Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:08 AM

Chapter 685

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That night, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to Fuhao Hotel to host the celebration banquet of Infernal Affairs.

The general manager of Fuhao Hotel personally welcomed them to the hall. Xiao Yunhai found that it was really very nice. It was spacious, bright, clean and tidy, with all kinds of entertainment equipment.

On top of the stage was a huge screen with a line of words: "congratulations on Infernal Affairs breaking through 960 million worldwide box office.".

Xiao Yunhai pointed to the number above and said with a smile, "wife, is it too high-profile to write like this?"

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "you're just showing off. Are you proud?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "where? It's not even 10 billion. There's nothing to show off. "

Zhao Wanqing couldn't help laughing and said, "you are so thick skinned. What does it mean to have no more than 10 billion yuan? Your words have been heard by those directors with only eight million box office. They have to beat you all over the place to find their teeth. It's hateful. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed.

They are talking and laughing, man Wenbin and Yu Yuexian come in.

"Madame man, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are more and more beautiful."

Xiao Yunhai uttered a strange cry, opened his arms, and with an extremely exaggerated expression, he was going to embrace Yu Yuexian.

Yu Yuexian didn't say a word and kicked it up.

Xiao Yunhai quickly dodged and said: "sister Yu, you obviously have a tendency of violence. Brother Wenbin, you are so pitiful that you have to be beaten at home. "

Man Wenbin shook his head and said with a smile, "Yunhai, I really believe you. Now that you are a world famous director, can't you be a little reserved? "

Because of Yu Yuexian's relationship, man Wenbin and Xiao Yunhai have also become very close friends. They have no scruples about playing jokes.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "it has been repeated in the film. It's better to be real in life. I don't want to live my life in a mask. "

Man Wenbin's eyes brightened and said, "well said."

Yu Yuexian took Zhao Wanqing's hand and said with a smile, "when you are not serious, you can't laugh or cry. But it makes a lot of sense to say a word occasionally. "

When Zhao Wanqing heard this, she immediately laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yu, you not only have a tendency of violence, but also have a lot of sharp words. Ah, I think Comrade man will be living in dire straits in the future. Poor

"Don't make trouble here. By the way, I signed this contract. Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, I'm going to post Infernal Affairs to Xianyue video network. "

Yu Yuexian talks and takes out the contract and pen from the bag and hands it to Xiao Yunhai.

After Xiao Yunhai took over, he said to Zhao Wanqing, "wife, have you seen it. I've just been scolded, and I'm going to sign the contract in a flash. That's too much. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you'd better sign it quickly. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Yu will beat you instead of scolding you later. "

The four laughed.

Xiao Yunhai didn't even look at it and signed his name at the back of the contract.

For Xiao Yunhai's trust, Yu Yuexian was very helpful in his heart, but he said: "you boy, you don't even look at the contract content, so I'm not afraid I'll sell you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I am willing to be sold by a goddess like Yu Jie."

Yu Yuexian put up the contract and said, "you don't disgust me. Come on, director Xiao, what size red envelope are you going to give me

Xiao Yunhai said, "what size do you want?"

Yu Yuexian took a look at the figures on the big screen and said, "the box office of 9.6 billion is worth hundreds of millions."

Xiao Yunhai heard this, immediately said: "wife, go, this celebration banquet, our family can not afford."

"What kind of celebration banquet can't even be held by Xiao

When Xiao Yun searched for fame, he saw Ye Yongren, Huang Qiusheng and Liang Hui walk in with a smile on their faces. It was Huang Qiusheng who spoke.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "three teachers have a good Spring Festival. Just now, sister Yu asked me for hundreds of millions of red envelopes. I think it's better to go first. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "Yuexian, no wonder the couple are so angry that they want to go. You don't take Xiaoda rich man seriously. I think at least 500 million yuan can show Xiao's spirit. is it? Lao Liang. "

Liang Hui nodded and said, "I think so."

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "wife, have you seen it. It's a very old-fashioned way of life. It's a cold world. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Looking at the figure of 9.6 billion, ye Yongren can't help sighing: "I didn't expect that a movie that took only six days to get such a high box office is simply a miracle."

