Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:23 AM

Chapter 718

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Soon, Chen Xiangyang from his father's mailbox, found Xiao Yunhai sent the script, and then the father and son carefully read it on the computer.

This is more than an hour, until Zhang Cuiping cooked the meal and asked them to come over to eat, the two raised their heads.

What do you think of the script, Chen Xianqing

Chen Xiangyang said without hesitation: "the products made by Emperor Yun must be excellent products. What he said is really good. I have seen a lot of movies and TV dramas in school, and not many of them can hold my eyes firmly, but it can do this. Moreover, the Yongzheng Dynasty is magnificent and the characters are complex and distinct. It depicts the usurper of Jiulong incisively and vividly. It is a rare classic in historical drama

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "Yunhai is really a genius to write such a play in a short period of more than ten days."

Chen Xiangyang asked, "Dad, are you ready to take this play?"

Chen Qingqing was all dressed up and said definitely, "of course. Why not take on such a good play? Later, I'll call Yunhai to see if he has time. I'm going to invite them to dinner this afternoon. What do you think? "

Hearing this, Zhang Cuiping said, "OK. Xiangyang and their age are about the same, there must be a common language

Chen Xiangyang said excitedly: "I've long wanted to have a good communication with emperor Yun. The play he made is really wonderful."

Chen Qingqing waved his hand and said, "I'll talk about it later."

After dinner, Chen Qingqing took a sip of tea and called Xiao Yunhai.

"Director Chen, what do you think of the play?"

Chen Qingqing said with a smile, "is there anything wrong with your Xiao Yunhai's works?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "director Chen, I didn't expect you would flatter people."

Chen Qingqing said: "I just feel it. Yunhai, are you free this afternoon? I'd like to invite you and Wanqing to come home for dinner and discuss the shooting. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I have no problem. As for the leader of my family, it's hard to say. She's going to be crazy about making music now

Chen Qingqing said: "then you must bring her here to relax."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK."

Hung up the phone, Chen Qingqing said: "he has agreed. Cuiping, show your cooking skills in the afternoon. Remember to have a big amount. Yunhai is a martial arts practitioner and can eat as much as seven or eight people. "

Zhang Cuiping said happily, "you can see."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai went to the supermarket to buy some supplements for the elderly. Then he picked up Zhao Wanqing and rushed to Chen Qingqing's home.

When they were not together, they had been to Chen Qingqing's house. Xiao Yunhai had a very good memory, so he came to Chen Qingqing's door and knocked.

Chen Xiangyang opened the door for them. Seeing them, he said, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, please come in."

Xiao Yunhai said, "are you Chen Xiangyang, Chen's son?"

Chen Xiangyang was stunned and said, "do you know me?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "at the beginning, when shooting the film step by step, Chen daochengtian talked about you, and it was difficult to remember."

Chen Qingqing coughed and said, "Yunhai, Wanqing, come in and sit down. Come on. What else do you want? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "we can't be a guest empty handed."

Chen Qingqing said: "the Yongzheng Dynasty you wrote is the best gift for me. Come on, it's late. Let's eat first. I heard that you're quitting drinking now, so I only prepared some juice. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that would be great."

Zhang Cuiping's kitchen skills are really good, comparable to those five-star chefs. Xiao Yunhai praised Zhang Cuiping's eyes, and her impression of Xiao Yunhai increased exponentially.

As there was no drinking, so it took only half an hour for everyone to finish their meal and sit on the sofa to chat.

Zhao Wanqing said: "director Chen, you quit the director's position of" outlaws of the marsh "for us. It really makes us feel bad."

Chen Qingqing shook his head and said, "in the crew of outlaws of the marsh, I am also very uncomfortable. The production, photography, drama and other key departments of the production team are all the people that Tian Junhao asked for. I am a director with no real name, and his instructions have to be approved by Tian Junhao. Hehe, if it wasn't for Xiangyang, I would have quit

Xiao Yunhai said: "by the way, how old is brother Xiangyang? Just graduated? "

Chen Xiangyang said with a smile: "I am in the same year with you, and my birthday is two months younger than you. I graduated last year and spent half a year traveling around the world. Now I want to make a debut in our entertainment industry. I just have the opportunity to play Yan Qing in Outlaws of the marsh. Originally prepared for a long time, did not expect my father to quit the director, and my role was also lost to those people

Chen Qingqing on one side said: "it's not that I'm a cronyist. Xiangyang is really suitable for Yanqing, and his acting skills are also good. He has practiced Yongchun Quan and Taekwondo for many years. Among the younger generation, they should be able to rank at the top. Of course, there's no comparison with the two of you. Well, I'm old. I don't know how many years I can work in China. The sea of clouds, Xiangyang is smaller than you. I'll ask you to help me in the future. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry, director Chen. In the future, no matter what Xiangyang has to do, as long as you say it, there will be absolutely no two words. "

Chen Qingqing was overjoyed and said to Chen Xiangyang, "thank you, brother Xiao."

Chen Xiangyang took up his tea cup and touched Xiao Yunhai, saying, "thank you for your care."

Xiao Yunhai sipped his tea and said, "what you should thank most is your father. I'm afraid the main reason for you to let me come here this time is for Xiangyang. "

Chen Qingqing said: "I'm just such a son. Can't I think more about him? You can't do it now. You have to be banned by the Ministry of culture. The Minister of culture has to explain to you in person that there is no one else who can do this job. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if I didn't have the support of teachers, how could I have been today. Xiangyang can not play "outlaws of the marsh", hum, this play also refers to what will be done by Tian Jishang and his son. I'm very confident in our Yongzheng Dynasty. Xiangyang's role in it is much better than that in Outlaws of the marsh. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "I think so. Yunhai, which role do you think Xiangyang is suitable for? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "in terms of Xiangyang's age, I think elder brother fourteen is quite suitable for him. Xiangyang, what do you think? "

Chen Xiangyang took a look at Chen Qingqing, and Chen Qingqing said, "what do you think you can say? Look what I'm doing

Chen Xiangyang said: "in fact, what I want to play most is the thirteen elder brother." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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