Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:02 AM

Chapter 69

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An hour later, Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing walked into the box.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with a smile, "how did you two get up together?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister Yu and I are good friends. We knew her much earlier than you did."

Xiao Yunhai pretended to sigh and said, "I wanted to have a chat with you. We know big stars, but I didn't expect Oh, no more. It's all tears. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "you're OK. Please give me a poor mouth. To tell you the truth, I was really surprised by your performance tonight. Can you tell me what else you can't do with singing, acting and writing martial arts novels, and now with the performance of skits, Yunhai

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "there is one thing I can't learn no matter how hard I try."


"Have a baby."

"Bah." Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing gave him a white eye.

Xiao Yunhai deliberately shocked all over and said, "two beauties must not discharge any more. I can't stand it."

"All right. Stop talking Yu Yuexian said: "I came to see you because director Wu wanted to buy the song that you gave him when you left. He hoped that you could record it again. The usage fee of the song is 200000, and the copyright is still yours. However, before the screening of" great master ", you can't sing without the permission of director Wu."

"Well, no problem."

"Well, this is the contract. You sign it."

Xiao Yunhai took over the contract and signed it without looking at it.

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "do you believe me so much? If the contract says you're sold, you're done. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if sister Yu wants to buy me, I don't want a cent. My brother will give you more than 100 catties of meat white. Steamed or fried, it's up to you. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and couldn't help laughing.

Yu Yuexian shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "you, you, I really don't know how to say hello. At the beginning, they were afraid that you would make a lot of people in the drama troupe. But after a long time with you, I found that you are just a jerk who can't speak well

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, way: "thank you in elder sister's praise."

His character is like this, to his friends, but ruthless to the enemy.

"By the way, when to record the song."

"Now. I have to go back to the cast tomorrow morning, so I have to finish it all night. I've asked Wanqing to find a band and a sound recorder. You just have to record. "

"Well, it shouldn't be too late. Let's go."

It took six hours for Xiao Yunhai to drag his tired body back to the dormitory.

In the next few days, in addition to class, Xiao Yunhai wrote the script "step by step startling". After his writing day and night, he finally finished his work on this day.

Xiao Yunhai was very proud and excited when he saw the new script. This is the first play written by him in his previous life and this life. Although most of it is the original plot, there is also a very important part of it, which is obtained through his own searching of materials and painstaking efforts.

The next step is to contribute to the film and television company.

Today is 1998, China's entertainment industry is undergoing a cross era change, especially the rise of the network and the continuous improvement of special effects technology, so that the entertainment industry has a great change, its shooting level is similar to that in 2005.

Of course, its scale is far larger than that of previous generations, and the system is also more perfect, especially in the fight against piracy, which makes the whole cultural industry prosperous.

This is undoubtedly the best time for Xiao Yunhai, who is full of entertainment resources on the earth!

After Xiao Yunhai certified the copyright to the property rights association, he put the script of "step by step startled" to the major film and television production companies.

Of course, Hongda will not make money by taking advantage of the media.

Hanhai film group, editorial department.

Zhang Huiqi, director of the film and television group, has always been famous as the editor of the film and television group.

It has been said that all the plays that Zhang Guangqi likes are not popular.

Although some exaggeration, but not far from the fact.

In the past five years, he has signed a total of 23 TV dramas, all of which have a ratings of more than 3%. After signing 14 films, the box office of each film will not be lost, but only earn more and earn less.

It can be said that Hanhai entertainment has emerged in recent years, and Zhang Guangqi has played a great role in it.

This morning, Zhang Guangqi had just entered the office when he saw the group of boys in the second group of editorial department sitting around the desk of Wang Hong, the group leader, as if they were looking at something.


Zhang Guangqi coughed two times. The group of boys looked back to see him, just like a mouse saw a cat. They all immediately returned to their seats with the fastest speed.Zhang Guangqi has always been strict with the editors below, so everyone is afraid of him.

Zhang Guangqi came to Wang Hong and asked softly, "what's going on?"

Wang Hongyang raised a script in his hand and said to him with a wry smile, "today I received a good script, so we will sit together and study it."

"Good script? What's the name? "

Wang Hong can see, but also attract the group of boys around, it seems that this script is not simple.

"It was sent by a man named Yunhai. It's called step by step."

"that's a good name. Let me have a look."

Zhang Guangqi came to his office and read it carefully.

Two hours later, Zhang Guangqi came to the boss's office with the script. After staying in it for an hour, he came out empty handed and murmured, "it's just a robber."

At this time, Xiao Yunhai is talking with the editorial department of Huaxia film and television company.

The other party's attitude appears to be extremely arrogant, giving people a feeling of condescending. All kinds of harsh conditions can not live from the other party's phone to Xiao Yunhai's ears, almost did not kill Xiao Yunhai.

Finally, Xiao Yunhai politely said "I hope we can cooperate in the future", and then hung up the phone decisively.

"What? I want to buy out my top-level script once and for all. What a dream. It seems that new people are not easy to mix with. "

"I hope other companies can give me good news."

At this time, Zhang Guangqi's call came in.

"Hello, this is Zhang Guangqi, editorial director of Hanhai film and television group. Is this Yunhai screenwriter?"

Zhang Guangqi's voice is very gentle and courteous, and magnetic, which is quite different from other companies, which makes Xiao Yunhai have a good impression on him.

"I'm Yunhai. Director Zhang wants to talk about "step by step."

"Yes. Mr. Yunhai, your script is very good. I wonder if you have time to have an interview. "

This is the first company to ask for an interview with Xiao Yunhai, which seems to be sincere. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai and Zhang Guangqi made an appointment for negotiation.

"I didn't expect Mr. Yunhai to be so young to write such a high-level top-level script. It's really embarrassing for us."

When he came to the appointed place, Zhang Guangqi said the first sentence after seeing Xiao Yunhai.

"I'm flattered by director Zhang. Thank you very much for reading my script. However, my requirements may be a little high, and I hope director Zhang can make full ideological preparation. "

Zhang Guangqi laughed and said, "it seems that Mr. Xiao is a happy man. Well, let's get started.

Xiao Yunhai was not polite. He stretched out a finger and said, "first, I want to share the script according to the profit."

Zhang Guangqi said with a smile: "of course. This shows Mr. Yunhai's confidence in his script. As for the profit, we can talk about it later "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and continued:" second, I want to inject capital. "

"What? Capital injection? " Zhang Guangqi looked at Xiao Yunhai in his ordinary clothes and said, "how much money does Mr. Yunhai want to inject into it?"

"40 million." Xiao Yunhai said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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