Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:24 AM

Chapter 717

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After busy for many days, Xiao Yunhai finally finished the script of Yongzheng Dynasty.

At this time, "outlaws of the marsh" has officially started shooting, famous director Cheng song succeeded Chen Qingqing and became the new director of "Water Margin".

Xiao Yunhai specially checked Cheng song on the Internet and found that he was 42 years old and 18 years old. He had made a lot of films and TV series with historical themes. His resume was pretty good, but he was far behind Chen Qingqing.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't think highly of him, because he is soft in character, polite to people and kind in speaking. He is not a director who can hold the scene. In Outlaws of the marsh, the film emperor, empress, veteran actors, first-line stars, and two vice directors, Niu, are not good. I also want to take care of this, but I also want to ask. If Cheng song doesn't get up hard at that time, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to shoot the film.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Xiao Yunhai. After finishing the script of Yongzheng Dynasty, he directly called Chen Qingqing.

Chen Qingqing is in a state of agitation recently, and his old companion murmurs in his ear all day long, which makes him extremely annoyed. The reason lies in the outlaws of the marsh.

It turns out that Chen Qingqing and his wife have a son named Chen Xiangyang. He just returned from studying in America this year. He majored in actor. He looks like his mother. He is very handsome. He is better than Chen Qingqing. I don't know how many.

As a father, Chen Qingqing naturally wants to pave the way for his son. It happened that he was invited by the Ministry of culture to direct the outlaws of the marsh, so Chen Qingqing left the very flattering role of Yanqing in the 100 odd Eight Generals to Chen Xiangyang.

Chen Xiangyang did make great efforts. He not only read "outlaws of the marsh" from beginning to end several times, but also signed up for an acting training class and asked teachers to do special training for him every day.

In just a few days, Chen Xiangyang grasped the essence of Yan Qing's role. After playing a few paragraphs in front of Chen Qingqing, Chen Qingqing was very satisfied.

Just when Chen Xiangyang was ambitious and wanted to become famous with the role of Yanqing, unexpectedly, his father Chen Qingqing suddenly resigned as a director, and Chen Xiangyang was also implicated and lost the role of Yanqing.

Although Chen Xiangyang is very upset in his heart, he is a filial child and does not show any dissatisfaction in front of his father.

But Chen Qingqing's wife can't stand it any more. She knows that her son has made great efforts for this role, but she didn't expect that in the end it was because of Chen Qingqing.

So, in the next few days, she would find fault with Chen Qingqing every day. She could not help but scold Xiao Yunhai, which made Chen Qingqing angry, but had no way out.

Anyway, let him have the cheek to ask Tian Jishang to return the role of Yanqing to his son. It is unnecessary to think about it. Even if he is killed, he can't do it.

When Xiao Yunhai called him, Chen Qingqing was quarrelling with his wife, and he didn't hear it for several times. Finally, Chen Xiangyang, who had just entered the door, reminded him that he had just picked up his mobile phone.

Chen Qingqing saw Xiao Yunhai's call and frowned slightly. He said to his wife, "this is Yunhai's phone. Shut your mouth. If you let him hear you complain about others, I can't be a man. Do you hear me clearly? "

The old companion naturally knew Xiao Yunhai's status in the entertainment circle and snorted, don't go too far.

"Hello, Yunhai. What can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "director Chen, I want to ask if I have time recently? I want you to direct a play

Chen Qingqing's eyes lit up and said, "what drama?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, it's your best historical drama. Didn't I get banned? I wrote a play of Yongzheng Dynasty at home. I think it is very suitable for you. No, I called you as soon as I finished writing

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chen Qingqing pauses for a long time, and then says, "you write it for me because of the water margin."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I don't deny that there is such a reason. Director Chen, to tell you the truth, I really don't think you should take the play of outlaws of the marsh. The relationship is too complicated. Although you are a director, it is obvious that this play has the final say. "

I'm sorry that the reason why I'm not even able to take the initiative to be a director in this drama group is that I'm sorry that I've been taken away from the production team by Chen Qinghao. Yunhai, I'm really sorry. If I didn't call you to go, you would not have been blocked by the Ministry of culture for half a year. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "since I was banned, you have said this more than a hundred times. Tian Jishang deliberately let me go, even if you don't call me, there will be others call me, the results are the same. Besides, this is nothing. After a while, I will shoot two low-cost domestic comedy movies in a row. When the ban is over, I'll let them show them one after another, occupying the entire summer season. It's estimated that at least 8 billion box office will be made. "Chen Qingqing laughed and said, "the whole entertainment industry, who can speak with this tone, is Xiao Yunhai. It would be nice for others to have 800 million box office

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't put a high hat on me. Director Chen, the script of Yongzheng Dynasty, I will send it to your email. It's not too late for you to answer me after reading. You can rest assured that as long as you promise to direct the play, you has the final say in funding, selecting corners and shooting, and I will not make any restrictions.

Chen Qingqing said: "I heard Lao Wu and Lao Du talk about your style as an investor. OK, you can send me the script. I'll give you a vaccination in advance. If the script is not good, I won't take it. "

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "this play is no worse than your" Emperor Kangxi ". If you shoot it well, the average audience rating is definitely over 10."

Chen Qingqing said happily, "what are you waiting for? Send it to me immediately. "

Chen Qingqing hung up the phone and said to the surprised Chen Xiangyang, "Xiangyang, go and get your laptop. I want to use it."

Chen Xiangyang quickly nodded and said, "I'm going."

His wife, who has been eavesdropping on him, asked, "Lao Chen, did Mr. Xiao write you a play?"

"Mr. Xiao?" Chen Qingqing snorted and said, "haven't you always called people Xiao Yunhai? When are you so polite? "

Zhang Cuiping, her old companion, turned red and said, "OK, OK, OK. I'm wrong. Can't I?"

Chen Qingqing sighed and said, "Yunhai has created a historical drama" Yongzheng Dynasty "for me. If I promise to, the whole play has the final say. Compared with the "outlaws of the marsh" crew, I don't know how many times. Even if we don't talk about feelings but only about interests, ten Tian Jishang's father and son are not as good as Xiao Yunhai. In terms of moral character, their father and son are even worse. Yunhai is only 24 years old this year. However, he has become a world-class director and a world-famous tycoon. Xiang Yangneng's friendship with him is absolutely beneficial to his development. Don't you see that all the artists who have a good relationship with Xiao Yunhai have become big stars? "

Zhang Cuiping nodded and said, "old man, you are right. From the fact that he can write a play for you, you can see that his character is really good. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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