Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:20 AM

Chapter 720

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A few minutes later, the three came to a room with an area of about 100 square meters. All the instruments were available and the singing equipment was very complete.

Zhao Wanqing went to the stage and said to the microphone, "the first song" Mo "is from my album, so I won't sing here anymore. The second song is Mr. Xiao Yunhai's song "fairy tale", please enjoy it. "

See Zhao Wanqing on the stage funny, Xiao Yunhai put on a model to make a sample of shouting: "after clear, come on."

"After clearing up, I like you."

"Zhao Wanqing, you are the best."

Shen Lingwei, who is debugging the equipment, can't help smiling when she sees them entertaining themselves there. A trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

The music sounded, Zhao Wanqing quickly entered the state, the first sentence, let Xiao Yunhai's ears tremble, is very amazing.

The fairy tale sung by Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunhai are two extremes.

Xiao Yunhai's voice makes people feel warm and hopeful, while Zhao Wanqing brings sadness and despair.

After a song was closed, Zhao Wanqing came out of the music and asked, "husband, what do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and said, "it's very good. It would be better if the feelings were stronger. You know, we're dealing with 1500 audience judges, and if you want to impress them, you have to make them feel the emotion in the song. At the end of the day, I think it's better to add a little more power to your heart, especially if you add a little more power to your heart

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "according to what you said, how can I feel uncomfortable?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if it's recording records, it's definitely not possible to do so. But competition is not the same as recording songs. Take the singer's night as an example. Thirteen singers will sing thirteen songs in a competition. Their singing skills are almost the same. What is the comparison? I'll tell you, it's better than whose songs can leave a deeper impression on the audience and move them more. Therefore, the order of the game is very important, the more behind, the more advantage. The first singer, the biggest loser. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "then show me a demonstration and I'll listen to it."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes."

In the past life, after watching so many competitive singing competitions, playing this Xiao Yunhai still has a lot of experience.

When he came to a piano on the stage, Xiao Yunhai tried the sound and played it. It was the climax of fairy tale.

"I will become the angel you love in the fairy tale, open your hands and turn into wings to guard you. You have to believe, believe that we will be like a fairy tale, happiness and happiness is the end. Write our ending together. "

Xiao Yunhai uses Zhao Wanqing's sad singing method. The tone is very high and his voice is hoarse. His crying and trilling are just right. His emotion is extremely strong. Just a few words, just sing out a feeling of parting.

What's more, his expression is also in place. His eyes are sad, and there is a sense of despair in his sad eyes. When he sings to the last sentence, he even shed a tear, which can't directly give Zhao Wanqing to Lei.

"Husband, are you disgusting

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with a smile: "you should describe it with full emotion. Wife, don't be unconvinced. If you are an ordinary person, I'm sure I'll leave a deeper impression on him when I hear the two of us sing

Shen Lingwei said with a smile: "the cloud emperor is the cloud emperor. It's really powerful."

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and said, "no, sister Wei, how can you support his speech?"

Shen Lingwei said with a smile: "when we started to make music, I told you that the biggest fear of music competitions like this is regular singing. South Korea's first season of "singer's night" has given us the answer. Singers who can't bring the audience moving and surprise are often the fastest to be eliminated. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Come on, wife. Let's go on. You sing the rest of the songs, and I'll hear. How many places do you get? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and sang seven songs in a row. Every capital tried his best to sing it well, but Xiao Yunhai always shook his head there.

After listening to all Zhao Wanqing's songs, Xiao Yunhai commented: "wife, I told you that it is impossible to pass customs with a singing method. These songs show all your bass in high school and high school. They have excellent singing skills. They have no problems in singing skills, but they obviously don't do enough in emotional expression. If you want to stand out, you have to be different from other singers. "

"So, before you make a song, think about whether other singers can do it. If other singers can do the same, it can only show that there is nothing strange about your song, and the audience's impression will not be deep

Shen Lingwei nods at the side, and looks at Xiao Yunhai with praise in her eyes. The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. The angle of looking at the problem is really different.

Zhao Wanqing, hit by Xiao Yunhai, seems to have lost confidence and said dejectedly, "husband, what you said is quite simple. It's really hard to do it."Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as long as you put your heart into it, you can do it well. For example, since your fourth song is about peace, why don't you ask some children to help you sing. Don't you think it's more powerful to show the cruelty of war with the innocent and pure voice of children? "

When Shen Lingwei heard this, her eyes lit up and said, "yes. Why didn't we think of it? "

Zhao Wanqing imagined more than ten children singing in unison. She was also surprised and said, "yes, this idea is really great. Honey, your brain is so good. "

Xiao Yunhai is very stinky said: "you forget, I am a genius."

In the past life, Xiao Yunhai remembers clearly the tricks used by countless singers in the major competitions. It is natural to catch Zhao Wanqing's tips.

Shen Lingwei asked, "Yunhai, what other good ideas do you have?"

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "the fifth song is too soft and not suitable for competition. If you really want to sing, you can use a piece of music to seamlessly connect it with a super high pitched song, preferably to surprise and shock the audience

"The sixth song is a rock and roll song. If you want to perform this type of song well, you must completely open yourself. Don't think about whether you are a lady or not, don't care about your star identity, and don't care about whether you will break the sound in the end. What you have to do is to roar directly into the microphone as high as you can. At that time, with your ability, the audience must be in a mess. "

"The seventh song..."

Xiao Yunhai commented on all Zhao Wanqing's songs in one breath. He not only pointed out the problems to her, but also made clear the direction of rectification.

They are husband and wife, so Xiao Yunhai is very direct and has no scruples. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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