Published at 11th of May 2022 05:51:00 AM

Chapter 691

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At this time, a young man with obviously excessive indulgence and a dark yellow face banged his glass on the tea table and said angrily, "what do you mean? I don't drink any wine from Meng Binjing. Don't you give me face? "

Su Yingxue reluctantly said with a smile: "Meng Shao, we really can't drink any more."

Meng Bin said angrily, "what a reason. Zhang Shao and Yue Shao have drunk the wine. But when it comes to me, you don't drink. Is it aimed at me? Or do you look down on me? "

Xue Tianhua on one side quickly got up and said, "Meng Shao, don't be wise with them. They are both girls. They are light drinkers. I'll drink with you. "

Meng bin snorted and said, "Mr. Xue, it's not that I don't give you face, but that my face is not left over by your artists. It's spread out that I can't mix in the circle. Today, this glass of wine, you must drink it

"Meng Shao, no matter what, I really can't drink any more. If you drink more, I'll throw up. "

Next to Zhang Yuan laughed and said, "OK, bin Zi, other beauties say they don't want to drink any more. You're still entangled here. Isn't it too much. I don't think so. "

Yue Zhongquan, who was full of flesh and blood, also said in a tone of schadenfreude: "Zhang Yuan is right. If you don't drink your wine, you're not attractive enough. It's not appropriate to force others with identity. Right? "

Hear two people's words, Xue Tianhua secretly cry, not good.

These young people have the best face, and they both add fuel to the fire by saying so.

Sure enough, Meng Bin's face became very gloomy and said angrily, "good, good, good. Even a little singer dares to fight against me. It seems that you Tianhua film and television company really doesn't want to open."

Xue Tianhua was shocked and said, "Meng Shao, you have a lot of adults. Please hold your hand high."

Meng bin picked up a teacup, poured white wine into it, pushed it to Dong Piao, and said, "you give it to me. What happened just now, I think it has not happened. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

Dong piaofeo tried not to let the tears stay. He bit his teeth and didn't say a word.

It was the first time that she met such a thing. In the past, Su Yingxue was able to help her deal with the social intercourse with those bosses. However, the rich second generation couldn't even afford Xue Tianhua, especially Su Yingxue.

If she had been in a good mood, she would have spilled wine on Meng Bin's face, and she would not sing any more. Anyway, the money she earned in the past two years was enough for her life.

But she is worried about Tianhua film and television media company.

Since entering Tianhua, the company has always regarded her as a key training object. If the company has big problems because of its own involvement, then Dong Piao is somewhat to blame.

However, if she drinks these wines and loses her personality and dignity, this is also unacceptable to Dong Piao. Therefore, she can only express her silence.

Su Yingxue stood up and said, "Meng Shao, Piao is only 20 years old this year, and has never drunk wine. In this way, can I take her place?"

With that, he bent down to serve the wine.

"Put it down."


Meng bin was furious and slapped Su Yingxue in the face. The corners of his mouth quickly overflowed with blood. A red palm print appeared on his mature and beautiful face.

Dong Piao Piao sees Su Yingxue, who is very concerned about himself, is beaten like this. He screams, picks up the wine cup and pours all the wine in it on Meng Bin's face.

Xue Tianhua sat down on the chair and said, "it's over."

Dong Piao supported Su Yingxue and scolded Meng bin with a ferocious face: "you son of a bitch. You only know how to bully women. What kind of ability are you?"

Zhang Yuan and Yue Zhongquan beside him laughed at the situation.

Meng bin picked up his napkin and wiped his face. He was very angry. He said, "for so many years, only I beat people. No one dares to hit me. Dong Piao Piao, you are the first. Don't worry, I'll make you die miserably. "

Su Yingxue saw that Dong Piao had made a big accident, took her hand and said, "Piao Piao, please give Meng Shao compensate."

Dong piaofeo, with a stubborn temper, came up and said, "why should he apologize to us like this. It's a big deal. I won't sing any more. "

"Do you think you can run out of my palm if you don't sing? It's so naive. Your family, your friends and your company will be the targets of my revenge. At that time, I hope you can bear it

"It's a big tone. I'm Dong Piao's friend. What do you want to do?"

A steady voice came from the door.

The crowd looked, saw a young man in a casual suit standing there, cold looking at Meng bin.

Seeing the visitor, Su Yingxue and Dong Piaopiao both exclaimed with surprise: "Yunhai (Senior brother)"

Tian Junhao and Xia Chengfeng, who had been watching coldly, looked at each other with a smile of pride and whispered: "he is finally here."

Xue Tianhua beside Su Yingxue sighed softly: "Yingxue, you shouldn't have asked him to come."Su Yingxue's face suddenly turned pale.

In her impression, Xiao Yunhai has always been an omnipotent person, no matter how big the problem can be solved, so after the accident, Su Yingxue's first thought is Xiao Yunhai, which calls him.

But I forget that Xiao Yunhai is no more than an artist, and the other party is the second generation of officials. Since ancient times, people don't fight against officials. Even though Xiao Yunhai has become an international director, how can he be their opponent in terms of power.

Thinking of this, Su Ying Xuedun is filled with remorse, for fear that Xiao Yunhai will be implicated.

"Who are you?" asked Meng bin coldly

Xiao Yunhai snorted, did not answer to ask: "snow elder sister's face is you hit?"

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Meng bin was directly happy and said, "so what?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "you can open your mouth and apologize, and then you can go. Otherwise, I'll help you. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai locked the door of KTV.

Next to Xia Chengfeng, he said with a smile: "Xiao Yunhai, do you think you are very good when you have made two films and become a major international director. Do you know who's sitting here? "

Xiao Yunhai coldly looked at Xia Chengfeng and Tian Junhao and said, "I'm wondering, how can sister Xue and Piao Piao come here. It turns out that you're in it. "

Tian Junhao picked up a glass of wine, sipped it, and said with a smile: "looking for them to accompany them is to look up to them. Others have not had this opportunity. It's just a pity that you don't want to be ashamed. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think this is better for you. Tian Junhao, do you know that I have endured you for a long time. When you and your mother went to my wife's house and forced her to marry down, I was very upset. Do you really think I have a good temper

Tian Junhao sneered: "even if you are not happy, what can you do?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed, and the murderous opportunity loomed in his eyes and said, "you will die."

"Ha ha ha."

Next to the summer Chengfeng with a mobile phone, toward Xiao Yunhai shaking, proud said: "Xiao Yunhai, you are finished. Just now, I recorded them all. It's so terrible that the great international director should kill people. Are you afraid, Tian Shao? "

"I was scared out of my wits just now," said Tian Junhao

Everyone else laughed, too.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "summer Chengfeng, you are still too naive."

Finish saying that, body shape a flash, blink of an eye came to Xia Chengfeng in front of, want to take down his mobile phone.

Tian Junhao, a dark power expert nearby, was quick to react. Suddenly, he struck Xiao Yunhai in the chest.

Xiao Yunhai's right hand is still hooked to Xia Chengfeng's mobile phone, and his left hand makes a smash fist, which makes the air crackle.

Tian Junhao's face changed greatly. He didn't dare to pick it up. He quickly passed by.

He knew that if he took the blow, his hands would be lost.

Without Tian Junhao's constraints, Xiao Yunhai easily snatched Xia Chengfeng's mobile phone.

"The recording you said is in it. Sorry, it's gone now. "

Xiao Yunhai hands a twist, the hard mobile phone shell suddenly turned into a twist, and then a palm on the wall, the mobile phone scrapped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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