Yu Yuexian said, "yes. Such a miracle, that is, Yunhai this boy can create. You've made a lot of money. You've become famous all over the world if you don't pay attention. But wan Qing and I only played two or three scenes. Who can remember us. Well, what a loss. "Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "don't worry about this. With your goddess looks, even if it's a glimpse, fans can remember, let alone shoot two or three scenes. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "Miss Huang, I haven't seen you for a few days. How can you change so much. It's comforting, but we're really comfortable. "

With the passage of time, Zhang Liping, Huang Bo, Lin Hui and other cast members came to the hotel one after another.

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Xiao Yunhai asked the hotel manager to bring in the seven or eight well-known media reporters he deliberately invited.

Xue Haihong, Lin Hui's agent, was very surprised and said, "Why are there so few reporters at the celebration banquet? You know, this is the Infernal Affairs with a box office of 9.6 billion. "

Li Zongmin, ye Yongren's agent, said with a smile: "it's all Xiao who asked him to do this. I heard Lao ye say that if he didn't want to boost the momentum of Chinese domestic films through the box office of Infernal Affairs, he would not even invite a media. At the beginning, the celebration banquet of Jingwu hero was held in secret. Now it has made a lot of progress to invite these media reporters here. "

Although the status of Xue Haihong and Li Zongmin in the circle of brokers are very different, they have a trace of kinship. It is also Li Zongmin's help that Xue Haihong can enter the circle.

Xue Haihong said: "Alas, people are more than people, and they are very angry. How many stars want to make headlines in the media, asking for their grandfathers and suing their grandmothers, but they ignore them. However, Mr. Xiao is actually dismissive of these things, while the media is always chasing after them. The gap between the two is really too big

Li Zongmin sighed, "yes. That's the reality of entertainment. "

After they all took their seats, Xiao Yunhai stood on the rostrum and said, "Dear journalists, I'm very glad that you can accept my invitation to attend the celebration of Infernal Affairs. What's the problem? You can ask now. "

A reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, have you ever thought that Infernal Affairs will get such a result before?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and burst into a rage. "Of course. In fact, after the script came out, my goal was eight billion. It's mainly in Europe and the United States. I'm not sure whether it will succeed, so I have estimated some errors. "

"How do you feel now to see the Infernal Affairs have achieved such good results?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm happy and excited. At the same time, I want to thank all the members of the crew for their efforts in this play. In particular, the wonderful performance of several teachers made this play a classic. "

"Mr. Xiao, there is usually a red envelope at a celebration banquet. You are famous for your generosity in the circle. When I heard that" Jingwu hero "was celebrating, you threw tens of millions. I don't know how much we prepared this time? Can you tell me? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I can only say that it will not be less than" Jingwu hero. "

"Teachers, what do you think of the achievements of Infernal Affairs?"

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "unlike Xiao, I never thought I would get such a result. I thought it would be good to break through three billion, but I didn't expect it to exceed three times. "

Huang Qiusheng nodded and said, "I'm surprised, too. Teacher ye and I should be the first to know the play. At the beginning, in a teahouse, when director Xiao told us the whole story of the play, I had only one feeling, that is, amazing, and then took it without hesitation. Ha ha, I didn't expect to be so careless that it swept the whole world and made 9.6 billion impressive achievements. It was a big surprise to me. "

"What about Mr. Liang? Did you ever expect to achieve such a result? "

Liang Hui said with a smile: "of course not. All Chinese actors, it is estimated that they will not believe that a bad police and bandit film will get such a result. No, achievement is more appropriate. Thank you, director Xiao, for inviting me to play Han Chen. It's my honor to act against several artists with excellent acting skills. It's really fun. "

"Director Xiao, I heard that your" Jingwu hero "has been shortlisted for the best action design award. Will the Infernal Affairs show take part in the American Academy Awards next year?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. I've already published the film. "

"What do you think is the chance that" Jingwu hero "will win the prize

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I don't know. For me, it's good to be shortlisted. As for the prize or not, it's up to you. "

Next, the reporters asked a lot of questions, and the creators answered them one by one.

Finally, the staff came in with an ice sculpture engraved with 9.5 billion numbers.

Xiao Yunhai led the main creators to break the ice sculpture with a hammer. The celebration ceremony was a complete conclusion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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