Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:40 AM

Chapter 706

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In the applause and cheers of the fans, Yu Yuexian stood up, shook hands with the stars around her, went to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, gave them a big hug, and then stepped onto the stage.

Yu Yuexian took the cup and certificate from Huang Qiusheng and Liang Hui. Standing on the podium, Yu Yuexian said, "I want to thank two people for winning this award. One is my opponent, Mr. Ge Wuyou. In the shooting process, his acting skills can be said to suppress the whole audience, except director Xiao Yunhai, no actor can compete with him. It is because of his stimulation that I have to devote myself to the role

"The second is director Xiao Yunhai. I want to thank him for choosing me as the heroine of if you are the one. Without him, there would be no play. I remember that before shooting, he told me that it is very likely to win the golden cup award for Best Actress for playing the role of Liang Xiaoxiao. Now, his prophecy has come true. "

"Thank the Organizing Committee for awarding this award to me, and to the fans who supported me. I will strive to make better and better films for you. Thank you."

After the best actress, the best actor.

The guests who came to present the award were director Zhang Menglong and film queen Zhang Hong, who had cooperated with Xiao Yunhai for half a day.

"The best actor of this golden cup film festival is" if you are the one "Ge Wuyou. Please come to the stage to receive the award."

When GE Wuyou's name came out of Zhang Menglong's mouth, there was a warm applause.

"Damn it," if you are the one "is very good."

"Yes. Apart from the best supporting actress, all the other performance awards have been won by them

"But they did well. No one can say anything about their winning the prize. "

"In fact, the performances of Ye Yongren and Liang Hui are also very good. Unfortunately, the movie suck. "

In the comments, Ge Wuyou stepped onto the stage with a smile and said, "thank you, director Xiao Yunhai, for making Qin Fen a tailor-made role for me. I also thank all the cast members and staff of if you are the one. Without your efforts, there would be no prize for me. Thank you

In this way, "if you are the one" won four performance awards, including the best actor and actress and the best supporting actor. It was a complete victory when "if you are the one".

After the best actor, there is a competition between the best director and the best film.

Xiao Yunhai has been nominated for both awards, and it is a double nomination, so the chances of winning the prize are very high.

The guests in charge of presenting the best director are Zhao Wanqing and Yu Yuexian.

Two gorgeous beauties, holding hands and smiling, walked onto the stage, which quickly aroused the cheers of fans, especially male fans.

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "before presenting this award, I have something to ask. Wan Qing, you tell me, director Xiao gave me the heroine of if you are the one. Are you angry

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and seriously replied, "No. You never know by the distance. At the beginning, after I read the script, I also asked him if I could play Liang Xiaoxiao. He didn't even think about it, so he said, "no way."

"Why?" asked Yu Yuexian

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "of course, it's bad acting."

As soon as Zhao Wanqing's words came out, there was an uproar.

I don't think so. I'm not good at acting after sunny days. I'm kidding.

Yu Yuexian was also surprised and said, "didn't you let him kneel at that time?"

"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed.

Zhao Wanqing said, "I dare not. To tell you the truth, I was also very uncomfortable in my heart. But when we really started shooting, I realized that I really couldn't. We all know how good Mr. GE's play is. Frankly speaking, if Liang Xiaoxiao was replaced by me, I would not be able to compete with Mr. Ge, but you did, so you and Mr. Ge became the movie queen at the same time. That's the difference between acting skills. It's a million miles away. "

Yu Yuexian said with a bitter smile, "I don't know how to pick up your words."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. The acting skill is not good, can continue to hone. We actors should face up to their shortcomings in acting, learn more, think hard, and improve our acting skills sooner or later. The road of great pass is like iron. Now we are stepping forward from the beginning. As long as we work hard, we will succeed one day. "

"Well said."

The audience clapped for Zhao Wanqing's words, and cheers kept ringing.

Yu Yuexian is also a face of appreciation said: "Xiongguan road really like iron, and now step over from the beginning, said great."

Zhao Wanqing said: "this sentence, the sea of clouds often said at home, unconsciously remember."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "director Xiao is really talented. Our next best director nomination seems to be from your family. Do you think he can win this award? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "whether you can get it or not, he is the best in my heart."Applause from the audience broke out again.

Yu Yuexian said, "it's really clever of you to answer."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "well, sister Yu, we have been chatting for a long time. We'd better give awards quickly."

"Then look at the big screen."

The highlights of the five directors' works appear in front of the audience one by one.

Zhao Wanqing opened the envelope, took a look at the name on it, and with a moving smile on her face, she said, "the best director of this golden cup film award is Xiao Yunhai, the hero of Jingwu."


The scene was full of applause.

"I'll tell you. It must be the emperor."

"What's wrong with that. "Jingwu hero" box office more than 15 billion, ranking the fourth in the world film history. No matter what happens to the golden cup jury, it is impossible to give the best director to others, right? "

"Isn't tomorrow's best director in the cloud emperor's pocket again?"

"Eight nine is ten. Unless someone can make a movie like Infernal Affairs, it will not pose any threat to him

"It's still yunhuang cattle."

Xiao Yunhai came to the stage and hugged Yu Yuexian. When it was Zhao Wanqing's turn, the audience began to coax.

"Kiss one."

"One kiss after yunhuangqing."

Zhao Wanqing's lips were coaxed into a big smile.

Zhao Wanqing blushed with shame and gave him a hard look.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and stood in front of the microphone. He said with a slight Indifference: "wife, this is everyone's cry from the heart. We should respect them."


"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "what are you laughing at. To tell you the truth, I'm very disappointed in my heart. You're not good at playing. What's the meaning of kissing your wife? If only you let me kiss my sister. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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