Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:10 AM

Chapter 684

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As soon as the voice dropped, a black Great Wall car came.

Xiao Yuanyang and Xiao Changfeng get off the car.

Xiao Yuanyang said: "grandfather, Yunhai, why did the chief executive leave so late this year?"

Xiao Leshan pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "it's not your brother who is very good at it. It's just in front of the supreme leader of China that he sprayed wildly for more than half an hour. The Secretary urged him several times, but he didn't make it. In terms of courage, you are a hundred thousand miles behind him. "

With that, Xiao Leshan turned and entered the door.

After listening to Xiao Leshan's words, Xiao Changfeng, Xiao Yuanyang, Chen Xiuzhu and Xiao Yunling were stunned for a long time and looked at Xiao Yunhai with an incredible look.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I think the chief executive is very interesting. I told him a little more, but it's nothing."

Xiao Yunling said: "elder brother, I have never worshipped you like today. You are my idol."

Xiao Yuanyang also gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "you boy, you are a cow to heaven. Do you know that even those officials who were in charge of the frontier were trembling, let alone chatting with him. It's very interesting for you to define the chief executive. Yes, I did. Come on, tell me, what did you talk about? "

When they entered the room, Xiao Yunhai repeated what he had talked with the chief executive.

Xiao Yunhai finally said: "brother, when you go back, I will tell you all these things, so as to make some preparations in advance."

Xiao Yuanyang nodded and said, "I understand. No wonder the chief will talk to you for such a long time. Your boy is so clever. The chief is a soldier originally, your sentence that the attack is the best defense is too good, and it was immediately mentioned in his heart

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what I said is all in my heart, not to compliment him. Dad, mom, I've bought the ticket to my uncle's tomorrow. I expect to see my grandfather at five o'clock in the afternoon. "

Xiao Leshan, next to him, said, "Changfeng, when you see your father-in-law, please say hello to me. If I hadn't been taught martial arts by this old man and let me go to school, I would not have been able to go to this day. "

Xiao Changfeng nodded and said, "OK, Dad."

At noon, after dinner in xiaoleshan, Xiao Yunhai went back to his father-in-law's house. Tomorrow, he and Zhao Wanqing will go to his uncle.

During the lunch in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Mingsheng about the things he had talked with the chief executive, which shocked Zhao Mingsheng and admired Xiao Yunhai's courage.

On the second day of junior high school, Xiao Yunhai asked Li Bing to drive a great wall business car and sent his family to Yanjing International Airport.

Originally, Mengfang also wanted to go with her. However, Zhao Yan was pregnant last month, and it was not suitable for her to be tired. She asked Xiao Yunhai to take something with her and say hello to Chen Jiahong on his behalf.

The two of them have got their marriage certificate, but they have not held a wedding ceremony.

It's not a question of being released, but that Zhao Yan feels that she is a second marriage and has a child. If she has a wedding, she will feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Mengfang and Zhao Yan only took their wedding photos, and asked relatives and friends to have a simple meal, even if it was a wedding.

Xiao Yunhai directly gave them a luxury car of more than 500000 yuan, which made Li linger envious.

They stayed in Liang Jiahong until the fifth day of the new year. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to Yanjing.

Today, Xiao Yunhai's Infernal Affairs, with a total box office of 9.6 billion Chinese dollars, has shocked the world film industry.

It's a miracle that the six day drama can sell to 9.6 billion yuan.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai asked Sima Qian to book a five-star hotel for the celebration of Infernal Affairs on the evening of the sixth day of the lunar new year. At that time, all the main creators will be there.

The sales volume of Zhao Wanqing's music album "dancer" has increased by geometric multiples. By the fifth day of the first day, the sales volume has reached 16 million, and the breakthrough of 20 million can be said to be without any suspense.

Maybe it's because everyone has money in their hands during the Chinese New Year. Shen Xiangquan's albums are also sold very well. Although they are not as good as Zhao Wanqing, their sales have also reached 11 million.

