Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:42 AM

Chapter 704

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On the stage, the four heavenly kings were in full swing and walked towards the middle of the stage with neat steps.

Although there were loud cheers from the audience, there was no smile on their faces. They looked serious and sad, as if they were immersed in the melody.

On the big screen, the fixed frame picture moves again, and Xiao Yunhai's short film Infernal Affairs, which is carefully produced by Xiao Yunhai, begins to broadcast with accompaniment.

At the end of the familiar prelude, ye Yongren sang the first sentence. The sound of the scene disappeared, but everyone did not sit down, but looked at the stage with emotion.

Ye Yongren: "no, I don't want to end. I haven't finished yet. It's an endless journey."

Xiao Yunhai: "look at me, do not stop the pace, has forgotten where the body is."

Huang Qiusheng: "who can change, the length of life, who knows how terrible eternity is."

Liang Hui: "who knows that survival is often more cruel than fate, but no one is willing to admit defeat."

Ye Yongren is deep and thick, Xiao Yunhai is sad and graceful, Huang Qiusheng is hoarse and atmospheric, Liang Hui is clear and bright, and the feelings of the four are very strong and infectious.

In terms of singing skills, Huang Qiusheng and Liang Hui are far less than Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren, but who cares about them.

No matter which one opens his mouth to sing, the fans will give the warmest applause.

Ye Yongren: "we are all on the road, forgetting the way out. The pursuit of disappointment, the occasional satisfaction. "

Xiao Yunhai: "we are all free from sober pain in our dreams, wandering in the lamplight fence."

Chorus: "not to the end, back to the origin, enjoy the endless road."

After the first part of the song, Xiao Yunhai and the four people turn their heads to look at the big screen at the same time. On the screen, Liang Hui's and Huang Qiusheng's rival plays appear. The accompaniment sounds down, but they are still in progress.

"Do you think you can drive me away by putting a coward in?"


when Liang Hui finished this sentence, the picture flashed. In the parking lot, ye Yongren's muzzle was smoking, and Liang Hui fell to the ground.

Then the picture returned to the police station again. Huang Qiusheng looked at Liang Hui and said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, if anyone loses, he will die."

Liang Hui's eyes with a kind of look as if to see a dead man: "I see when you die."


the screen flickered and a loud noise made Huang Qiusheng fall onto the taxi from upstairs.

Seeing these classic paragraphs, the fans' applause has never stopped, and many people's tears can no longer stop flowing out.

Ge Wuyou shook his head and sighed, "are these four guys here to tear down the stage? It's too much fun. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "teacher Liang and teacher Huang have performed for the first time in 20 years. In addition to teacher ye and Yunhai, this line-up is the most luxurious since the golden cup festival was held."

Ge Wuyou said: "don't say, Lao Liang and Lao Huang are really good at singing."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "people have made albums, OK?"

On the stage, the singing of the four is getting better and better. The cheers from the stage did not disturb their mood at all.

Liang Hui: "who can change, the length of life, who knows how terrible eternity is."

Huang Qiusheng: "who knows that survival is often more cruel than fate, but no one is willing to admit defeat."

Ye Yongren: "we are all on the road, forgetting the way out. The pursuit of disappointment, the occasional satisfaction. "

Xiao Yunhai: "we are all free from sober pain in our dreams, wandering in the lamplight fence."

Chorus: "not to the end, back to the origin, enjoy the endless road."

The accompaniment soon reached a climax. The camera hit the faces of the four people. The audience found their expressions more dignified, and their emotions seemed to be completely involved in the plot of the film.




the kind of eyes they showed seemed to be a tear gas, and countless TV viewers couldn't help but burst into tears.

Liang Hui: it's hard to be confused in performing along the way

Huang Qiusheng: looking back on the road, it's hard to be numb

Xiao Yunhai: on this intimate road

Ye Yongren: let me miss you

Liang Hui: you miss me

Chorus: how can you be lonely. We were all on our way, forgetting the way out. Seek occasional gratification in disappointment. We are all free from the dream, sober suffering, wandering in the lamplight. Since there is no end, back to the origin, I think, we do not... Don't care.

As they sing, they walk to the front of the stage.

After singing the last sentence, there were three big sounds on the big screen behind. Then the stills of the crew of Infernal Affairs appeared in front of everyone.

The last note of accompaniment falls, and the four heavenly kings bow deeply to the stage at the same time.


the whole scene of the golden cup film festival exploded completely.Whether it is the fans, or the stars on the scene, we all stood up and gave the most warm applause to the wonderful performance of the four heavenly kings.


"I dare say that this picture will become an eternal classic."

"That's what the top king looks like."

"I'm not surprised that emperor Yun and King Ye sing well. But Mr. Huang and Mr. Liang sing so well, which is unexpected. Great. "

"It's a strong feeling. The people who listen to it feel sad."

After a full minute of applause, they stopped.

When Xiao Yunhai returned to his seat, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "the four heavenly kings will perform together. Some of the media will write about it tomorrow."

Xiao Yunhai grabbed her hand and said, "the golden cup Festival has always been a place for news, and we certainly can't get the headlines."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "you are right. On the red carpet, there is a female star wearing a perspective suit. It is estimated that she is gorgeous

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "who is it? So bold. To be famous is really unscrupulous. "

X-ray suit came from the United States two years ago. Some female stars of the third line who are not in the stream often wear them out to attract the public's attention.

I didn't expect that someone would make such a show on the red carpet of the golden cup film festival. It seems that they want to be famous and crazy.

Zhao Wanqing showed a strange look and said, "you really want to know."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "why use this kind of look at me?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's Xu Qianqian."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and frowned uncontrollably. He said, "you can't live if you do evil. Her path was completely off course. However, I don't understand. She's already a first-line star. She's also in front of everyone when she's out shooting. She's on the front page every word. This time she's nominated for the best supporting actress. Why use this tactic to attract the attention of the media? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I don't understand what Hongda entertainment company thinks? Why is Xu Qianqian given such an arrangement? "

The two people speak Kung Fu, the two hosts on the stage have finished the opening remarks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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