Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:28 AM

Chapter 7

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"I want a kind of sea spirit,

the world turns over page by page mercilessly,

the moment I carry the river and mountain on my shoulder,

is destined to be no longer lonely in my life. "

although this big man is not as powerful as borrowing from the sky for another 500 years, it is also a rare good song, and its difficulty is much less. Xiao Yunhai sings, very relaxed, the effect is also very good.

Chen Qingqing looked at Xiao Yunhai with ecstasy, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "it's really a poor mountain and a river, and there's no way out. It's a village with dark willows and bright flowers. Xiao Xiao, you are really my lucky star. Lao Han, what do you think? "

Han Shilei gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "Xiao Xiao, don't learn to perform with Lao Yao. With your singing level and writing ability, you can just cross into the music industry. These two songs are absolutely top songs. If they are sung well, they can even become classics. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's up to Mr. Han to become a classic."

"Well?" Han Shilei didn't recognize Xiao Yunhai's meaning at first, but when he saw Xiao Yunhai looking at himself with a smile, he immediately thought of a possibility in his mind. He widened his eyes, pointed at Xiao Yunhai in disbelief and said, "Xiao Xiao, what do you mean by this sentence?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "I want to sing this song myself, but if I borrow it from heaven for another 500 years, I think it will trouble Mr. Han. Classic songs are naturally given to the most suitable people. "

Han Shilei was mixed with surprise and joy. He pursed his lips hard and said, "Xiao Xiao, I want to say that I don't like this song. It's bullshit. But as an old man in the music world, I need to remind you that your song is absolutely a classic song. If you sing it, you will be able to achieve a great success. Moreover, Lao Chen's TV series will be broadcast in CCTV prime time in a few days. At that time, the whole country will hear about it. This is absolutely something that can't be bought with money. You'd better think about it again? "

Han Shilei's mentality now is that he doesn't want to pit the young man in front of him, and he doesn't want to lose the opportunity to let him have a second spring. The whole person is very contradictory.

Although he is famous now, he has no suitable new songs. He is in an awkward situation and needs good songs to consolidate his position. Xiao Yunhai's song can be used as the main theme of an album, which is exactly what he needs.

However, even so, he told Xiao Yunhai the importance of the song, hoping that he could make a careful decision. In order to avoid their own fire in the future, make a whole body of trouble.

Chen Qingqing and Huang Peiqi were both interested in their conversation and did not interrupt. Once the classic song comes into being, it's not suitable for you.

Xiao Yunhai admired Han Shilei's conduct very much. He said, "Mr. Han, I'm a lyric writer. I have a deep feeling for my own songs. I can't bear to let him suffer any injustice. With your outstanding singing strength and heroic atmosphere, I believe I can express it perfectly. If you like this song, I can sell you the copyright. "

Xiao Yunhai gave Han Shilei to sing "borrow from heaven for another 500 years", which was not his impulsive decision. The reason why he was unhappy in his previous life was that he did not know how to manage contacts and make friends. It was too late to wake up.

Now through the world, he will not make the same mistake again. With those massive entertainment resources in his mind, he can be the best singer. So it's good to borrow another 500 years from Tian, but he doesn't care too much. If you can make friends with a top singer in the entertainment industry through this song, Xiao Yunhai will really make a steady profit.

Han Shilei will not know Xiao Yunhai's idea. He can see that Xiao Yunhai is sincere. He only gets a classic song for no reason. Han Shilei still feels a little uncomfortable.

At the moment, he didn't know what to do. The whole person was in contradiction, so he looked at Chen Qingqing for help.

Chen Qingqing knew what the old man meant. He nodded and said solemnly, "Xiao Xiao, I hope you are thinking about it carefully. I can tell you in advance that we will hold a TV premiere before the TV series is broadcast, and you will be invited to sing the first and last songs, which will make you popular overnight. I'm going to ask you now, are you sincere in giving this song to Lao han to sing? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "director Chen, can you stop being so serious? It's just a song. I really don't care. Besides, don't I have another song to sing? It happens that Mr. Han and I sing together

Chen Qingqing nodded and said to Han Shilei, "since Xiao Xiao said so, Lao Han, don't be embarrassed. You can buy the copyright of this song at a real price. Say it here. If you don't have enough, don't blame the old brother for falling out with you. "

Huang Peiqi also nodded and looked at Han Shilei.

Han Shilei thought about it for a while and said, "well, Xiao Xiao, I'll give you 1.2 million yuan to buy the copyright of this song. What do you think? What do you think of Lao Chen, Lao Huang and Lao Zhao? "

The price offered by Han Shilei is definitely a high price. In addition to the top 100 million song creators, they should be more and more expensive in the music industry.Even if the songs written by newcomers like Xiao Yunhai are classic, they can sell for 500000 yuan at most, which needs luck.

Therefore, hearing the price of 1.2 million yuan, Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Han, this price is too expensive. I can't afford it. "

But Chen Qingqing nodded: "OK, that's the price. Xiao Xiao, don't shake your head, old Han still took advantage of it. If my old man releases this news, even if it's two million, there will be many music companies running to pay for it. Lao Huang, do you think so? "

Huang Peiqi said with a smile: "good. Lao Han will be busy in the future. Hehe

Han Shilei said with a smile: "Xiao Xiao, today I'm old Han owes you a favor. If you step into this circle in the future, my old Han will help you."

Seeing that everyone agreed with the price, Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile, "how do I feel like I've taken a big advantage."

Everyone laughed, and soon Mr. Zhao made two copies of the copyright transfer contract, and they signed on it.

"Lao Chen, these two songs need to be redone. It's best to find a band in the studio," Han said. Although Xiao Xiao's music is well made, the effect of the online software is not as good as that of the real band. Xiao Xiao and I also need to record them. It is estimated that the two songs will be about the same this afternoon. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "Lao Zhao, you'd better go to the music city and tell them to make the accompaniment as quickly as possible. We'll go to record songs in the afternoon. Xiao Xiao, what's your bank account number? I'll have the money typed into your card

Han Shilei said with a smile: "Lao Chen, you put the money on for me first, and I will return it to you later."

"Yes, no problem."

Xiao Yunhai gave his Kwai card number, and soon it showed that two million of the money had been received. Only two songs, let Xiao Yunhai from a poor man into a millionaire, which makes him have to sigh, the world's money is too easy to earn. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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