Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:58 AM

Chapter 72

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After Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing separated, they returned to the dormitory and found that Huang Bo had gone out, but they didn't care.

The boy read the novel all day yesterday and didn't finish it until 12 o'clock in the evening. After getting up at 6 o'clock this morning, I went out to eat something at will. I didn't have class. I began to practice crazily in front of the mirror all morning.

Before Xiao Yunhai went to the appointment, he came back and saw a straightforward and free and easy Hu Tiehua. Xiao Tiehai's role is almost unexpected.

About nothing, Xiao Yunhai lying in bed thinking about the next thing.

Now he has two plays to shoot: Legend of Chu Liuxiang and startling step by step.

"Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is good to say that he is not the protagonist. If everything goes well, it is estimated that he will win in about half a month.

As for step by step, it will take a long time, but even if it is longer, the shooting cycle should be completed within two months. After all, the film has no big scenes. It depends on the actors.

In terms of music, his online songs are in the top ten of the major online song charts with the long-term promotion of music network, plus the good quality of songs and the high degree of transmission. Naturally, the number of fans has grown exponentially.

Today, his number of fans has reached 6.62 million, and he has established six fan groups. Once his identity is exposed in the future, it will cause a great sensation.

In terms of novels, the sales volume of Xiao Yunhai's "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" has almost gone off the shelves, with a total sales volume of 7.2 million. If he Jin hadn't published the news that he Jin was going to shoot the legend of Chu Liuxiang on his Weibo, which caused a final buying frenzy, it would be nice if he Jin could have reached 6 million. A few days ago, Zhang Liye was urging him to have time to write another novel.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai suddenly sat up and decided to publish another martial arts novel by Gu Long. After reading all Gu Long's novels in his mind, Xiao Yunhai finally chose the amorous swordsman's merciless sword.

"Passionate swordsman merciless sword" is the first part of "Xiao Li Throwing Knife" series. It mainly tells the story of Li xunhuan, the founder of Xiao Li's throwing knife. It has been shot in many films and TV series in the past life, and many artists have become famous for their role in Li xunhuan.

How can Xiao Yunhai let go of such a novel.

Originally, Xiao Li's flying dagger was a series of four books. In addition to the sentimental swordsman's merciless sword, there are also "the prodigal son of the border city", "the eagle flying in September" and "the bright moon sword in the sky".

As for the latter three, he is not going to write them. Because he always felt that the other novels were a bit of an icing on the cake.

Xiao Yunhai is not going to continue to use the name of "amorous swordsman merciless sword". The main reason is that the name is too long and tongue twisty. Xiao Yunhai directly changed it to "Xiao Li Throwing Knife", which is concise and pleasant to hear.

This "Xiao Li Fei Dao" has only 700000 words in total. With Xiao Yunhai's typing speed, it can be completed in five or six days. At that time, we can catch up with the shooting of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang".

Xiao Yunhai just got up to put into action, the mobile phone next to him suddenly rang. Open a look, it is a short message from Zhang Liye.

"Mr. Xiao, please go to the forum of our people's livelihood. Your fans are about to explode."

Xiao Yunhai hears the speech and turns on the computer. Sure enough, many comments appeared on the forum of, and they echoed with each other, asking Xiao Yunhai to hold the signature sales activity of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang".

For this request, Xiao Yunhai is really not free, at the same time, he does not want to expose his identity so early.

However, in order to calm the mood of online fans, Xiao Yunhai finally had to publish a comment on the forum, which stopped the trend.

"I've heard that many people call themselves" Xiangfen "recently, and they have also set up organizations like" Xiangfen League "and" liuxiang League ". I'm very proud that their fictional characters can have such a great appeal. At the same time, I'm very grateful for your love and support for the legend of Chu Liuxiang."

"As for your request for me to hold a book signing activity for the legend of Chu Liuxiang, I'm sorry for that. The reason is not that some people say that I want to maintain a sense of mystery. It is not that I am aloof and unreasonable. It is that I am writing another novel behind closed doors and do not want to be disturbed by the outside world. I know these things online from Minsheng publishing house, so I have to explain them online. "

"As for my new book, I can tell you something. This book is also a martial arts book called "Xiao Li Throwing Knife". The protagonist is named Li xunhuan. He has a family background. He is also known as Xiao Li Tanhua. He is famous in the river and lake. There is "Xiao Li Shendao, which is the best in the world. If you use a knife, you can't make a false hair!" In Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum, it ranks third only to Tianji old man's Tianji stick and Shangguan Jinhong's Dragon and Phoenix double rings. Compared with the legend of Chu Liuxiang, I think this book is more suitable for you to read. The various characters in it are very distinctive, which may give you some inspiration in life

"If there is no accident, the book will be completed in a week and is expected to meet you in early October. At that time, please support this little Li Throwing Knife as if you support the legend of Chu Liuxiang. I believe it will not let you down. Of course, I will also hold a new book conference in Beijing. Well, that's all. I'll see you in October. "Once Xiao Yunhai's information was released, the Internet suddenly exploded. Everyone reprinted one after another, looking forward to tianwaike's new book.

"Have you heard that tianwaike's new book" Xiao Li Feidao "will be on sale in October

"Really, not really," Chu Liuxiang legend "just sold out, how come the new book came out so soon. Idols are idols. There is no saying about the efficiency. "

"Xiao Li's magic sword is the best in the world. If you use a knife, you can't make it empty! That's a fantastic description. It seems that chuliuxiang's lightness skill will be supplemented by Li xunhuan's throwing knife in the future. Ha ha "

less than three minutes after Xiao Yunhai made his comments, Zhang Liye called in a very excited tone.

"Mr. Xiao, are you really nearly finished with your new book?"

Looking at his three line novel, Xiao Yunhai said, "yes, it should be over in about five days. At that time, we will have to trouble Mr. Zhang to publish it. "

Zhang Liye immediately patted his chest and assured him, "don't worry about it. I don't have any problems here. I will report to our president now and try to give you a better contract. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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