Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:31 AM

Chapter 712

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Xiao Yuanyang laughed and said, "Vice Minister Tian, what is the decision after the discussion of the crew. As far as I know, even director Chen Qingqing doesn't know about it. This morning, Chen Qingqing has submitted an application to the film and television administration. In view of his physical discomfort, he no longer serves as the director of the outlaws of the marsh. It seems that we are looking for a new director. "

Tian Jishang snorted and said, "director Chen Qingqing has a lot of problems. It is extremely irresponsible to take the lead to leave the conference room and let the whole meeting die. There are many excellent directors in Huaxia. Since he doesn't want to direct, it's better to change. "

Cao Huaqian frowned slightly and said: "we will talk about the water margin later. The urgent task now is to discuss the issue of Xiao Yunhai. How to deal with it? Let's get straight to it. "

Tian Jishang said: "I think Xiao Yunhai's behavior is extremely bad, causing a very bad impact, should be banned."

Liang Qianqiu frowned and said, "I think vice minister Tian is too extreme. Young people like Xiao Yunhai have too much influence on themselves. We must fully consider all the consequences before we can punish them. I think we can ban Xiao Yunhai, but we must have a deadline and give you an account. "

Xiao Yuanyang said, "I think it's only half a year. And it's better to do some ideological work for Xiao Yunhai and let him accept punishment willingly. Otherwise, we can't afford it. You know, there are hundreds of millions of fans behind him. "

Tian Jishang said angrily: "no, the punishment is too light, at least three years."

Cao Huaqian frowned: "nowadays, Hollywood movies are invading China in a large scale. Xiao Yunhai, as the first international director in China, can't go on like this. Otherwise, we can't tell the Chinese. At the beginning, I don't want to happen again. That's fine. It's only half a year. Director Xiao, please inform Xiao Yunhai that I want to see him. "

Since Xiao Yuanyang has no objection to punishing Xiao Yunhai and has given the Ministry of culture a face, Cao Huaqian naturally is not willing to offend the Xiao family.

Besides, it is obvious that Tian Jishang made this matter. It involves the fight between the Li family and the Xiao family. Since he is not suitable to protect anyone, he should act impartially. In this way, no one can say him.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai's punishment measures were strongly decided by Cao Huaqian.

Although Tian Jishang has strong dissatisfaction in his heart, the leader has already indicated his attitude, and he has nothing to do.

After receiving Xiao Yuanyang's call, Xiao Yunhai drove to the Ministry of culture himself, found Cao Huaqian's office, knocked on the door, and after getting Cao Huaqian's permission, Xiao Yunhai walked in.

"Minister Cao, please come to me."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Cao Huaqian did not give him a look. Instead, he stood up, shook hands with Xiao Yunhai, and politely asked him to sit down.

Cao Huaqian said positively, "Mr. Xiao, you should know why I asked you to come here?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "director Xiao has told me. Minister Cao, I have nothing to say about Tian Jishang. If it comes up again, I will still be that attitude. But I don't disrespect the Ministry of culture. I just treat Tian Jishang personally. Please understand this. "

For Xiao Yunhai's talent and character, Cao Huaqian is very appreciative.

In recent years, especially in the high-level circles, Xiao Yunhai and No. 1 chief executive had a lively discussion with Mr. Xiao for more than half an hour. Before leaving, even the No. 1 chief said a word that benefited a lot. The next day, we called for a meeting all morning to ask foreign governments to agree to the establishment of Chinese enterprises' academies, which was decided at that time.

Cao Huaqian has made several reports to the No. 1 chief executive. Every time, he was trembling and walked out of the office. He never did anything on his back. But Xiao Yunhai was able to talk with him. With this, he admired him very much.

Cao Huaqian said, "Mr. Xiao, I know exactly what you mean. However, no matter how inappropriate Deputy Minister Tian is, he always represents the Ministry of culture. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I understand, so I accept punishment unconditionally. In the past two years, seriously, I'm a little tired, so I'll take a rest. "

Cao Huaqian said happily, "if you can understand, I'm relieved."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Minister Cao, I came here today. I thought I would be criticized. I didn't expect that you would be so polite."

Cao Huaqian laughed and said, "I am not qualified to say you. Mr. Xiao, a business card representing your culture. To tell you the truth, Huaxia can't do without me, but not without you. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Cao is too modest. You have made great contributions to the rapid development of China's cultural industry. "

Cao Huaqian shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I thought I had done a good job. But looking at the current situation of the film market, people are really worried."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, chief Cao. The chief executive has also asked me this question, and I told him that these are only temporary. It won't take long for the audience to lose interest in Hollywood blockbusters. At that time, the two sides stand on a horizontal line. Who wins or loses depends on the quality of the film. "Cao Huaqian said with a smile: "the chief executive once said this at a forum. Now I know that this is from you. I want to thank you, too. Your words have greatly eased the pressure on our Ministry of culture and won us a lot of time. Moreover, I don't have to be criticized by the leaders every day. "

Xiao Yunhai could not help laughing.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Minister Cao, what's the method of blocking and killing these six months. You know, my martial arts novel "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" has been released on the shelves. After our new Chinese cinema line is built, my movie "Inception" will meet you. Does it mean that the two works will not appear on the market until half a year later? "

Cao Huaqian waved his hand and said, "that's not true. You won't ask about the work we've done. As long as the audit is OK, you can handle it as you like. It's just, in terms of publicity, you can't be in public anymore. Even if it appears, it doesn't work. Because in this half a year's time, any domestic magazine, newspaper, television, network will not appear your slightest information. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "I understand. That is to say, I can be busy with my business, but the media will not give me any publicity, right? "

Cao Huaqian said, "that's right."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, that's it. I just like to keep a low profile. By the way, will Chen Qingqing, director of outlaws of the marsh, be punished

Cao Huaqian said, "of course. However, with more symbolic significance, Chen Qingqing's directorship was removed. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "as long as you don't block teacher Chen. Minister Cao, it's not that I speak ill of people behind my back. If you really want to make "outlaws of the marsh", you'd better find a director who can live in the town. Otherwise, the Chinese classic is likely to be destroyed in the hands of Tian Jishang and his son. Well, I won't disturb your work. Goodbye

Cao Huaqian stood up, shook hands with Xiao Yunhai and personally sent him out of the office. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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