is. How do you know that? "

The staff shook the book in his hand and said, "I'm a martial arts fan, don't you know?"

Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing. It turned out that what he was reading was "Xiaoao Huhu".

"Will you audit movies and TV plays during the Spring Festival?"

The staff nodded and said, "of course. You can rest assured that it will be finished before the fifth day of the first month. Mr. Xiao, can you sign the book for me

Of course, Xiao Hai nodded

The staff opened the drawer, took out the "Legend of Chu Liuxiang", "Xiao Li Feidao" and "biography of shooting carving heroes", and handed them to Xiao Yunhai together with the "Xiaoao River and lake" on the table.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "now I believe you are really a martial arts fan."

Taking a look at the work card on his chest, Xiao Yunhai wrote in "Xiao Ao Jiang Hu:" I wish Mr. Wang Qiang a smooth job and everything goes well! Xiao Yunhai. "

Wang Qiang said happily, "thank you, Mr. Xiao." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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