Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:49 AM

Chapter 699

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Although Hollywood has eight major film companies, the real cornerstone is not them, but a large number of small and medium-sized film and television companies.

Last time, they sued the eight major companies for monopolizing the cinema line with the anti-monopoly law, oppressed them wantonly, and were dissolved by the eight major film companies in various ways.

The small and medium-sized film and television companies that originally wanted to control the cinema did not achieve their goals. They were very depressed, but they had no choice but to stop and continue to be oppressed by them.

But once a New Cinema appears in Europe and the United States, it is absolutely good news for these small and medium-sized film and television companies. At the very least, they have another choice. They don't have to hang themselves from a tree as they used to.

Therefore, the boss behind these companies is to urge the Congress to agree to Huaxia's request. For people like him, making money is the most important thing. As for cultural invasion, they don't care.

Like last time, the strength of the eight major film companies is not enough to compete with them. After three days of heated discussion, more than 50% of the members of parliament have agreed to build a new cinema in Huaxia. Once there is another ten percent agreement, it will be settled.

Therefore, in recent days, the directors of the eight major film companies are anxious to be like ants on a hot pot, but they have nothing to do.

As the initiator of this incident, Xiao Yunhai didn't feel embarrassed at all. He said to Kerry: "this kind of thing, let it take its course."

Kerry sighed, "Shaw, I have to say that you are really lucky. If you had known it would have been like this, no company would have sold you their shares at a reduced price. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't help it. My luck has always been good. Well, I don't want to talk about these useless things. My intention has been made clear on the phone. This is Mr. Chu Heng, the boss of Huaxia brilliant film and television company, and Mr. Jiao fangtao, the film director of Xiaocui. I want "Xiaocui" to be shown in your MGM theaters. Tell me if there are any better schedules recently? "

Kerry stood up, politely shook hands with Chu Heng and Jiao fangtao, and then said to Xiao Yunhai, "No. As you know, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" is about to be released. With its popularity, it's hard for your film to compete with it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "nonsense, even if I can fight against it, I will not choose it at the same time. I will not do my own stupid thing. Come on, when does Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone premiere

Kerry said: "Europe and the United States is March 18, China may be a few days later."

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "Kerry, show me your film arrangement table."

Kerry opened the drawer, took out a thick stack of materials, and said, "this is a list of all the cinema lines. You can study it."

Xiao Yunhai took it over and gave it to Chu Heng, saying, "it's really my good brother. Mr. Chu, you and director Jiao have a look, which day is better. "

Chu Heng nodded and looked at it with Jiao fangtao.

Ten minutes later, Chu Heng put down the material and said, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Smith, I want to show it on March 25."

Kerry thought for a moment and said, "I remember Columbia Pictures' Tarzan the ape" will be released around the world on March 27. Mr. Chu, are you sure it's March 25? "

Chu Heng nodded and said: "no matter which day, we will meet strong opponents. In that case, we'll choose to show it on the same day as Huaxia. "

Kerry said, "no problem. Xiao's eyes have always been precise. Since he brought your films to America, it shows that Xiaocui must be very excellent. At that time, maybe we can kill Columbia's "Tarzan the ape.". Xiao, have you got in touch with all the other cinemas? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's just a phone call."

Unfortunately, Xiao Yunhai has run into a wall this time. The problem lies in the Warner hospital line.

Because it has already signed contracts with other films, it can't give Xiao Yunhai more than 40% of the film layout in the first two days, and can spare 10% of it. But if the attendance rate is high, we can increase the amount of film placement on the third day.

Xiao Yunhai is also helpless. After all, they came a little late. Warner was very proud to be able to squeeze hundreds of screens out of the planned plans.

After talking to the director of Warner cinema, Xiao Yunhai talked to Chu Heng about the matter and asked, "Mr. Chu, can you postpone the screening time of Xiaocui to after May? At that time, the number of Warner's screens must have exceeded 40 percent. "

Chu Heng shook his head and said, "Mr. Xiao, we are very satisfied that Xiaocui has 2600 screens in North American cinemas. If the film can be successful in North America and sell at the box office, we don't need to worry about the number of screens. There's no cinema that can't get by with money. On the contrary, if the movie fails, it won't help if we get another 1000 screens in the first three days. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Chu is always wise. Whether a film can succeed or not depends on its quality in the end. Publicity is only useful in the early stage. High quality, good reputation, box office can continue to be popular. "Chu Heng said: "yes. Mr. Xiao, what should we do about publicity? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "simple. Tomorrow I'll ask Kerry to find out the person in charge of the video network. Let's put the promo in the most prominent position on their home page and play it 24 hours a day. Then I went to my friend Jessie, the owner of crown publishing, and asked him to help print thousands of posters and post them at the gates of major bookstores across the country. After doing these things, you will basically run out of publicity expenses. "

Chu Heng said with a bitter smile: "it's really not through flowers."

That night, Xiao Yunhai called Kerry and Jesse to their home and told them about it. Naturally, they had no problem.

After dinner, everyone drank red wine and chatted on the grass of the manor.

Jesse complained, "Xiao, I've been bored to death by the big four publishers in Europe these days."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "is it about Harry Potter?"

Jesse shrugged and said, "there's nothing else but it. They want to talk to you about publishing Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. "

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" has nearly exceeded 100 million worldwide sales, which makes them make a lot of money. Now I want a second one. There's no such cheap thing in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Jessie, if they ask again, you can tell them that I will not deal with the sales of Harry Potter and the chamber of Secrets until the global screening of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone is over."

"No problem," Jesse said with a smile , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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