Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:59 AM

Chapter 71

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When Zhao Wanqing talked about business, she was very reasonable and had a good manner. She looked like a strong woman. It's not too much to describe her as a woman.

Xiao Yunhai pondered for a while and said, "yes. But I want to know who is the director of the show? "

"We are going to invite Mr. Chen Qingqing to direct. He just filmed Emperor Kangxi. I want to shoot another Qing Dynasty drama. It should be familiar. However, it needs us to invite. If you can ask Mr. Huang Peiqi to play Kangxi again, it will be more perfect. " Zhao Wanqing said excitedly.

"Emperor Kangxi" was broadcast on CCTV not long ago, with the highest audience rating of 19.7%, becoming the audience champion of Chinese film and TV series in the past five years. Naturally, Chen Qingqing, Huang Peiqi and others have made great profits and become more valuable.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "if so, it would be the best. However, I hope to give Huang Bo a role. You know his acting skills. It's not a problem to play any prince in it. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said with a smile, "it is quite appropriate for him to play the role of the ninth Lord."

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "are you willing to give him such a role?"

Zhao Wanqing saw that Xiao Yunhai could be calm as water and money as floating clouds in the face of huge interests, and did not care.

But when he learned that his brother could play an important role, he was very happy. He couldn't help but sigh: "Huang Bo is lucky to have you as a friend. However, want this role, still need director's approval. This is the contract we drew up. Have a look at it. If there is no comment, we can sign it. "

Xiao Yunhai simply looked at it, took up the pen and signed his name.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "this is a business worth tens of millions of dollars. Don't you take a good look at it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I believe you."

Zhao Wanqing's expression is stagnant, and there is no reason for her heart to move. I believe that these three words are easy to say, but in the current situation, they are worth 40 million yuan, which is a real gold coin.

Zhao Wanqing definitely looked at Xiao Yunhai's smiling face for a while, and solemnly said to Xiao Yunhai, "thank you for your trust. However, I hope you don't make such mistakes in the future. Shopping malls are like battlefields. In business, they don't have any feelings. "

The man who was smiling at him said, "what is Xiao Yunhai. Zhao Wanqing is worth more than 40 million yuan. OK, director Zhang, can we serve you. I'm starving. "

Zhang Guangqi, who had not spoken at one side, said with a smile: "OK, let's have a meal."

Since it was noon, no one drank. Xiao Yunhai showed his strength as a big stomach king on the table. Eight dishes and five Wan rice were all put into his stomach.

Zhang Guangqi, who was watching at the same time, was so shocked that he almost glared out his eyes. The guy who looked bookish could eat too much.

As for Zhao Wanqing, who had been taught for a long time, she had been sipping her lips and smiling. When she looked at Xiao Yunhai, she felt something strange that she didn't even feel.

After lunch, Zhang Guangqi returned to the company with his contract, while Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to visit Chen Qingqing with their scripts.

As a famous Chinese director, Chen Qingqing's villa is easy to find. They soon arrived at his home and were warmly received by Chen Qingqing.

Zhao Wanqing took out the script of "startling step by step" from her bag and handed it to Chen Qingqing. She said, "director Chen, this is a very good script. We hope you can direct this play out of the mountain."

Chen Qingqing took the reading glasses and said with a smile, "I knew you two little guys came here. There must be something wrong. OK, let me see. "

When Chen Qingqing opened the script and looked at the first page, he was stunned.

"Why is it urban? Is it wrong? "

Chen Qingqing took a strange look at the two people, and found the smile hidden in their calm. He did not ask and continued to look.

When he saw that the protagonist had an accident, he passed through to the end of the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty and became a MartaI Ruoxi. Chen Qingqing's eyes suddenly lit up.

"From modern times to ancient times! That's a great idea

Half an hour later, Chen Qingqing read the script roughly once, put the script on the table, patted it gently, and said, "who is the screenwriter named Yunhai?"

Zhao Wanqing chuckled, pointed to Xiao Yunhai, and said, "director Chen, the author is far away from the horizon, and close at hand."

"Is it really you?" Chen Qingqing looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was smiling bitterly, and sighed: "there are talented people in the Jiangshan generation, and the new generation will replace the old one. I thought it would take at least 30 years for someone to write such a script. I didn't expect it came from you. It's amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "director Chen is flattered. What do you think of the play? "

"Well, no," he said Chen Qingqing said: "your script has a lot of commercial elements. Crossing this type of script has never appeared on the screen, but you can think of it. The collision between modern and ancient times, the love and hate between the heroine and the princes, from the perspective of a girl, can really give the audience a strong sense of substitution. Although this is only a legendary play, some of the plots in it are very similar to the history. It seems that you really used your heart. "Zhaowanqing said: "then you promised to be in charge?"

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "I will not let go of such a good play. How much are you going to invest? "

"200 million."

"That's enough. Have you found the leading roles? "

Zhao Wanqing some embarrassed said: "Chen guide, you think I play Ruoxi, Xiao Yunhai acting four ye how?"

Chen Qingqing pointed to both of them and said, "I knew it must be you. It should be ok with your acting skills in Kangxi. As for Yunhai, it is certainly no problem to be able to get the collective endorsement of Wuzixu, hongtianzao, wangguoan and sunyanjun. What about the other actors? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have a classmate named Huang Bo. His acting skills are not under our two. I want to recommend him as the ninth Lord. As for the other roles, it's not sure. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "I will see when I prepare the crew and let him come over. By the way, Kangxi, I hope to invite Laohuang to sit in town. Your fame is not enough to support the play. You must find some big people to help you. "

Zhao smiled: "the rest of the things need to be worry about by Chen guide. If the funds are not enough, we can continue to invest. To be honest, my father's Hanhai film and television company, in the last two years, has not had any special good works, so I hope this play will be turned over. "

"Your father has such a capable daughter as you, it is his blessing," Chen said with a smile

The three talked about the preparation of the drama group. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing left the script and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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