Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:48 AM

Chapter 700

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Jiao fangtao's English is not so good, but Chu Heng next to him can hear clearly.

He looked at Xiao Yunhai in surprise and asked, "Mr. Xiao, are the Harry Potter series yours?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "general manager Chu also knows this novel?"

Chu Heng nodded and said, "of course I know. My son and daughter have read each book one by one. I don't know how many times they read it. They like it very much. "

Kerry said: "it's not just books. It's about half the investment he made with MGM. This guy can make a lot of money. By the way, Xiao, aren't you always interested in cinema? If the United States Congress agrees to Huaxia's request, will you buy it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I want to buy it, but it's a pity that I don't have any money."

Kerry said, "we MGM can lend it to you."

Xiao Yunhai looked at Kerry with a deep meaning in his eyes and said, "Kerry, do you want me to be your puppet?"

Kerry shook his head and said, "of course not. We should describe cooperation as the most appropriate."

As both of them speak Chinese, Jiao fangtao can hear clearly.

He looked at Xiao Yunhai worried, for fear that he would agree to come down.

When the time comes, the state won't easily get the cinema once again controlled by foreigners, that Xiao Yunhai's crime can be big, the Ministry of culture will certainly not let him go, China's entertainment industry will no longer be able to accommodate him.

Xiao Yunhai naturally thought of what Jiao fangtao could think of.

He said solemnly, "Kerry, I advise you and the company behind you not to have this idea. I can tell you clearly that no one will promise you in China, even if the conditions are good. Because if we do so, it will be no different from treason and will be reviled by hundreds of millions of Chinese people. Xiao Yunhai has always been very brave, but I dare not do such a thing. "

Kerry said with a smile: "if you don't agree, it doesn't mean that others won't. In the face of interests, the so-called bottom line is not worth drying. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes suddenly shot out a cold light, and said: "Whoever dares to promise, I will kill who."

Chu Heng nodded and said in a cold voice, "that's right."

Kerry looked at them, shook his head and sighed, "your way of thinking is really hard to understand. Hehe, I was just joking with you. Even if you want to do this, I have no money to lend you. In order to buy the Chinese cinema, the whole Hollywood is dying of poverty. How can I get the surplus money? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Kerry deeply and said, "it's better. Kerry, when is the second Harry Potter and chamber of secrets

Kerry thought about it and said, "after the novel is officially published, let's start shooting. Xiao, it's better for you to direct the second film. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't fix this. I'd better ask Mr. Bickerman again."

Kerry said with a wry smile, "do you think I don't want to? I talked to him about the second film when the film was finished. They refused without thinking about it. As the first director of Hollywood magic, Mr. Bickerman will never be bound by a series of films. What's more, he's trying to bring the Lord of the rings to the big screen, where he can make movies for us

"Lord of the rings?"

Xiao Yunhai couldn't help shaking and exclaimed, mainly because the name was so thunderous.

Former Hollywood director Peter Jackson became the world's most famous magic master by virtue of the Lord of the rings trilogy. With a box office of nearly three billion US dollars, it has become the most profitable film trilogy in the past life, and it has become the film with the largest number of Oscar Awards. It can be said that the box office has a good reputation.

Xiao Yunhai is also very fond of these three films and has watched them back and forth for more than 20 times.

Now when I heard that bikven wanted to shoot it, I was shocked.

Kerry looked at Xiao Yunhai in surprise and said, "do you know this novel, too?"

Xiao Yunhai pressed down the storm in his heart, nodded and said, "of course. It's just that I didn't expect that someone would want to film it. Not to mention anything else, the huge background of the Middle Earth can make any director in the world collapse. "

"That's what Hollywood thinks," Kerry said. "So director bickervin took his script to countless companies and didn't raise a cent."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a few times and sighed, "Kerry, I really want to meet director bickervin and talk about this novel. You know what? If he can make this novel into a movie, it will be popular all over the world. "

Kerry shrugged and said: "everyone knows that, but no one will believe that he can perfectly present the world in the novel on the screen. Xiao, you are now a world-famous director, the boss of magic and fantasy special effects companies, and a millionaire worth tens of billions of dollars. I think Mr. Bickerman should also like to see you very much. "

Xiao Yunhai said softly, "Kerry, you look like you want me to meet Mr. Bickerman."

Kerry cried and said, "Xiao, I really can't help it. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, Mr. Bickerman and I became very good friends. Because there was no Hollywood company willing to invest in his lord of the rings, he recognized me and called me several times a day. God, I'm going crazy. "Xiao Yunhai said: "it's OK for you MGM to invest in him? If it does spread all over the world, you'll make a lot of money

Kerry said: "I really mentioned it in the company meeting, but it turned out to be a total vote against it. Xiao, I think you are also interested in this novel. I think you two must have something in common. I'll introduce you to him when he calls again. You don't have to thank me. If you're really ready to invest and make a lot of money, you can buy me a '82 Raffi.'

Xiao Yunhai was happy in his heart, but he snorted coldly on his mouth and said, "Kerry, do you know that your face is really annoying now. Unfortunately, I'm not fooled by you. Tomorrow afternoon, we'll go back to China. You'd better find someone else. "

Jesse said with a smile, "Kerry, what kind of person is Shaw. It's impossible to get a bargain from him. "

Kerry said ruefully, "I'm really bored to death by him. God, help me. "

Half an hour later, Kerry and Jesse leave for home. Xiao Yunhai asks iver Spencer to drive them.

On the way, Kerry's cell phone rings.

Open a look, Kerry's face showed a helpless expression, said: "God, bickervin is here again. Jesse, help me out. "

Jesse said with a smile, "you can leave it on purpose and say you left it in the office. "

Kerry glanced at him and said," boss, I have used this reason three times. Change it. "

Jesse turned her eyes and said, "Kerry, have you forgotten Shaw?"

Kerry slapped his thigh, and without saying a word, immediately picked up the phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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