Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:30 AM

Chapter 713

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Back home, Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Wanqing about his being banned.

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have such a thing."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what's this? Drizzle, little kiss. These days, I'm going to write a historical play for director Chen Qingqing. Because I have lost the outlaws of the marsh, I can't take it as if it hasn't happened. When I've finished the script, I'm going to make two low-cost domestic movies in a row. "

"Two?" Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "are you going to shoot a series?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. However, the two plays have nothing to do with it. One is called "Crazy Stone" and the other is "crazy racing car". They are collectively called "crazy comedy series". It's estimated that in half a year, we should have done it all. When the time comes, they will be put on our new cinema line one after another, and they will surely become popular

Zhao Wanqing gave Xiao Yunhai a hard kiss on her face and said, "husband, you are so talented."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course."

In fact, Xiao Yunhai has long wanted to bring these two masterpieces of former director Ning Hao to the big screen, but he has not found the right time.

Now, taking advantage of this period of time, Xiao Yunhai can just shoot them all. I believe that the box office will be very good.

Of course, I don't know about this kind of movie in other places.

As for Chen Qingqing's TV series, Xiao Yunhai, after serious consideration, is ready to make the masterpiece Yongzheng Dynasty.

This play is very arrogant, not only won numerous awards, but also has a high audience rating.

Xiao Yunhai didn't know how many times he had seen it. He liked it very much.

At noon, after lunch, Zhao Wanqing went to Tianlai to continue her music, while Xiao Yunhai began to write the script of Yongzheng Dynasty at home.

What he didn't know was that the entertainment industry was already busy at this time.

"What? Emperor Yun was banned by the Ministry of culture. Is it true? "

"Damn it, even the emperor of cloud is blocked. The Ministry of culture is too cruel."

"The cloud emperor is so pitiful that he offended Tian Jishang, which is his bad luck."

In Hongda film and television company, Xia Chengfeng opens the door of Xia Hongda's office with an excited face.

"Dad, I have good news for you. Xiao Yunhai was blocked by the Ministry of culture for what happened last night. "

Xia Hongda, who was originally arranging work for the propaganda minister on the phone, heard his son's words. The microphone fell on the table. It seemed that a spring had been installed under his buttocks. He stood up and said, "who said this? Is the news true? "

Xia Chengfeng said: "it's 100% accurate. This morning, the Ministry of culture held a special meeting to ban Xiao Yunhai. However, it was only half a year, but it was enough for Xiao Yunhai. Now it's going crazy in the circle. "

Xia Hongda laughed and said, "it's good to block. Let him be arrogant and domineering in his daily life. This is a great lesson to him

Xia Chengfeng said: "minister Tian is still powerful. The role of Pan Jinlian made Xiao Yunhai suffer such a big loss. "

Xia Hongda snorted and said with disdain: "it's a pity that he didn't expect that he would be embarrassed by Xiao Yunhai and his prestige would be greatly reduced. It can only be regarded as killing a thousand enemies and losing eight hundred. "

Xia Chengfeng said: "anyway, Xiao Yunhai's absence for half a year is a great blow to his popularity. Dad, do you think we should step on him hard

Xia Hongda shook his head and said, "absolutely not. Did you forget his identity? The network is the most unsafe place, once found out, the Xiao family will certainly not let us go. Do you really think the Li family will fight against the Xiao family for us? I'm kidding

Xia Chengfeng said: "Dad, I understand. By the way, Li Ran has received news that Li Dongfang is negotiating with a Hollywood film and television company to exchange shares and form a comprehensive partnership. "

At this time, Xia Chengfeng has got the handle of Li Ran, which is a recording, enough to kill him.

But Xia Hongda and his son did not do so, but let Li Ran continue to stay in the Oriental entertainment company and work for themselves.

Although Li Ran is cunning like a fox, he has no choice but to be held in three inches. He can only listen to the arrangement of the Xia family's father and son.

Xia Hongda thought for a moment and asked, "if we buy the shares of Dongfang entertainment company now, is it possible to become a major shareholder?"

Xia Chengfeng shook his head and said, "it's hard. Oriental entertainment company has four shareholders. Li Dongfang owns 52% and Li Ran 8%, and the remaining 40% is in the other two shareholders. Li Dongfang has absolute control, we don't have that opportunity. "

Xia Hongda's eyes narrowed slightly, shook his head and said, "didn't you say he wants to exchange shares with Hollywood company? Once the deal is successful, he has no absolute control. As long as we can persuade the other two shareholders to merge Dongfang and Hongda, there will be no problem at all. As for the Hollywood film and television companies, as long as they give them a little bit of benefit, they will definitely choose us, which is more powerful. "Xia Chengfeng's eyes brightened, nodded and said, "Dad, I will let Li Ran persuade Li Dongfang to exchange more shares, so that it will be more secure."

When Xia Hongda and his son discussed the annexation of Oriental entertainment behind closed doors, the companies that Xiao Yunhai represented also received the news that he was blocked.

That afternoon, Xiao Yunhai's new agent Mo Yina received several calls, without exception, all came to terminate the contract with Xiao Yunhai.

After all, Xiao Yunhai's advertisement can't appear on the Internet and TV for half a year, which is too much for them.

Since Xiao Yunhai is already an international star, the high cost of endorsements is almost 80 million yuan a year and 40 million yuan in half a year. After the ban is lifted, no one can tell what his popularity will be. Therefore, most companies ask Zhang Yinna to terminate the contract on the ground that Xiao Yunhai has violated the contract.

No matter how Zhang Yina explains it, it has no effect.

Entertainment industry is so realistic and cold, even if Xiao Yunhai is such a bull, it can not be changed.

Zhang Yina can't help but call Xiao Yunhai to ask for instructions, but she calls several times in succession, and the other party is all busy.

No way, Zhang Yina can only drive to Xiao Yunhai's home.

When she sees Xiao Yunhai, Xiao Yunhai is talking with Huang Bo on the phone.

Since the news that Xiao Yunhai was blocked by the Ministry of culture spread in the circle, dozens of close friends in the entertainment circles such as Yu Yuexian, Huang Peiqi, Wang Guoan and so on have called him one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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