Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:14 AM

Chapter 724

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Farewell to the two, Xiao Yunhai car back home, just entered the door, received a call from Chen Qingqing.

"Yunhai, our crew is almost ready. I'd like to invite you to dinner tomorrow evening. Do you have time to come over? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "good. By the way, did Master Wang Huang agree? "

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "I have agreed. And he'll be there tomorrow. "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "great. I have to say, it's better for you, Mr. Chen. "

Chen Qingqing said: "that's mainly because of my father. In addition, your script is really attractive. Otherwise, Mr. Wang will not come out."

Xiao Yunhai said: "no matter what? Since Mr. Wang is here, it is a great good thing for our crew. Don't forget to ask him to inscribe our Yongzheng Dynasty. With his four big characters, the audience rating of the play can be increased by at least 2%

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "we are heroes and think alike. I told Mr. Wang long ago, and he promised to come down. After a few days, when I hold the launch conference, I'm going to hang this picture. Ha ha, at that time, it will certainly cause a sensation in the whole entertainment industry. "

Wang Huang's words can be said to be valuable. Two years ago, he wrote a piece of Cao Cao's short song line, which was only a little more than 100 words. It was put in the auction house and sold for a price of 12 million yuan, which shocked the whole calligraphy circle.

If calculated at this price, the four characters of Yongzheng Dynasty are worth at least 500000 yuan.

Xiao Yunhai said, "let's deal with it. By the way, director Chen, you haven't told me that you've all looked for those actors? "

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "keep secret. When you see them tomorrow afternoon, you will know. I promise you will be satisfied. By the way, Xiangyang's role has been decided, will play the role of thirteen elder brother. This is not because I abolished the public for personal reasons, but during the audition, Emperor Yongzheng had a few scenes with him at dawn, and then all the teachers agreed to make it. "

Xiao Yunhai was startled and said, "it seems that Xiangyang is a talent for acting if he can get the affirmation of Mr. Wang. Congratulations, director Chen. You have a successor. "

Chen Qingqing laughed, filled with joy, and said, "to tell you the truth, I didn't expect Xiangyang to be such a good actor. Under the full pressure of Mr. Wang, he was able to deduce the thirteen elder brother with ease, which was really beyond my expectation. Yunhai, after Yongzheng Dynasty is broadcast, I want him to join Hanhai. What do you think? "

Nowadays, Hanhai brokerage company is very popular in the industry. The main reason is that there are few artists and many resources. Besides, Xiao Yunhai, a famous international director, is very attractive to artists who want to become famous.

What's more intimate is that Hanhai has only one year's contract with artists, and the conditions are very favorable. If artists feel uncomfortable in Hanhai or feel they have no future, they can leave after one year. This is definitely the most free contract in the entertainment industry.

It's a pity that Hanhai has only recruited 89 people so far in line with the principle of preferring shortage to quantity. Countless artists who want to enter the vast sea can only sigh.

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, no problem. However, it depends on his performance in Yongzheng Dynasty. As you know, Hanhai needs to look at their potential to attract artists. "

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "well, you can see. Now I have enough confidence in Xiangyang. "

At five o'clock the next day, Xiao Yunhai dressed up at home and drove to the appointed five-star hotel.

Stop the car, under the leadership of a staff member, Xiao Yunhai came to the No. 1 box reserved by Chen Qingqing.

The box is very large, with two rooms, an entertainment room and a separate bathroom.

When Xiao Yunhai walked in, Wang Guoan, Wang Tianming, Kai Shuwen and Chen Xiangyang were playing mahjong in the entertainment room.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, he and Chen Xiangyang immediately stood up and said hello to him.

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "cloud sea, did not expect me to be here?"

Xiao Yunhai asked with a little surprise: "Teacher Wang, you did not take the film" outlaws of the marsh "? Why do you come to the Yongzheng Dynasty again

Wang Guoan said: "I was kicked out by someone, so I can only run to our crew to grab a bite of food with Yongzheng."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "are you kidding? Even if Tian Junhao did anything, he would not dare to move you? "

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "of course he dare not move, but vice minister Tian is not the same. That night, in addition to you and director Wu, I was also the leader. From the role of Chao Gai suddenly fell to Gao Qiu, although they said polite, but I am not stupid, naturally understand the meaning. So, like director Chen, I retired in the name of physical discomfort. "

Wang Tianming nearby snorted and said, "I really don't understand. What is the Ministry of culture thinking? Let Tian's father and son do this, "outlaws of the marsh" can be shot. As for quality, ha ha, I really dare not have any expectations. "The most taboo of the performers in the opera is "Xiao Hai, the leader of the opera. I heard from director Wu that the whole crew was set up by Tian Junhao, and all the departments were his people. Therefore, it was he who really made the decision. Although Tian Junhao became famous by virtue of his own swordsman biography, his ability remains to be discussed. I'm worried that there may be something wrong with "outlaws of the marsh."

It must not be that Wang Guoan said: "maybe. Forget it, what does "outlaws of the marsh" concern us? Even if it is destroyed, it has nothing to do with us. The most important thing for us now is to shoot the Yongzheng Dynasty. I don't say, Yunhai, the play you wrote is really wonderful. Compared with Langya bang, it's no less impressive. Unfortunately, the role of Yongzheng was robbed. Otherwise, I must fight for it. "

When Wang Tianming heard this, he couldn't help laughing and swearing: "Wang Guoan, don't you say such words in front of me. When I get to the set, I will let you know that Yongzheng is definitely the best choice. As for you, the king of eight sages, stay where you are cool. Three. "

Wang Guoan roared, "it's burnt. Ha ha, let's talk big. When the time comes, don't be me this supporting role pressure play. Hurry up. Give me the money. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, asked the silent Chen Shuwen beside him, and said, "elder brother Kai, what role has Chen given you?"

Since his performance as the commander of the Mongolian University of langyabang, he became a star overnight and became one of the first-line stars. With the continuous film appointment, commercial spokesmen have also found him. One year later, he made more money than the previous 20 years.

Therefore, he was very grateful to Xiao Yunhai.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Kai Liwen said, "director Chen asked me to play the general Nian gengyao."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "who else in our company is going to be in this play?"

"No more. Recently, we have no schedule except me. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that they are very busy. Xiangyang, I heard that you were appointed by Mr. Wang to play brother thirteen

Chen Xiangyang nodded and said, "I just wanted to have a try. If you succeed, you can't. I didn't expect that all the teachers would praise me so much after watching my performance, so my father gave me the role of thirteen elder brother. "

Wang Tianming waved his hand and said, "Xiangyang, you don't need to be modest. It's the first time I've seen it for so many years , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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