Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:56 AM

Chapter 73

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The next time, Xiao Yunhai completely entered the closed state, has been fighting with "Xiao Li Throwing Knife". During this period, Huang Bo also brought back good news. With his excellent performance in the audition, he Jin was moved and won the role of Hu Tiehua.

Five days later, Xiao Li's flying knife came out fresh, bringing the electronic version directly to Minsheng publishing house. Zhang Liye only looked at the beginning and the end, without saying a word, took out the contract that had already been prepared.

Xiao Yunhai found that the contract was similar to the original contract, but the profit increased by 5% on the basis of the original contract.

Xiao Yunhai knows that although his "light to see" Minsheng publishing house to hurry up, don't waste time TM, quickly release it. "

"What else do you want to promote. Tianwaike is the best publicity. I can't wait. "

"When to open an online reservation, book me ten books first, and I want to send them."

The next day, Minsheng Publishing House opened an online booking service, which reached 560000 copies in one day, which made Zhang Liye unable to find the north. Zhang Liye believes that with Xiao Yunhai's two martial arts novels, the theme of martial arts will be rejuvenated.

After giving the novel "Xiao Li Fei Dao" to Zhang Liye, Xiao Yunhai did not manage it any more. Professional things should be handed over to professional people. This is a sentence Xiao Yunhai likes very much.

Since he got the role of Hu Tiehua, Huang Bo has been reciting the script wildly for the past two days. He gets up early in the morning and goes out to practice his lines. When he comes back, he performs the plot of the script in a mirror crazily, and sometimes pulls Xiao Yunhai to help with his opponent's play. This makes Xiao Yunhai admire it very much.

The crew of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" held a launch conference in Hengdian film and television city at 10 o'clock the day after tomorrow. However, Huang Bo ordered a plane at 10 o'clock this morning and arrived at the destination two days ahead of schedule.

Xiao Yunhai is very aware of Huang Bo's excited mood and doesn't make fun of him.

I remember that when he got a supporting role for the first time in his previous life, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep for three consecutive days.

Until he was sent to the plane, Xiao Yunhai did not tell him that he was the author of the legend of Chu Liuxiang, and he also played a role in it. Think about the scene when we meet the day after tomorrow, I don't know what kind of expression Huangbo is.

In the past two days, Xiao Yunhai has been reading the script, and his memory is almost unforgettable. Therefore, it is very easy to recite the lines related to "a little red in the Central Plains". With his current acting skills, there should be no problem playing a little red in Central Plains.

At five o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai flew to Hengdian film and television city. It was already seven o'clock when we arrived at Jinhua International Airport.

When Xiao Yunhai came out of the airport, he saw hundreds of people gathered around the gate of the airport. All around him were banners, some holding signs and some big character newspapers. The scene was very lively.

There are a lot of police around to maintain order, and many media holding cameras, microphones, staring at the exit. Looking at this posture, Xiao Yunhai knew that there should be a star on his plane.

When Xiao Yunhai came out, the whole audience suddenly roared, everyone you crowded me, crazy screams.

"Cai pingya, I love you,"

"pingya, come on, we support you."

At the same time, the flash lamp kept flashing in front of Xiao Yunhai, which made his eyes feel a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Yunhai frowns. He remembers that when he first uploaded online songs, his opponent was not only Xia Chengfeng, but also Cai pingya.

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw a beautiful woman with dark glasses, white skin and hot figure. She was graceful and graceful, and there were two staff behind, who were carrying their luggage. Xiao Yunhai knew that she should be Cai pingya, so he quickly hid away and laughed bitterly.

Naturally, Cai pingya would not pay attention to Xiao Yunhai beside her. She waved to her fans with a smile, which immediately aroused more cheers from the fans. The cameras in the hands of reporters were flashing without money.

Cai pingya waved as she walked. When she came to the middle, she suddenly saw a beautiful girl holding a pink wreath by her father and yelled at her. She couldn't help but see.

She immediately went over and asked the girl to put it on her. At the same time, she took the child from her father's hand and gave it to her father after a heavy kiss.

Fans did not expect their idol will be so close to the people, suddenly, the whole scene broke out. Excited, behind the crowd rushed forward, one by one, the front of the crowd crowded on the fence.

The father who held the child almost didn't hold the child. He cried desperately. The little girl was crying. But in this situation, who could hear him.

After Cai pingya saw it, she quickly took off her high-heeled shoes, ran quickly past, and held the child in her arms. The child's father was relieved and looked at Cai pingya gratefully.After finishing this, she held the child in her arms, picked up the microphone from a reporter's hand, and called out, "don't rush, please keep your friends in good order."

Hearing the idol's cry, the people behind also calmed down, and then under the maintenance of the police, this restored order.

When Xiao Yunhai saw what the female star had done, she nodded in her heart and said: "if she can treat her fans like this all the time in the circle, plus some strength, then her future should be bright." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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