Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:15 AM

Chapter 681

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Xiao Yunhai originally thought Xiao Yuanyang would be unhappy because of this, but he was overjoyed when he knew about it.

Xiao Yunhai was very puzzled and asked, "boss, how can you be so happy when I lost such a good opportunity to contact the chief?"

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile, "Yunhai, you think this is a good job. I tell you, every new year, I worry about this thing. Chief one, what kind of person is that? Standing there, the momentum is just like the Jade Emperor, like the abyss, as high as the prison. Even if I speak with a smile, my heart is very flustered, let alone show some

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuanyang patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said with pity: "Yunhai, you can take this responsibility. I am here to thank you."

Xiao Yunhai knows that although Xiao Yuanyang's words are good, it's not the case.

The reception of the No. 1 chief executive has a special symbolic meaning, which represents the recognition of the third generation of young people by the Xiao family.

Because Xiao Yunhai is an artist, he will not enter the officialdom in his life. He has no threat to Xiao Yuanyang. On the contrary, it may bring help. Therefore, Xiao Yuanyang is not angry.

But if someone from the Xiao family took his place, and he also went to officialdom, Xiao Yuanyang's attitude at that time would be totally different from that of now.

Although Xiao Yunhai has never been in contact with officialdom in his previous life, he is still very clear about the ways in it.

"Boss, I can't see how timid you are." Xiao Yunhai cut a, disdainful said.

Xiao Yuanyang coldly hums: "wait for you to experience personally, come again laugh at me."

Because of the security problem, the entire courtyard was taken over by the security bureau early.

Xiao Changfeng, Chen Xiuzhu and others left the courtyard at seven o'clock and were taken home by Xiao Yuanyang.

When Xiao Yunhai was at the door, he also went through a strict body search and examination, plus Xiao Leshan's certificate, so that he could enter it.

Looking at the staff in the yard, Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "old man, isn't it a new year's day? Is it necessary? "

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "the safety of chief executive No. 1 is so important that no matter how strict the inspection is, it is impossible to go too far.". I tell you, I asked you to be in charge of reception three days ago. The Security Bureau has made the most detailed examination of your boy's identity. It is estimated that your information alone is as high as one person. I heard that you almost failed because of Xiangjiang. I'm afraid you would not have the chance if the chief executive did not agree

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "after this year, don't let me do this again, or I'll make mistakes and make you lose face."

Xiao Leshan squinted and said with a smile, "are you very nervous now? You know, that's the number one chief, the real head of the government. I remember that when I was in charge of reception for the first time, I was shivering all over my body, and I almost fell down on the table when I poured tea. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "master, I'm not blowing with you. When I'm in this state of Kung Fu, let alone the No. 1 chief, even if I meet the Jade Emperor, Yama, it's just a matter of leisure for me. "

Xiao Leshan clapped his hands and said with a smile: "among the third generation of young people in our Xiao family, I am most optimistic about you. Whether it's courage, ability, intelligence or temperament, it's the best choice. It's a pity that you didn't enter the officialdom. Otherwise, your future would be limitless. If you are lucky, it's not impossible to go to the center of power. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if I'm not in the officialdom, I'll still be able to mix up my personal style. You see, in less than ten years, your grandson and I are the richest man in the world and the most famous artist in the world. On that day, we will buy two bowls of soybean milk, drink one bowl and throw one bowl away. "

Xiao Leshan was made to laugh by Xiao Yunhai's words.

Just then, a steady and loud voice came from outside.

"What makes old Xiao so happy?"

Xiao Yunhai followed the reputation and saw a 50-60-year-old middle-aged man came to the yard. He was the No.1 chief executive of the news broadcast every day.

Followed by a secretary and several staff, carrying a lot of cigarettes and wine, they all looked respectfully at Xiao Leshan.

Xiao Leshan stepped forward, shook hands with the No. 1 chief executive, and said with a smile: "thank the government for not forgetting me, a bad old man. In fact, I've said it countless times. I don't need to come here every year. The old man would be very grateful to have Chongyang bring me some of my favorite Dahongpao. "

No. 1 chief executive said with a smile, "you can never say that. Huaxia will never forget your contribution to China. I just heard your laughter full of gas, obviously good health, we are also relieved

Xiao Leshan said: "after years of mental illness, the spirit will naturally improve a lot."

At this time, Xiao Yunhai interposed: "master, the weather is cold, you and the chief executive still enter the room to chat again."

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "look at my brain. Let's go inside and talk."

No. 1 chief executive looked at Xiao Yunhai with admiration and said, "please, Mr. Xiao."After entering the room and sitting down, No.1 chief executive looked at Xiao Yunhai who was busy making tea and said, "old Xiao, is this young man Xiao Yunhai?"

Xiao Leshan nodded and said, "yes. He is the child of my youngest son, Changfeng, who is now wandering around in the literary circle. "

"Fooling around?" The No.1 chief executive said with a smile: "old Xiao, you can become a hundred billion rich man in two years. He is famous all over the world. If you get along well, it will be fine. "

Xiao Leshan waved his hand and said with a smile, "don't praise him. This guy is a snake on the stick master, without praise. His mother said that the boy never knew how to write the word "modesty". He was even braver than the heaven. "

"My younger generation, everyone sees me like a mouse meets a cat. Only after he entered the courtyard, he never knew what it was called respect. He would dare to argue with me when he played chess. His face was red, his neck was thick, and his mouth was more fragmented than mine. Strange to say, my old man still likes his way. In this boy's words, it's just a word, cheap. "

On hearing this, the No. 1 chief executive couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Xiao, no wonder your spirit is so good. Your mood is obviously much happier than in the past years, and your speech is much more interesting. "

Xiao Leshan shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I have been influenced by this boy for several days."

Xiao Yunhai brought two cups of tea to them and said with a smile, "please have tea, chief."

If the previous life encounters this kind of scene, estimates Xiao Yunhai will be excited speechless.

But in this world, I don't know whether it's the change of status or the enhancement of Kungfu. After seeing the No. 1 chief, Xiao Yunhai didn't feel any excitement at all, and his heart was as flat as water.

Although chief executive No. 1 was sitting there like a tiger perched on a dragon's flat, Xiao Yunhai was not affected at all. He was respectful and casual.

When Xiao Leshan saw his appearance, he nodded in his heart: "it's a pity that such a mentality does not enter the officialdom."

Despite the fact that chief executive No. 1 has always been affable since he entered the room, he is actually from the army, and his temper is not very good. Let alone ordinary people, even those officials in the frontier are very wary when they report to him.

He was in the highest position in China and read countless people. Naturally, he could see that Xiao Yunhai did not have any fear of himself from the bottom of his heart. Now he was a little curious and said, "Yunhai, is it OK for me to call you this way?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are the chief executive and the elder. It's no problem to be public or private."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's reply, No.1 chief executive immediately came interested and said: "Yunhai, you sit down, I want to talk to you."


Xiao Yunhai sat down directly without any politeness.

"I heard that you have a pen name called tianwaike, who wrote several martial arts novels?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Chief, you will not see it, will you? "

No. 1 said with a smile: "I did. Your four novels are now my must read items during my break. In terms of words on the Internet, I'm a fan of you. "

Hearing his words, Xiao Yun Haydn opened his mouth and said in disbelief, "you are not teasing me, are you? I'm serious , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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