The battle between the two has been decided. Shen Xiangquan not only failed to win the competition, but also paid all the money he got to the Qinghai student foundation in the name of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, which was a loss of his wife and a loss of his soldiers.

Of course, to Shen Weijun behind him, this money is nothing.

At ten o'clock in the morning of the sixth day of the lunar new year, Xiao Yunhai invited huamingquan of sunshine publishing house to come to a good teahouse.

As soon as Hua Mingquan entered the box, he couldn't wait to ask, "Mr. Xiao, do you have any new works?"

Xiao Yunhai asked him to sit down, poured him a cup of tea and said with a smile, "President Hua, you are right. I wrote a martial arts novel two days ago. It's called the legend of Lu Xiaofeng. I want to find you to publish it. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's reply, Hua Ming was all overjoyed and said, "it's really great."

Xiao Yunhai looked at Hua Ming in surprise and asked, "President Hua, is there anything you want from sunshine publishing house?"Although Xiao Yunhai only met huamingquan two or three times, he could feel that he was very calm, courageous and ambitious.

If there was no problem, he would not be so happy for his novel.

Sure enough, Hua Mingquan said with a wry smile: "to be honest, after your" Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu "and" Legend of Shooting Heroes ", although our sunshine Publishing House's fame has greatly increased, we can receive a lot of required manuscripts every day, but there are no works that can really make people see. The highest sales volume is only 4 million copies. Alas, it is a new publishing house. There is a big gap between the old publishing house and the new publishing house. "

"In recent months, the most popular one is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone written by the British writer Ms. Rowling. I went there in person and wanted to cooperate with them. However, when the heads of European publishing houses heard that I was the boss of sunshine publishing house, they didn't even let in the door and said that they had never heard of the name of our publishing house, which almost didn't piss me off. Finally, the novel was stolen by Minsheng publishing house. So far, the English version and the Chinese version together have sold more than 30 million yuan. "

"Now, with your martial arts novel, we must fight a beautiful battle."

When Xiao Yunhai heard Hua Mingquan say about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, he couldn't help laughing and said, "if you want the second volume of Harry Potter, I can help you."

Hua Ming was stunned and then asked in surprise, "Mr. Xiao, do you know the person in charge of several European publishing houses?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't know. But the Harry Potter series is mine. I'll give it to whoever I want. They can't control me

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Hua Ming's whole buttocks looked like sitting on a spring. He jumped up directly and said with an incredible look: "how can it be?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I spent more than 20 million dollars to buy all the copyright of it from Ms. Rowling. How can it be impossible? Some time later, the movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" will be shown all over the world, and when it sells at the box office, I will publish the second Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. If you are interested, you can come to me

Hua Mingquan returned to his seat and said, "I can tell you that I am very interested in it. Mr. Xiao, I don't understand. Why don't you just ask me to publish it? In that case, you will get more. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the four major publishing houses in Europe are of a global nature. I need to get rid of the popularity of the Harry Potter series, and naturally I will find them. And now, Harry Potter series has been popular all over the world, and after the movie sales, it will be more popular. As long as I release the news that will be published in the second part, I'm afraid there will be at least hundreds of publishing houses coming to discuss. At that time, I will undoubtedly get more benefits. "

Hua Ming nodded his head and seemed to have made a decision in his heart and said, "Mr. Xiao, I can give you 92% of the profit in your martial arts novel" Legend of Lu Xiaofeng "and magic novel" Harry Potter ". What do you think

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's not necessary. It's 90 percent good."

Hua Ming listened and did not give in, but picked up the cup and said gratefully, "Mr. Xiao, don't say anything, thank you."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and touches him.

Huaming has two contracts printed, one is the legend of Lu Xiaofeng and the other is Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets.

After the two sides signed the contract, Huaming left with a clear mind. With these two novels, sunshine publishing house will have no problem this year. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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