Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:06 AM

Chapter 687

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In an upscale cafe in Yanjing, Mo Yina, dressed in professional women's clothes, is talking to Zhu Chengwei, deputy director of Jiangsu TV station.

Zhu Chengwei, 32 years old, is very handsome with a pair of glasses. At such an age, he has become the top five vice director of Jiangsu TV station, which is promising.

He and Mo Yina are classmates, because they are in the entertainment industry, so they usually have more contact, and the relationship is very good.

Zhu Chengwei said: "Yina, help me. My program" singer's night "was introduced from South Korea. It's really very good. Last year, the audience rating in their country reached 35%. In China, there must be no problem. Miss Zhao's singing is a top player in Chinese music. It's definitely good for her popularity to participate in such a competition. "

Mo Yina took a sip of coffee and said, "Lao Zhu, I didn't mean to embarrass you, but it's not reliable at all. You ask Wanqing to take part in the singing contest after such a day, and you have to decide with others. Are you kidding. If you win, you won't gain much; if you lose, you'll lose a lot. Don't say it's her, even I won't agree. "

It turns out that "singer's night" was a competition program between professional singers broadcasted in South Korea last year. After it was broadcast, it quickly swept the whole South Korea, and its audience rating was very high, which was similar to that of "I am a singer" in the previous life.

Not only is the program popular, but also the singers who participate in the singing are becoming more and more popular.

As the deputy director in charge of variety show, Zhu Chengwei attached great importance to the singer's night. He finally asked the station to buy the copyright of the program. The stage was also beautifully arranged, and the sound effect was even worse.

It can be said that everything is ready now, except for the east wind. But Dongfeng is not so easy to borrow.

Famous singers don't want to be on the stage like this. The reason is very simple. Losing too much face.

And no famous singer is useless, the audience does not like to see them, the ratings are not much better.

The contradiction between the two makes Zhu Chengwei very distressed.

The so-called sincerity, gold and stone open.

Zhu Chengwei brazenly invited them one by one, hoping to move them with sincerity. Of course, high attendance fees are inevitable.

Don't mention it. He really made it. He invited many second-line and first-line singers with great strength.

Even some Korean, Japanese and European and American singers who came to China to work hard were fooled by him.

These people all want to make their own fame through this program. After all, there is no way to beat Chinese local singers faster than to get ahead in China.

This program is almost the same as "I am a singer" in the previous life. The only difference is that it has a larger scale.

a season of "I am a singer" invited 156 guests, while "singer's night" needs 32 people. The total number of first singers is 11. Every two issues eliminate three people at the end of each issue, and the other three singers make up the seats, which is more competitive than the previous life More cruel.

Of course, the level of excellence will certainly be improved a lot.

Zhu Chengwei's invitation to Mo Yina this time is to invite Zhao Wanqing through her.

Although many of the singers he invited were above Zhao Wanqing in terms of their status and fame, in terms of popularity, Zhao Wanqing's hundreds of millions of fans could completely blow them up.

If she can take part in it, it will definitely be a very beneficial thing for "singer's night". The audience rating can be increased by at least 2%.

But to his dismay, Mo Yina always disagreed with him even though he said he had done his lip service.

However, Zhu Chengwei's greatest advantage is that he has a persistent tenacity. Mo Yina refused to accept, so he tried to grind it there.

If you don't agree, I won't stop.

Mo Yina really can't stand it, and because she is an old classmate, she can't help but say, "Lao Zhu, I've told you countless times. Wan Qing is the eldest lady of Hanhai and the wife of emperor Yun. Although I am her agent, I dare not make decisions for her. "

Zhu Chengwei showed a pathetic expression and said, "Yi Na, I just want you to introduce me, but I didn't say that I need to be so embarrassed to sign a contract for Miss Zhao?"

Although Zhu Chengwei is the deputy director of Jiangsu TV station, his position in the circle is not high.

If you want to see artists above the front line, you still need to find someone to introduce you.

After all, there are a lot of deputy directors of TV stations, but not too many artists above the front line.

Mo Yina said with a wry smile: "the main reason is that your program is so unreliable. Even I can't pass this barrier, let alone Wanqing. Well, for the sake of our classmate, I'll help you. If I'm punished for this, I can tell you that you can't let me let you go without a Lv. "

Zhu Chengwei said happily: "no matter whether it is successful or not, an LV is absolutely no problem."

"That's about it."

Just then, Mo Yina's mobile phone suddenly rang.When you open it, it's Zhao Wanqing's calling.

Mo Yina made a shush gesture to Zhu Chengwei, pressed the answer button, and said with a smile, "Wanqing, what can I do for you?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "sister Mo, can't I find you if you're ok?"

Mo Yina said with a smile: "how can it be. I'm used to it. Unless something happens, you seldom call me. "

Mo Yina and Zhao Wanqing have a very good relationship. It is not too much to describe it as a good friend.

The reason why Mo Yina doesn't want to help Zhu Chengwei is that she is worried that Zhao Wanqing will doubt her own vision, and that Zhao Wanqing will agree to come down. If she is eliminated and her popularity is affected, Mo Yina will be guilty.

At that time, it's hard to talk about public affairs and private affairs.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it seems that what I have done before is not suitable for you, the big nanny, to have such a feeling. However, you guessed wrong today. It's not me who is looking for you, but my family. "

"Mr. Xiao is looking for me?" Mo Yina was surprised and said, "what can my little agent do for him?"

Xiao Yunhai is now a major international director, controlling the most powerful special effects company in the world. He is even said to be a shareholder of all major cinemas in North America. Senior executives of the eight major Hollywood film companies are courteous to him.

It can be said that Xiao Yunhai has been standing at the top of the Chinese entertainment circle, and even a figure in the international entertainment circle.

Although he has a small reputation in the circle of brokers, he is not on the same level as Xiao Yunhai.

Such a character, what else can I do to find myself.

Mo Yina is confused.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "sister Mo, Yunhai wants to ask you to be his agent, how about that?"

Zhao Wanqing's words, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, directly suppressed Mo Yina. Her eyes were straight and she wanted to speak, but her throat seemed to be stuck by something. She could not say a word.

How could the famous emperor Yun let himself be his agent? It's just incredible.

Mo Yina even thought she was dreaming.




all kinds of expressions flashed from her face.

It was not until Zhao Wanqing called her several times on the phone that Mo Yina came back to herself. She even said, "I do, of course I will."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you should know our villa. If you're free, you'd better come over now. "

"Yes, I'll be right there. By the way, I want to ask you something. " Mo Yina glanced at Zhu Chengwei and continued: "it's an old classmate of mine, who is the deputy director of Jiangsu TV station, who planned a singer competition program. It sounds very interesting. He wants to have an interview with you. What do you think? "

Mo Yina said this with great risk.

If there is no such thing, Mo Yina can certainly become Xiao Yunhai's agent. But now let's introduce Zhu Chengwei to the past. Once the emperor thinks there is something wrong with the program, there will be great uncertainty.

However, for the sake of her old classmates, Mo Yina still did so, which shows that she is indeed a good person.

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said with a smile, "then you can bring this deputy director to come here."

Mo Yina said, "OK. I'll be there in half an hour. "

After hanging up the phone, Mo Yina stood up and said to Zhu Chengwei, who was pleasantly surprised, "what are you doing? Let's go. "

Zhu Chengwei said happily, "great."

After paying the bill, Mo Yina drives Zhu Chengwei to Xiao Yunhai's villa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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