Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:47 AM

Chapter 701

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"Hi, Mr. bichoven, good evening."

From the phone came Bickerman's old but sonorous voice.

"Hello, Kerry. It seems that you are in a good mood. "

Kerry said with a smile, "of course. My good friend Xiao came to Hollywood from China. He just had a good dinner and drank a lot of red wine. He had a great time

"Xiao?" Bickervington for a moment and said, "is that the young Chinese director who filmed" Jingwu hero "and" Infernal Affairs "

A sly look flashed into Kerry's eyes and said, "yes, that's him."

"I've seen both of his films, and they're really great," bichoven said. This young man is a genius. He seems to know the fans' preferences and is good at using small cost to get big box office

Kerry said: "Mr. Bickerman, you may not know that he is not only a director, but also a world-class millionaire worth tens of billions of dollars. Isn't your Lord of the rings pulling investment all the time? You can go to him. "

Bickervington for a moment and said, "Kerry, the reason why you say Mr. Shaw is to divert my attention and refuse to invest in my films in disguise, right?"

Kerry said with a wry smile, "Mr. Bickerman, I have said it countless times. I really can't do anything about you, the Lord of the rings. MGM is against it. What do you want me to do? "

"You should believe in my ability," bichoven said

Kerry said: "but everyone, including my father, didn't believe it. I really had nothing to do. Mr. Bickerman, Shaw is a great director and a great businessman. He has sharp eyes and abundant funds. More importantly, he has two of the strongest special effects companies in the world, dream and magic. Therefore, as long as you can persuade him, everything can be solved. "

"I mentioned you and your Lord of the rings to him this evening. It seems that he has read the novel, and his words reveal his interest. I think you can try him out. "

Bickervin thought about it and said, "OK. I'll go to him in two days and hope he can bring me good news. "

As soon as Kerry heard this, he said quickly, "he understands that he will return to China in the afternoon. If you want to see him, only tomorrow morning. "

"Oh, that's too bad," bichoven said. Kerry, can you help him wait another day? I have a very important thing to deal with in New York right now. I can't get to Los Angeles until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. "

Kerry said, "don't worry, Mr. Bickerman. I can give you Xiao's phone number. You can talk about it first. If you can successfully make him interested in the Lord of the rings during the call, then Xiao is certainly willing to wait for you. On the contrary, if you can't, it's no use seeing him tomorrow afternoon. "

"Give me the phone, I want to have a good talk with him."

Kerry will Xiao Yunhai mobile phone number told him, then hung up.

Jesse, next to him, saw his smug look and said, "Kerry, isn't it inappropriate for you to do this?"

Kerry shook his head and said, "Jesse, you are wrong. You should say that I gave the two directors a chance to communicate. They're all talented film prodigies, and they must have a lot in common. In Chinese words, it is to cherish each other and to be intimate friends with each other. Maybe they will thank me

Jesse said, "but what I seem to see is that you are pitching him."

Kerry said, "but Jesse, don't forget, it's like you gave me an idea."

They looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

In the villa, after Kerry and Jesse left, Xiao Yunhai chatted with Chu Heng and Jiao fangtao for a while, then went back to their rooms to have a rest.

Xiao Yunhai took a hot bath and was about to play on the Internet for a while when his cell phone on the bed rang. When you open it, it shows a stranger's phone number, and it's an American number.

"Hello, this is Xiao Yunhai."

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. This is bickervin. I'm sorry to disturb you so late."

Xiao Yunhai a listen, the face showed a clear smile.

Crimean betrayed himself to escape the harassment.

However, this is exactly what Xiao Yunhai wants.

Bickervin is the most famous director of fantasy movies in Hollywood. His ability is better than that of Peter Jackson in his previous life.

Xiao Yunhai's predecessor has seen several of his films, which are very good, and the box office is even more frightening. If it had not been for the fact that the Lord of the rings needed to create a realistic Middle Earth world, the layout was too large, and the funds needed were an astronomical sum, it is estimated that a film company would have been looking for him.

These things flashed away in Xiao Yunhai's mind and said with a smile: "it's Mr. Bickerman. It's a great honor to receive your call. If I guess right, Kerry should have given you my phone number

"That's right. Kerry may have been entangled by me, some can't bear, so he introduced you to me. In the Chinese language, it should be called disaster water leading to the East. "Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Bickerman to be so humorous, and he seems to be very proficient in Chinese culture."

"When I was young, I spent three years in China, and I was very interested in the profound culture there. It's a pity that after so many years, I've almost forgotten. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then you can go to China again. Compared with the past, China has undergone earth shaking changes."

"I went there the year before last, and it's really changed a lot, but the Chinese food has not changed. It's still so delicious," bichoven said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you have a chance to go to Yanjing, I can take you to eat the whole Yanjing city."

"I hope this opportunity will come as soon as possible. Mr. Xiao, I think you should know the purpose of this call? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Kerry told me that you have been busy preparing for the Lord of the rings after shooting Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. It seems that the progress is not particularly smooth."

"I spent a month looking for more than 30 film companies, big and small, and none of them was willing to invest in the Lord of the rings," Bickerman said without concealment. Mr. Xiao, you are also a world-class director. What do you think of the Lord of the rings

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I know what those film companies think. The background of "the Lord of the rings" is too large, and there are many races. If you want to make the picture realistic and present the whole Middle Earth world to the screen perfectly, there is no billion dollars that can't be won in terms of special effects alone. If you add in the pay of actors and the cost of shooting, ha ha, three films will cost at least 2.5 billion US dollars. So, even if you're one of the best directors in Hollywood, no company dares to take the risk. Because it's crazy. If something goes wrong, their company may end up with it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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