Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:13 AM

Chapter 725

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Wang Guoan laughed and said, "it's not appropriate for you to say this in front of the sea of clouds at dawn."

Wang Tianming said, "what's wrong? Director Xiao's acting skills are no longer comparable to the film emperor, but a higher level than the film emperor, OK. I have watched Infernal Affairs three times in a row. The performance of the four heavenly kings can be described as breathtaking. However, among the four, there are still two small levels. In terms of explosive force and appeal, Xiao Dao and Mr. Liang should be stronger. "

Wang Guoan nodded and said, "yes, I feel the same way. Yunhai, I have to say, you boy is a miracle. When you were auditioning in the Three Kingdoms, your acting skills were just the front line. I didn't expect that in just two years, I grew up to compete with Liang Hui, the God of film. It really made us, the so-called film emperors, blush with shame. "

Xiao Yunhai giggled and said, "if I didn't know the two teachers, I would take your words as a kind of praise. Xiangyang, why haven't you come yet

Chen Xiangyang said, "he has gone to pick up Mr. Wang."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "what about other actors? I don't know the cast list of our play until now

Wang Guoan said with a smile, "let me talk about it."

Through Wang Guoan's introduction to each role, Xiao Yunhai can't help but nod his head with satisfaction.

Prince renyin is played by Xu Jianyi, an old dramatist. Although Xu Jianyi has not won the film emperor, he is actually the king without a crown. He has been nominated for the best actor in the golden cup award five or six times, and there are many best supporting roles. Unfortunately, his luck is not good, and he has never won it once.

But his acting skills are well-known in the industry, not under any film emperor. Even Wang Guoan and Wang Tianming dare not say that they can match him.

The elder brother Yinyi and the third elder brother Yinzhi are played by Gu Zhangyan and Xia Ping'an respectively. The minister Zhang Tingyu employs Wang Zhongmou, an old acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai, and long Keduo is played by Xu Hongjun. The Empress Dowager looks for teacher Zhang Hong, and the nine elder brother, the tenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are all young actors with good acting skills in the circle.

Although these actors are less famous, their acting skills are the best. As long as you shoot it well, you can definitely make a classic.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, what do you think will happen if our" Yongzheng Dynasty "and" outlaws of the marsh "collide

Wang Guoan said confidently, "it goes without saying that we will win. However, you'd better not do this. After all, "outlaws of the marsh" is the key film and television drama of the Ministry of culture this year. If we beat it to pieces, I'm afraid the face of the Ministry of culture will be very ugly. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted coldly and said, "then let the Ministry of culture come to look for Tian's father and son. We'll do what we have to do. If it happened to happen, it would be bad luck for him. "

After a while, other actors came in one after another, and Xiao Yunhai said hello to them one by one.

While everyone was chatting with each other happily, Chen Qingqing and an old man full of white hair and hale and hearty came in.

Seeing the smiling old man, Xiao Yunhai, Wang Guoan, Wang Tianming and others rushed to meet him and called out respectfully: "Mr. Wang."

The old man is Wang Huang, who is going to play Kangxi in the play. Although he is over 80 years old, he is still very strong. He doesn't need any help when walking. Moreover, Xiao Yunhai can see that he has a lot of Kung Fu in his body and his voice is full of vitality.

"Oh, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, the dishes have not been served yet. How can I say that I have been waiting for so long."

Wang Huang pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you are Mei Changsu of Langya bang, aren't you?"

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "Wang Lao also saw this play?"

Wang Huang said with a smile, "of course. Such a good play, I naturally want to see it. All in all, what you shot is really good, but I feel that there is a lack of massiness

Hearing Wang Huang's comments, Xiao Yunhai nodded in agreement and said, "Mr. Wang is right. However, the drama was originally a legendary drama with elevated history, and the sense of massiness was certainly not as heavy as the historical drama Yongzheng dynasty that we are going to shoot now. "

Wang shook his eyes and said," it is good to say that you are a knowledgeable young man and will not have no position like others. "

Chen Qingqing on one side said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, this is Mr. Xiao Yunhai, our screenwriter and investor."

