Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:11 AM

Chapter 683

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Previous governments have attached great importance to the entertainment and cultural industry, otherwise, there will be no entertainment barriers.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai say so, even Xiao Leshan frowned, for fear that he would speak nonsense. He said quickly, "you boy, don't talk nonsense. Not to mention anything else, the fact that Mr. Mu himself served as the chairman of the golden cup award shows the attitude of the country. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "after 20 years of hard work, Huaxia is really much stronger than before, but this is not enough. For example, a while ago, I made a film called inception, which was shot by Chinese actors and Hollywood's conventional techniques, but it needs helicopters. Because of this, I have to go to the United States to take pictures, because the Chinese military will never use helicopters in film shooting. Even if it can be used, it's also some helicopters that make people feel old and useless at a glance, which simply can't meet the needs of our movies. "

"The United States, on the other hand, values films much more than we do. For example, four years ago, the US military even took out more than 50% of its main combat weapons and three military bases in order to fight against alien science fiction film "sniping at the earth.". Can the government give such support? "

"The box office of" snipe the earth "ranks first in the world, with 7.23 billion US dollars, while its investment is only 850 million US dollars, which can be regarded as creating a movie myth. You know, it was four years ago. If we put it today, even if it is more than 10 billion, it is estimated that it will not be a problem. "

"In this aspect alone, Huaxia has already cut off the possibility of shooting science fiction war blockbusters."

"But we also have our own military films," Xiao Leshan said

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "grandfather, tell me how well the so-called military themed films and TV plays are. I don't know anything else. Anyway, we young people in our twenties and thirties will never watch it. Because they give us the feeling of two words, naive. One of my classmates even described the military films made by the state as "Jia Jia", so you can imagine its audience

Chief one thought for a while and said, "do you want the country to open the door to the army?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "we Chinese like to hide our light and hide all good things. Actually, I don't think it's necessary. No matter in terms of economic strength or military strength, we are No. 1 in the world, and we dare not take out anything. "

It's more important to rely on the army to make money. Take "sniper earth" for example. Because it uses too many things, the U.S. military wants 10% of the box office, which is $723 million. The rest is distributed by the publisher, the cinema and the producer. Think about how many soldiers can be supported by $723 million. It's just one movie. If it's ten, it's a hundred. "

"Chief, do you know how much money the U.S. military made through movies and TV shows last year?"

Chief one was not clear about this and asked, "how much?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "according to my good friend MGM's Kerry, a total of 8.2 billion US dollars have been received. According to a soldier's annual salary of 80000 dollars, this income is enough to support 100000 people. "

Chief executive No. 1 breathed a sigh, thought again for a moment, and said, "I will not talk about this issue for a moment. What else, you say it all, I want to hear it? "

The secretary next to him said, "chief, it's time."

Chief one waved his hand and said, "delay the time."

Xiao Yunhai continued: "there is also the problem of cinema. Since the beginning of the year 2000, China, from the government to the artists, all feel that domestic movies are better than Hollywood movies in the first place. They only know how to keep their own land, but ignore one of the biggest problems: attack is the best defense. "

The No.1 chief executive's eyes lit up and said, "do you mean to make domestic films go out?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. We Chinese directors and artists are no worse than foreign countries, why can't we go out. The government should play a huge role in this regard. "

"What's the effect?" said chief one

Xiao Yunhai said: "to all countries, foreign theaters must be open to Chinese enterprises, especially in Europe and the United States. We in Huaxia have cancelled all the protective measures. Even Huaxia cinemas, which account for more than 60% of the market share, have been obtained by them. Why should they still block us

"Even if we can't buy a ready-made one, we should be allowed to build a new cinema. Chinese enterprises are not short of money, what they lack is only the approval of governments around the world. In any case, at least we should have a cinema line covering the whole world in our own hands. In this way, our Chinese culture can be transmitted. If they don't agree, then we have every reason to crack down on the four separated cinemas. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, No. 1 chief executive clapped his case and exclaimed, "that's good. I'd better talk about it tomorrow. Hehe, if they come in, we'll go out and see who's beaten who? "Xiao Yunhai grinned and said, "chief, if this thing is really done, do you think you can give me a little benefit as the initiator?"

Chief one laughed and said, "OK, no problem."

The two talked for another 15 minutes. When it came to the rise, Xiao Yunhai even forgot that the other party was the supreme leader of China. Good guy, he even said that he was a leader of China, and he made a random talk about it. The Secretary behind the No.1 chief looked at him with extraordinary admiration.

This guy is really amazing.

When he got on the train, the No.1 chief officer shook hands with Xiao Leshan and said, "Mr. Xiao, it's really beneficial to come here today to have an exchange with your precious grandson."

Hearing the words of No. 1 chief, Xiao Leshan was full of pride, his eyes narrowed into a slit, but his mouth was modest and said: "this boy has no cover up, and he doesn't know how to speak properly. If there is anything wrong, please don't mind."

"I like people like Yunhai who say what they want. It's too hard to hear the truth, the truth and the heart when we get to our position. Although some of Yunhai's words are not very pleasant to hear, I can still hear his love for Chinese movies. "

Speaking of this, No.1 chief executive turned to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, come on, I'll take good care of you."

Xiao Yunhai said without modesty: "I am also optimistic about myself. In ten years, no, within five years, I must be the richest man in the world. "

The No.1 commander gave him a thumbs up and said, "OK, I'm looking forward to that day. Mr. Xiao, I'll see you again when I have time. "

"Your leaders are busy, so don't worry about me."

After the first chief left, Xiao Leshan squinted at Xiao Yunhai and said, "you boy, you are braver than the sky."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I know what you big people think. Blindly respectful, words dare not say, fart dare not put, such a person, you like just strange. Ha ha, the superior person, what you like most is that you have no scruples about what you say, otherwise, it will be meaningless. "

Xiao Leshan sighed and said, "everyone knows this truth. But there are only a few that can be done. You and his words may really change the whole process of Chinese culture and entertainment industry. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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