Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:38 AM

Chapter 707

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hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone immediately burst into laughter.

Yu Yuexian on the stage glared at him fiercely and said with a smile to Zhao Wanqing, "your family really dares to say anything."

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said in her heart, "he can talk freely in front of the No. 1 chief. There are still things he dare not do in the world."

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, don't make fun of sister Yu. The main thing is to talk about it. I'm afraid of being beaten. Thanks to jinzung Organizing Committee for presenting such an important award to me, to all members of the crew for their efforts and contributions to Jingwu hero, and also to my dear fans for enjoying the play. Next, I will meet you one after another with the TV series "Legend of shooting a hero", the martial arts novel "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", and the film "Inception" directed by me. I hope I can continue to get your support. How about that? "

"Good." The fans cried out in unison.

Xiao Yunhai grinned and said, "thank you for your cooperation. You are so cute."

The fans laughed.

The last award of the golden cup film festival is best film, which is similar to the previous expectation. Xiao Yunhai did not receive the award.

In this way, with "Jingwu hero" and "if you are the one", Xiao Yunhai won five awards, including the best action, the best supporting actor, the best actress, the best actor and the best director, which can be called the biggest winner of the golden cup film festival.

After sending the reporter's interview, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were about to go home when they suddenly received a call from the great director Chen Qingqing.

"Yunhai, are you free now? Can you come to the Hongxia club? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem. I'll take Wan Qing home first, and then I'll find you. "

Chen Qingqing even said: "no, you and Wanqing come together, we have something to look for her. Now there are dozens of artists in the club. You should speed up. "

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "well, we'll go."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai said to Li Bing: "brother Bing, turn your head to Hongxia club."

Li Bing promised, "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing and said, "director Chen asked us to go there. What's wrong? Listen to him, the club has gathered a lot of people

Zhao Wanqing said, "is it because he wants to shoot something and want to play us. It's not right. If that's the case, there's no need to have a group meeting. "

Mo Yina, the agent sitting on the co pilot, said thoughtfully: "it is said that CCTV is going to shoot one of the four famous works" outlaws of the marsh ". It seems that some artists in our company have been invited, but they don't know whether it is true or not

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "can't be director Chen Qingqing to take" outlaws of the marsh. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "it is possible. Husband, if director Chen asks us to play a role, do you agree? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it depends on the situation. If it's not much, it's OK. Do you think he will let us play Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian? I think these two roles are very good


Mo Yina couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes at him and said, "if you want to play, I will not accompany you."

Xiao Yunhai said, "forget it. This role may have sex drama. If you don't accompany me, I will certainly not play it. Wife, you see, I'm defending myself like a jade for you. Are you moved to shed tears

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "director Xiao, can we not be so disgusting. Sister Mo, brother Bing, if you want to laugh, you can laugh. It's hard to hold back. "


"Ha ha ha."

There was a lot of laughter in the car.

Walking into the Hongxia club, Yi Hongxia comes up with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, have you not been here for some time?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Hongxia, to tell you the truth, you are the only entertainment club we have ever been to. We've never been to other places at all. "

Yi Hongxia said with a smile, "I'm really flattered."

Zhao Wanqing asked, "sister Hongxia, did a lot of people come this evening?"

Yi Hongxia nodded and said, "yes. There are more than 30 stars on the front line alone, and more than a dozen movie stars have come. Even Xu Ming, deputy director of CCTV in charge of TV plays, Yang Li, deputy director of the film and Television Bureau, and Tian Jishang, deputy director of the Ministry of culture, have also arrived. Let's go. I'll bring you two. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and said, "it seems that Mo Yina's news is true. That is to say, the four famous works, which represent the Chinese culture, can attract the attention of relevant departments. If you change other works, you can't

Two people follow Yi Hongxia into the meeting room on the second floor, at this time, it is already overcrowded.

There are not only Wang Guoan, Huang Peiqi, Wu Jun, sun Yanjun and Zhang Hong, but also young artists such as Xue Ming, Xu Qianqian, Zhang Guoyang, Deng Yue, Chen Jie, Qin Yunyi and Huang Bo.This is only Xiao Yunhai knows, not more.

After the two people entered the door, countless pairs of eyes were looking at them. Good will, malicious, envious, envious and even resentful.

For such eyes, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have long been used to it, and there is no change on their faces.

Seeing that he seemed to be late, Xiao Yunhai apologized to everyone.

"Dear leaders and teachers, I'm sorry, my husband and wife are late."

As a world-class director, it is very rare to be able to put down the airs and sincerely apologize to everyone.

Artists like Chen Qingqing, Wang Guoan, Huang Peiqi and other artists who have made friends with Xiao Yunhai nodded when they saw that he had come to this position and still had no pride.

However, some people are very blind, and feel that he is pretending, just like Tan Yong, who had a grudge with Xiao Yunhai, is one of them.

"Well, some young people become famous and start to play big names. Let more than 50 artists wait for them for more than 20 minutes, and then apologize painlessly. Hehe, I'm drunk with such conduct. " Tan Yong Yin Yang strange Qi said.

Hearing Tan Yong's words, some people frowned, while others gloated at the excitement.

No matter what kind of people, are waiting for Xiao Yunhai's counterattack.

Xiao Yunhai didn't show any anger on his face. He laughed and said, "Mr. Tan said that our husband and wife will pay attention next time. Isn't it that God forgives young people for their mistakes? I also ask Mr. Tan to have a large number of teachers and prime ministers present here to support the boat and forgive us this time. Thank you very much, Xiao Yunhai , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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