Wang Huang suddenly realized that you are Xiao Yunhai. Ha ha, my grandson and granddaughter like you very much. What kind of powder do you use now fashionable language. Yes, iron powder. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm really flattered. Mr. Wang, let's talk while eating. "

Wang Huang nodded and said, "good."

Although Xiao Yunhai is the screenwriter and investor of Yongzheng Dynasty, and his status in the industry is higher than that of most of the people sitting here, Huaxia is a country of etiquette. As the only young man on the table, Xiao Yunhai can't sit on these old people.Therefore, after arranging the seats for all the old actors, Xiao Yunhai sat at the bottom and was responsible for serving tea and water for everyone.

When people saw Xiao Yunhai's practice, although they didn't say it, they felt a burst of admiration.

We should know that Xiao Yunhai has become a veritable director with the fire of Infernal Affairs and Jingwu hero, and his international influence is not comparable to that of all the artists.

If a young man had such a position, his tail would have gone up. Don't say it's to give way to others and serve others. Even if you wait a little longer for him, you will be able to look at you.

Such things, in the entertainment industry is common, do not know how many.

However, Xiao Yunhai still maintains a modest and low-key style. He is courteous and does not have the slightest arrogance. This peaceful state of mind even Wang Guo shows an expression of appreciation.

The food and wine were soon served. Xiao Yunhai got up and poured wine for you. When it was his turn, he poured a cup of juice directly.

Xiao Yunming doesn't know what's right. Even Wang Lao has poured wine. How can you, a Dionysian figure, drink juice? "

Others also echoed, asking Xiao Yunhai to change into liquor.

Chen Qingqing laughed and said, "well, everybody, don't embarrass our God of wealth any more. People are fighting for their next generation, so don't make a fuss here. "

When they heard this, they suddenly realized that they had no one to persuade them after a few jokes.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Wang Huang suddenly asked, "Yunhai, have you studied Yongzheng? I think this play of Yongzheng Dynasty can be written into a book

Xiao Yunhai looked at the old man with admiration, because the TV play in his previous life was adapted from Mr. Er Yuehe's novel of the same name.

Xiao Yunhai said: "when I wrote the script of step by step, I checked a lot of materials about the Yongzheng period. Later, I played the hero Yongzheng. In order to understand the role thoroughly, I searched for a lot of personal information about him on the Internet. The present script of Yongzheng Dynasty is written by me through these things, with some historical allusions and my own imagination. If there is something wrong, please correct it

This is naked plagiarism originally, Xiao Yunhai has no way, can only ramble nonsense.

Fortunately, he did read the two books of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Yongzheng of Eryuehe in his previous life, so even if he wrote them now, there was no problem.

Wang Huang shook his head and said, "you have written very well. Even I can't write such a historical and storytelling script. I might like it better than Langya bang. By the way, how much money are you going to give the crew? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it depends on Chen director."

Chen Qingqing said: "I have roughly calculated. If you want to make a good film of Yongzheng Dynasty, you need at least 300 million yuan, not counting the actor's salary. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no problem. I'll be ready for the crew. Mr. Chen, when are we going to start up? "

"On April 18, Hengdian," Chen Qingqing said

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "on the day of the press conference, I'm sure I can't go. I'll leave everything to you. To tell you the truth, I have great confidence in this play. Especially now to see so many excellent acting teachers, my confidence is even more sufficient. As an investor, I have only one requirement: quality. If we don't have enough funds, we can invest another 300 million yuan or 400 million yuan. However, the quality of the film must be guaranteed, and there can not be a little bit of improvisation. I have only one idea. If I want to shoot, I have to be classic. "

"Nowadays, China's TV circle is full of exaggeration, focusing on publicity rather than quality, and engaging in some empty headed and brainless things all day long. I hate it very much. I hope that in our "Yongzheng Dynasty", everyone can show their skills and tell them what acting is


"Well said."

The crowd cheered in unison.

Chen Qingqing took up his glass and said, "come on, let's drink for the words of Yunhai."


During the dinner, everyone spoke freely and the atmosphere was extremely warm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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