Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:03 AM

Chapter 68

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The music soon began to ring. Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and no longer cared about Xia Xiaohu beside him. He planed all his thoughts and devoted himself to the music.

"I once doubted that I walked in the desert

never, no matter what kind of dream I planted

just spread my wings, but the wind would be silent

can habitual pain be regarded as a harvest

fortunately, I have never looked back

finally found that there is an oasis

every sweat flows, life becomes heavy

out of depression, I see the new universe"

this song "broad sea and sky" is It was sung by the former Shixin Orchestra, and it was also a song that Xiao Yunhai liked very much at that time.

Whenever he encountered setbacks and blows in his life, Xiao Yunhai would go to KTV to sing this song crazily. Although there was a problem with his voice at that time, he ignored it until his voice could no longer make a sound.

Every time he finished singing, Xiao Yunhai would cry.

After venting, the next day Xiao Yunhai, like a man without any problems, again set out to his dream.

It can be said that in the previous life, it was this song that brought Xiao Yunhai the strength to rush forward indomitably.

In order to highlight the contrast between the main song and the chorus, and to create a shocking effect in people's hearts, Xiao Yunhai dropped half a tune on the original basis.

Seeing this, Yu Yuexian said in a low voice, "he is ready."

Yes, Xiao Yunhai is just getting ready. He sings the main song with a low and stable voice. Soon, he comes to the chorus.

All of a sudden, Xiao Yunhai is like a reservoir with a sluice gate, and the extremely high pitched voice suddenly rushes out from his Dantian.

"After bravery, we should break the lock of fate with persistence

indifferent people

thank you for looking down on me

let me not bow my head for more wonderful life"

the strong voice penetration power directly stunned the audience.

"That's too much of an exaggeration."

Many students have stood up one after another when they hear the chorus. What is expressed in the lyrics is so exciting.

Huang Bo danced excitedly and said to Zhang Ya next to him, "third brother, this is against the sky."

Zhao Wanqing is a professional singer. She is even more shocked by Xiao Yunhai's song. She looks at the tall figure above with her eyes shining and says in a voice that only she can hear, "how many secrets are waiting for people to discover?"

Yu Yuexian stood up excitedly when he heard Xiao Yunhai's chorus. This song is so wonderful that it just sings out her innermost feelings.

Only on the field Xia Xiaohu is the most uncomfortable.

He once specialized in dance, and his level has reached the professional level. However, the melody of Xiao Yunhai's song is so amazing that he does not know how to express the artistic conception of this song for a while.

Xia Xiaohu stood awkwardly on the stage for a while, while everyone was listening to Xiao Yunhai's singing, he slipped off the stage secretly.

"Xiao Yunhai, you bastard, I remember you. You wait for me. One day, I will ruin your reputation. "

Xia Xiaohu looked at the dazzling Xiao Yunhai on the stage, and said with hatred in his heart.

At this time, the atmosphere of the whole scene was excited by Xiao Yunhai's singing. Where else does anyone care about him.

In the main song part of the second paragraph, Xiao Yunhai slightly raised half a key. After the violent outbreak, the extreme depression calmed the excited crowd.

They are also like Xiao Yunhai, waiting for the arrival of the chorus, waiting for the next outbreak.

Sure enough, the second part of the chorus came, Xiao Yunhai again burst out of super energy.


after the storm, Xiao Yunhai turned his head and laughed at the old heartache.

thank you for accompanying me silently all the way

let me have a good story to say

look at the future step by step"

when singing the second chorus, Xiao Yunhai raised half a key again in the impossible situation Although there were some broken sounds in the end, the audience felt a strong shock.

Especially in the singing of "turn your head and smile at the old heartache", many stars even shed tears.

When the last note of the song falls, Xiao Yunhai quickly breaks away from the state, as if he has never sung before.

This is his ability to act in a previous life. He can break away from the role as quickly as possible, and then play another role in another play.

Xiao Yunhai bowed deeply to the stage, and all of them were shouting wildly.

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

…………………………………………………………… ..It lasted a whole minute before the fiery atmosphere calmed down.

Elder martial brother Xiao went around on purpose and asked, "where did he get the microphone? I just put all the spirit in the song, so I didn't notice. What about others? "

Xiao Yunhai will not let go of the painful things.

Huang Bo yelled at the backstage, "he's scared away for a long time."

"Ha ha ha."

Xia Xiaohu looked at Huang Bo fiercely and quickly went to the stage. He was embarrassed and said, "Xiao Xuedi's singing is really wonderful. I feel like I'm redundant on the stage, so I went down quietly."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you, elder martial brother Xia, for enjoying this song. However, we still have to dance. We have to do what we have promised? Do you think so? "


"Well, let's not embarrass elder martial brother Xia. Let him jump at will. However, at least we have to get applause. Do you agree


Huang Bo laughed: "the third brother is too bad, but I like it. Ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing also smiles. Xia Xiaohu is really picking up a stone to hit his own feet. It's not good to ask who is in trouble. Instead, he looks for Xiao Yunhai, and he is in great trouble.

Fortunately, Xia Xiaohu dance is really good, the audience also give him face, applaud one after another, Xia Xiaohu this just survived.

"Yunhai, I can't see that you are very good, and you can write sketches."

Xiao Yunhai had just stepped down when he received a call from Yu Yuexian.

He had seen Yu Yuexian for a long time, but it was not good to come forward to say hello.

"Just for fun. Sister Yu, have you finished shooting the great master? How can you come here when you have time. "

"It's not finished. I asked for leave because there was an advertisement to shoot. It happened that director Wu asked me to ask you for something

"What's the matter?"

"I'll see you then. At the end of the party, you go to the Dream Cafe not far from school. We'll meet there

"OK, no problem. I'll arrange it first."

Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone, spoke with Huang Bo, and went to dream cafe.

Booking a box, Xiao Yunhai to Yu Yuexian to a message, told him in box 3. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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