Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:13 AM

Chapter 682

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The Secretary sitting behind the chief couldn't help laughing.

Having been with No. 1 chief for so many years, it was the first time that he heard someone speak to him in this tone. He could not help admiring Xiao Yunhai.

Mr. Xiao is right. Xiao Yunhai's courage is bigger than the sky.

No. 1 chief also laughed, turned to Xiao Leshan and said, "Mr. Xiao, I understand that you will be in such a good mood. It's hard to have such a small generation chatting with you if you are in a bad mood. "

Xiao Leshan said, "this boy is not taboo. If you are wrong, don't take him for granted. "

No. 1 waved his hand and said, "I like to communicate with young people who dare to speak. Yunhai, it's said that both your movie "Jingwu hero" and "Infernal Affairs" which are still on the screen have exceeded 10 billion, haven't they? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "according to the exchange rate at that time, the global box office of Jingwu hero was 15 billion, but Infernal Affairs was a little worse. Maybe it was the economic crisis, only about 9.5 billion. Chief, you also know my two films. "

The No.1 leader nodded and said: "we held a special meeting for the future of Chinese cultural industry some time ago. When Cao Huaqian, Minister of culture, gave a speech, he focused on you and your two films, so I remembered them all at once. Some people say that the 21st century will be the century of entertainment industry. Yunhai, what do you think of this sentence? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at xiaoleshan and said with a smile, "say what you have. Don't hide anything. After all, you are a member of the entertainment industry, and your understanding of the entertainment industry is still of great significance. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, I will tell you everything and say everything. I think this sentence is biased, but it also illustrates the importance of the entertainment industry. I can't tell you the truth. Let's take an example. Our Huaxia cinema was split up a while ago. Its market value should be about 600 billion yuan. However, in the auction house, it was copied to 1.2 billion yuan by those foreign devils, which was more than doubled.

"A while ago, I heard a friend say that if it wasn't for the financial crisis that caused their capital problems, I'm afraid our cinemas would be divided up by the eight major American film companies and the Wall Street consortium behind them. Cinema is the most important part of the entertainment industry. If the big capitalists didn't attach great importance to the entertainment industry, how could they have paid such a high price? "

"To tell you the truth, I was also very interested in it at that time. I mortgaged all the things I could mortgage to the bank and lent more than 100 billion yuan. I didn't expect that it was nothing, nothing. "

"But you are united with Yu's real estate and Hu's technology groups to build a cinema line bigger than Huaxia cinema. You are ambitious," he said

Xiao Yunhai said: "you manage everything. How can you even know this little thing?"

The No.1 chief said with a smile: "your uncle told me about it the next day, and emphasized the relationship between you and him. How could I not have known it?"

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "he is afraid that I will do some shady things under the banner of Xiao family. Hey, I Xiao Yunhai can walk to today, rely on real talent and real learning, rely on ability to eat, that kind of shameless things, I Xiao Yunhai can not do

"I will not hide it from you. At the beginning, President Hu and president Yu said that as long as this matter can be done, they will give me 10% more shares. But who is brother? I don't care about it. You say that we are also tens of millions of people every minute. We can't use this kind of shady means. "

"So you donated 10 percent to the Red Cross Society of China," the No.1 chief said

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Money is something you don't bring with you when you are alive or dead. If it wasn't for me that I was in the process of starting a business and needed it to realize my life value, otherwise, I would not frown even if I donated all my property. "

Chief executive No. 1 praised: "well said, well done. Yunhai, what do you think of our domestic movies? Since the split of Huaxia cinema, Hollywood movies have been pouring in crazily. Except for your Infernal Affairs, other domestic films seem to be no match for them. What do you think is the gap between domestic and foreign films? What can the government do to reverse this situation? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "chief, are you asking the wrong person? I'm just a little artist. I'm just a little bit of an entertainer. I can't do it if I have such a big problem. "

No. 1 said, "you don't have to be modest. You are now the boss of the No.1 special effects company in the world, one of the major shareholders of Huaxia new cinema, and also have shares in several North American cinemas. Such a figure is not something that small artists can do. If you say it, I'll listen to it, and we'll have a chat. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is what you asked me to say. If you are wrong, don't blame me. I don't think we need to worry about Chinese movies at all. The reason why Hollywood movies can be popular in China for a time is nothing more than three tricks. The first is the combination of strong men and women; the second is the eye-catching special effects; the third is the intense and explosive story. The Chinese audience will definitely feel fresh at first, but it will not take long for them to feel disgusted. No one can stand a routine. Our Chinese films have been running for 5000 years, and there are so many things that we can shoot. This is incomparable in any foreign country, and even worse in the United States. ""Before Hollywood could become the world film center, the biggest advantage was special effects technology. Through technology monopoly, other countries had to recognize its status. But now, their special effects are not working. My dream special effects company has developed new technologies, coupled with the magic huge special effects team, it can be said that we have the strongest special effects industry in China, and it is not difficult to make eye-catching pictures. "

"It's just that our screenwriters and directors are obviously not out of the shackles imposed on them by Chinese films before. Their imagination is not as rich as that of foreign directors, which is very unfavorable for domestic films."

"Star series like Hollywood used to be a monopoly of Hollywood. Now we can do better than them. However, so far, no screenwriter or director has come to me to talk about this matter. I can't even think about it. What can I expect from them? "

Xiao Yunhai's words are very scattered, but the No. 1 chief executive still recognized his meaning.

That's what Hollywood has. China has all of them. The reason why it can't work is not because of hardware, but because of thinking.

Chief executive No. 1 picked up his tea cup, took a sip of tea, nodded and said, "that's good. After all, he is a world-class director who has a unique view on film. What I hear most is how powerful and wonderful foreign movies are, but no one analyzes them from the root like you. What you said is to the point. If you can't open your mind, it's useless to do anything. "

"We all have the winning factors of Hollywood blockbusters you mentioned. Why not use them. It seems that we must emancipate our minds first. "

Xiao Leshan beside him was very satisfied with Xiao Yunhai's answer and said, "why didn't you tell your uncle about it?"

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "he didn't ask me why I said it."

"You..." Xiao Leshan glared at him fiercely.

No. 1 chief executive couldn't help but smile and said to Xiao Yunhai, "what else is there besides ideological problems?"

Xiao Yunhai also completely opened up, saying: "the government does not pay attention to the cultural industry is one of the very big problems."

"No attention? How could it be? " Chief one said in surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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