Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:55 AM

Chapter 695

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Click the homepage of Xianyue video network, Xiao Yunhai sees a big red banner floating around there.

"Celebrate the three-day download volume of" wujiandao "to exceed 50 million people times

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "sister Yu, brother bin, still very will be advertising."

Forum, also everywhere is "no way" discussion posts.

"The" no way "is wonderful. Although the effect is not as good as the cinema, it is still full of shock."

"Because of the busy work, there is no time to go to the cinema to watch the" no way. ". After watching it today, I have to say that this film is much better than I thought. No wonder it can be popular all over the world. "

"Once, twice, three times... Every time I was nervous."

"Classics are classics, and even if you look at them more than once, you don't feel tired."

"I hope that the emperor can make more films like" the way without a room. "

Zhao Wanqing hugged Xiao Yunhai's neck from behind, whispered in his ear: "husband, the video revenue of" Wujian Dao "is about 230 million, and it should be no problem to break through 400 million. Plus 9.6 billion movie box office, it is just 10 billion. You are so powerful that a six-day movie can make a profit of more than five billion

Xiao Yunhai gently held Zhao Wanqing's hand and said, "box office is high or low, and for me, there is not much sense of achievement. What really makes me feel great is to have you, you are the most precious wealth of my life. "

Zhao Wanqing was moved by Xiao Yunhai, tears came out, and kissed him on his cheek, saying, "husband, I love you."

Xiao Yunhai turns around zhaowanqing in her arms and says, "I love you too."

Finish, to zhaowanqing's Feng lip kiss up.

When xiaoyunhai and zhaowanqing went to Aihe, Xia Hongda was looking at Xia Chengfeng in shock.

"Xiaoyunhai's grandfather is xiaoleshan, and the uncle is Xiao Chongyang. How can it be?"

Xia Hongda stared at her eyes, and his eyes were filled with wonder.

He even thought his ears had a mirage.

Xia Cheng Feng Shen said with a solemn emotion: "Dad, I don't want to believe it, but the words are from the son of head 4, and it can not be false. The son of the Deputy Minister of public security was slapped, and he didn't dare to fart and serve it on the spot. "

As if all the spirits were drained, xiahongda collapsed on the sofa, his eyes straight, and said, "we are finished. Xiao family is the strongest family in Chinese political circles, Xiao Leshan is a family of countless family members, we can not fight him at all. We should not be enemies by the wind. "

Xia Chengfeng sipped her lips and said, "nobody thought that Xiao Yunhai's father was Xiao's third. If he had known it, who would dare to offend him. However, Dad, we don't have to worry too much. Since Xiao Yunhai has not used Xiao's power to crush us, even identity has not spread in the entertainment circle, indicating that he is not going to press people by the tide. I can't. I'll apologize to him tomorrow. Even if he kneels down, he will be able to dispel his hostility to our Hongda. "

"You are not enough. Let me go," said Xia Hongda, shaking his head. Ha ha, the young master of Xiao family who is exiled from the folk, didn't expect that the bridge in the story appeared in front of us. Besides admitting defeat, what can we say

At this time, Xia Chengfeng's mobile phone rang, open a look, is Tian Junhao's call.

Xia Chengfeng showed xiahongda a look, then click on the amplifier, and said, "Tian Shao, so late, what is it?"

Tian Junhao said, "are you ready to apologize to xiaoyunhai?"

Xia Chengfeng was stunned, saw xiahongda shook his head gently, and said, "Tian Shao, you can really joke. There is room for reconciliation between Hongda media and xiaoyunhai. If apologizing can solve the problem, I'll go now. "

Tian Junhao laughed and said, "you know it is good. I'm calling to give you a heart attack. Although Xiao family has a huge influence, our Li family is not muddled. In this regard, we will not let xiaoyunhai do whatever he wants. If he really dare to do Hongda, then we will not let Hanhai be better. More importantly, in the Ministry of culture, our Li family has much more energy than Xiao family, so you can be relieved. But, some things that can't be on the table must not be done, otherwise, our Li family has no reason to help you. You understand? "

Summer Chengfeng happily said: "great, then thank you Tian Shao."

"Don't be polite," Tian Junhao said, "our common enemy is xiaoyunhai, which is the basis of our cooperation. However, I said ugly words in front of me, if I let me hear you secretly go to xiaoyunhai, ha ha, then, it is not only xiaoyunhai, but also I will deal with you. You know? "

Xia Chengfeng smiled: "Tian Shao assured, Hongda never thought about xiaoyunhai bow head. Later, please pay more attention to Tian Shao. "

"No problem," Tian Junhao said. Remember, since Xiao Yunhai chose to hide his identity, we should not help him pass it out, so as not to make him unhappy. Besides, my father will visit your Hongda film and television company tomorrow. He has some good things to look for for overseas cinema. "Xia Chengfeng said in surprise: "great, we will arrange everything to welcome minister Tian."

At the end of the speech, Xia Chengfeng's face was immediately swept away. He looked at Xia Hongda, who was in meditation, and said, "Dad, what should we do?"

Xia Hongda frowned, and his fingers unconsciously knocked on the coffee table. After a long time, he said, "don't go to Xiao Yunhai tomorrow. Tian Junhao is right. Even if we apologize to him, we can't get rid of the past suspicion except being ridiculed by him. If Tian Junhao knew about it, he might suppress him. Xiao Yunhai would not help us. Because of this, we can only stand on the same line with the Tian family. "

"Tomorrow, let the company's employees come over an hour in advance to clean up and welcome Tian Jishang. Recently, there has been a lot of news about overseas cinema in the circle. It is said that the government has made a tough decision to require overseas companies, especially European and American countries, to agree that Chinese enterprises have the qualification to establish cinema lines. If it is really successful, it will be a golden opportunity for us. If the Tian family wants us to stand with them, we must show sincerity. "

Xia Chengfeng patted his thigh and said happily, "yes. Tian Junhao said that his father has great energy in the Ministry of culture, so let him fight for the construction right of European and American cinemas for us. Once we succeed, Hongda is really afraid of nothing. "

Xia Hongda said: "tomorrow, I want to have a good talk with Tian Jishang. The European and American cinema must be in our hands." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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