Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:19 AM

Chapter 721

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After listening to it, Shen Lingwei sighed, "Yunhai, if you go to the singer's night, it is estimated that the title of singer king must be in your bag."

Although Zhao Wanqing knew what her husband said was reasonable, she still insisted: "sister Wei, don't listen to him. If you have the ability, you can perform one for us. It's a fake trick if you just don't practice it. "

Xiao Yunhai laughs and says: "good, wife, I'll make you convinced today."

After that, Xiao Yunhai came to the piano just now, thought for a moment, and said, "what I'm going to sing next is a new song called" hills. ". Sister Wei, wife, please give me more advice. "

Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After feeling that his mood had completely entered the state, he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were blurred, his hands were flicking, and the soft music began to ring. However, Xiao Yunhai did not immediately sing, but said in a slightly hoarse voice: "the other day, I had a dream and dreamed of my life. In the dream, I got a lot, but lost more. In order to achieve success, I kept climbing mountains and thorns step by step, only to find that I had nothing. A piece of "hills" is given to you and me who are still on the way. I hope we can grasp the present and not let happiness slip away quietly. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's monologue, Shen Lingwei whispered to Zhao Wanqing, "your husband is exaggerating the artistic conception. He wants to use this monologue to narrow the distance between himself and the audience. Great. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "he has used it many times, especially when singing Chinese songs. In the competition, I can also use this way to let the audience into my world as soon as possible

Xiao Yunhai's eyes on the stage seemed to fall into a dream, the piano sound became more soothing, and the first lyrics finally came out.

"I want to say it, but I haven't said much yet.

I save it because I want to write a song.

Let people sing softly,

remember lightly.

It's worth it even if I finally forget it.

Maybe I have a little idea in my whole life,

fluently converges into a river.

Then we both looked at the bend of the river,

and finally dared to face the difficulties of life

When Xiao Yunhai sang the first sentence, the voice full of endless vicissitudes directly shocked Zhao Wanqing and Shen Lingwei.

Shen Lingwei is a talented student at the Washington Conservatory of music. She was hired by Warner records company with a high salary just after she graduated.

With her excellent performance, it took less than three years to become the company's deputy director of music.

During her stay at Warner records company, she wrote many classic English songs and made several singers popular with her own hands. The excellent singers she met were even more unknown. However, she had never met a musician like Xiao Yunhai.

She has heard all the songs Xiao Yunhai wrote before. Whether it's love songs, rock and roll, folk songs, Chinese style, martial arts style, he can sing with ease, and his creative ability is even less.

Today, she is listening to Xiao Yunhai's scene for the first time. Only the first paragraph attracts her ears. If she had not seen it with her own eyes and ears, it would have been hard for her to believe that such a voice full of magnetism and vicissitudes could have come from a young man in her twenties.

Different from all the previous songs, Xiao Yunhai's singing at this moment gives people a feeling of suffering through vicissitudes and hardships, and is full of a sense of picture.

Shen Lingwei sighed in a low voice: "it's so powerful. It's just the king of songs."

Zhao Wanqing obviously didn't expect that her husband, who was most familiar with her, even made her voice more infectious, as if she were pouring out her feelings about life.

Zhao Wanqing was very surprised. She also calmed down and listened carefully.

"Maybe we have never been mature,

have not yet known,

are about to grow old,

although it is still the young man who lives in our hearts.

Looking back frequently because of uneasiness,

asking for help without knowing,

ashamed to ask for help,

tirelessly climbing every hill. "

When the song is sung here, Xiao Yunhai's whole body and mind has completely entered it.

The song "hill" by Li Zongsheng, the godfather of the previous life, can be said to have written the vicissitudes and helplessness of life. The lyrics are thick and the mood is far-reaching. It is one of Xiao Yunhai's favorite songs.

The whole song has not yet reached the part of the chorus, Shen Lingwei and Zhao Wanqing are taken to Xiao Yunhai's mood and stare at him without blinking.

"Over the hills,

though their heads are white.


is not my sorrow.

Before you can see immortality as you wish,

lose yourself first.

After crossing the hill,

found no one waiting.

Chattering,No more call for tenderness.

Why can't you remember who gave the hug last time and when it was


With the climax, Xiao Yunhai's voice seems more helpless and sad.

Zhao Wanqing sighed deeply and said, "sister Wei, I don't want to take part in the competition when I hear my singing. It's too shocking."

Shen Lingwei shook her head and said, "Wanqing, there's no need for this. What we are hearing now is the songs created and sung by the world's top musicians. No one can match him in singing skills, feelings or aura, even those heavenly kings I met in America. Genius, a real genius, listening to him live is much better than recording. "

Zhao Wanqing's eyes at Xiao Yunhai are full of love, worship and pride. She can use a song to win over Shen Lingwei, a proud talented woman in music. She has been able to do it several times.

"I didn't deliberately hide it,

and I didn't mean to make you sad.

how many times have we been drunk.

Curse that life is too short,

regret that it's too late to meet,

let women cry and spend their makeup.

It's a pity that we have never been mature,

have not yet known,

are already old.

Try your best but still don't understand,

the young people around you.

Give yourself any reason,

to tease love,

to fate,

to fight back beyond one's ability,

until death. "

in the second paragraph, Xiao Yunhai raised it half a key, and his expression seemed to enter another world. His voice was even more hoarse. With a kind of lament for life, he sang and chanted in a kind of Li Zongsheng's style, expressing the artistic conception of the song incisively and vividly, and the feeling of the picture came from his face.

"Over the hills, though white.

When you don't give me sorrow.

Before you can see immortality as you wish,

lose yourself first.

Beyond the hills, we found no one waiting.

Chatter, no longer call back the gentle.

Why can't you remember who gave the hug last time and when.

Over the hills, although their heads have turned white.

... "

in the last climax, Xiao Yunhai's voice broke out completely like a flood breaking through a dike, which was full of thunder and overwhelming power. Their emotions were sublimated. Zhao Wanqing and Shen Lingwei were all fascinated by the strong impact on their ears, which made their tears flow uncontrollably Come out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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