Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:06 AM

Chapter 730

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These are from Xiao Yuanyang's mouth to hear, eight or nine do not leave ten.

Moreover, Xiao Yuanyang also told him that not only the golden cup award has been changed, but also television stations will be allowed to enter China and enjoy the same rights as all TV stations.

TV programs can be broadcast directly after being approved by the film and Television Bureau.

This year's film and music circles have become a pot of soup, and next year's TV circle will be even more cruel.

Lin Lu was surprised and asked, "elder martial brother, how do you know?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the grapevine, but it should be true. After all, now that foreign countries have settled in China, it would be a joke if we closed the door and played by ourselves. "

"Since the government opened up the entertainment market, our domestic films have been in crisis," Lin sighed. Fortunately, with Xiao's Infernal Affairs and Jiao's Xiao Cui, Hollywood films are not allowed to run rampant. Well, to tell you the truth, I'm really afraid we can't hold on. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "don't worry. The Chinese kung fu film "Jingwu hero", the police and bandit film "Infernal Affairs" and the immortal Xia film "Xiaocui" have proved to the world that our domestic films can be seamlessly integrated with the world. As long as we can learn from these three films, we will never be defeated with 5000 years of Chinese culture. "

Luo Tianxiong clapped the table and called out: "the younger sister said well."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "elder martial brother, don't beat my desk to pieces."


"Ha ha ha."

The crowd burst into laughter.

On April 16, at the gate of Hollywood's Dolby theatre, the lights are bright and guests gather. Top stars from all over the world will gather here tonight to compete for 26 Oscars.

The former Dolby theater was built in November 2001 with more than 3000 seats. However, the Dolby theater in this world was funded by the United States government in 1989, with nearly 5500 seats. Its sound equipment is the world's top, which is much better than Xiao Yunhai's super luxury recording studio.

The Academy Awards have been held here for ten years.

At this time, the 400 meter long red carpet was spread directly from the door to the intersection, and the fence on both sides was set up early. Thousands of media reporters all over the world were waiting for the appearance of the first pair of movie stars.

If you take a closer look, some careful people will find that there are more media in China this year than in previous years, about dozens of them.

You don't have to guess. They must have come for Jingwu hero. Although Xiao Yunhai has been strongly banned by the Ministry of culture, the Oscar is known as the world's first award ceremony, which has a great influence. If Xiao Yunhai can really win the award for best director or best foreign language film, even the Ministry of culture can no longer insist on keeping Xiao Yunhai out of the news. Otherwise, it will inevitably cause the public anger of Chinese movie fans.

"Brother, do you think the emperor can win the prize?"

"In foreign language film, I think there is no possibility of the best director."

"Yes. The box office revenue of "Jingwu hero" is 4.9 billion US dollars, ranking the fourth in history. Not to mention the films from other countries, even the local Hollywood films can not match it. It would be unfair to get nothing from Jingwu hero. "

"I hope I can succeed. Maybe by then, Emperor Yun will be able to break through the ban of the Ministry of culture with this Oscar. After all, the Ministry of culture should also take into account the impact. "

"Gee, look there."

In the direction of his companion's finger, the reporter looked over. Dozens of foreigners wearing Chinese Kung Fu clothes appeared on the scene.

They carried a huge red banner with several Chinese characters on it: "Chen Zhen, come on, Kung Fu is invincible!"

Today's fans roughly estimate that at least thousands of people have their own idols. But in terms of momentum, we still need to count the fans who support Xiao Yunhai and are infatuated with Chinese Kung Fu.

Many people who like "Jingwu hero" saw this situation and immediately waved their fluorescent sticks and billboards, and spontaneously moved closer to the red banner. After a while, more than 200 people gathered.

Before the stars arrived at the scene, the photographers aimed at them one after another, and the flash lights kept on. These fans were very happy, as if they had become a big star.

A Chinese journalist took photos and exclaimed, "I didn't expect that cloud emperor had such a great influence in America."

Another reporter said, "yes. Over the years, China has finally emerged as a world-class superstar. It's a pity that the people in China don't know how to cherish them, and even they have been banned. Hehe, it's self destruction of the Great Wall. "

"I heard that it was because the Ministry of culture wanted Qing hou to play Pan Jinlian. The emperor of cloud was so angry that he scolded an executive of the Ministry of culture in front of dozens of stars, which led to the ban of the Ministry of culture."

"I heard that, too. It's just that no one dares to say it in public. Fortunately, it didn't spread out. Otherwise, the Ministry of culture would have been eaten by the hundreds of millions of fans of the cloud emperor alone. It's a mess. "At this time, the atmosphere suddenly warm up, everyone's eyes are looking at the slowly approaching first black Duncan car.

Soon, a handsome male star and a sexy hot female star came out of the car.

Suddenly, the scene is like boiling water, the temperature rises rapidly, and the screeching sound is overwhelming.

The two young stars kept professional smiles and waved to fans on both sides.

Hearing the cheers outside, Xiao Yunhai, who was arranged by the Oscar organizing committee to be the third one, sat in the car and said with a smile to Zhao Wanqing: "listen, it seems that this is more heated and noisy than our golden cup Festival."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Oscar is an International Film Festival, which can attract global attention. The golden cup Festival is just our own award ceremony in China, and the gap between them is not small. Seriously, I'm pretty nervous right now

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "come on, let me kiss, you will not be nervous."

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "go to you."

Soon, their car started to move. The driver in front of him said, "Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, please get ready. In less than a minute, you will be on the stage."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem, it's ready."

A minute later, the car stopped steadily at the scene.

A waiter in a white shirt and a bow tie around his neck trotted up and politely opened the door.

Xiao Yunhai came out of the car and looked around. Good guy, it was a sea of people.

When those Kung Fu fans saw their idol Chen Zhen appear, they immediately cried out.

Xiao Yunhai saw the huge bright red banner in the crowd at a glance. He waved his hand towards them and got a burst of louder screams.

Bending down, Xiao Yunhai takes Zhao Wanqing out of the car.

All of a sudden, the scene of the camera, the camera is aimed at this just appeared peerless beauty.

I have to say that Zhao Wanqing's dress is really beautiful today.

A black and beautiful long hair naturally sprinkled on the fragrant shoulder, a plain white dress, showing a section of charming neck like a swan. The skirt is decorated with yellow flowers, and a light blue ribbon is tied between the waist and limbs, showing its enchanting and graceful beautiful figure.

The skin is like congealed fat, bright eyes and bright teeth. On the face of incomparable melon seeds, a pair of enchanting eyes twinkle with moving light, and the whole person exudes a kind of intellectual beauty of Oriental women.

Everyone was amazed by Zhao Wanqing's beauty, especially those foreign journalists who were used to seeing western female stars. Their eyes were full of shock and amazement.

"Who is the female star with Chen Zhen? It's beautiful. "

"Yes, I think the female stars in Hollywood are a little too gaudy compared with her."

"She's not supposed to be an actress in Jingwu hero, or there's no reason why we don't know her."

"I tell you, her name is Zhao Wanqing. She and Xiao are real couple and a star. They are very famous in China, and they are also called queen of yunhuangqing."

"Oh, what a pity. I didn't expect her to get married. "

"Brother, you can't have a play even if you don't get married."

In the whispers of the crowd, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing walked on the red carpet, and the flash lights around made the night as bright as day.

As a matter of fact, Xiao Yunhai's dress is also good. Haoyu clothing has made a light gray suit for him, with white shirt and black tie inside, which is very handsome. However, compared with Zhao Wanqing, it is obviously a little dwarfed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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