Published at 11th of May 2022 05:50:00 AM

Chapter 734

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At this time, Mo Yina, who just received the call, said to Xiao Yunhai: "Xiaojing and Lin Hui are going to walk on the red carpet soon."

Xiao Yunhai nodded, shook hands with Carlos, and said, "for my rude behavior just now, please don't pay attention to the organizing committee."

Carlos said with a smile: "it shows that Mr. Shaw is a man of integrity and respectable. Now, are you ready to go back to your seats? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "of course."

A storm is so fierce in the past, but the stars in the hall cast a look of admiration to Xiao Yunhai.

For their own actors, can not fear and the Oscar Committee tit for tat, really admirable.

I'm afraid that few people would have the courage to do so.

When he went back, Xiao Yunhai whispered to Li Xuanwu: "brother Xuanwu, thank you for me. Tomorrow afternoon, I'd like to have a party in my villa. I'd like to invite Chinese actors from Hollywood. Can you inform me? "

Li Xuanwu said happily: "of course, no problem. I've heard that you spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a super luxurious villa. I was just going to visit it. It's up to me. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'll trouble you."

After a while, Zhang Xiaojing and Lin Hui came in together.

Zhang Xiaojing and Lin Hui were surprised to see many foreign stars looking at them strangely.

Lin Hui asked softly, "brother Zhang, why do they think so about us?"

Zhang Xiaojing shook his head and said, "I don't know. Let's go. Ask Yunhai and everything will be clear. "

Under the guidance of the staff, they sat next to Luo Tianxiong and Lin Lu, and behind Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

Lin Hui asked, "Lin Lu, how did director Xiao get the organizing committee to allow us to take the red carpet?"

Lin Lu smiles and tells the story vividly.

"I didn't expect so much to happen after I called."

Zhang Xiaohai is still in front of you. I will thank you very much when I return home. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes. Brother Zhang, are you free recently? "Inception" is about to be released. I want to take the crew to promote it in America

Zhang Xiaojing immediately nodded and said, "of course, no problem."

Zhang Xiaojing is not willing to miss such a good opportunity to open up the American market.

He once played Hottingen in "hero of the elite". He is very brilliant. The American audience should have some impression on him.

If "Inception" can also get the box office of "Jingwu hero", then Zhang Xiaojing is likely to gain a very high popularity in the United States, and then open up the European and American markets, which is naturally beneficial to him.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am going to participate in some interview programs. Aren't you good at martial arts? Why don't you do it on the show? It should help you in America. "

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "no problem."

At 20:40, the lights on the stage of the Dolby theater suddenly dimmed, and the noisy scene quickly became quiet. Some chatting stars returned to their seats.

A minute later, when the lights were on again, there was an old man in his sixties with a shaggy beard on the stage.

Before attending the event, Xiao Yunhai, relying on his strong memory, made a big difference in the names, photos and even representative works of the famous artists in Hollywood.

The ugly host named Richard was the most famous talk show host in America 20 years ago, and later entered the performing arts circle. He performed many classic roles in the past ten years and won the best actor Oscar Award. He is a powerful movie star.

It's really fitting that Oscar asked him to host the awards ceremony.

Richard's aura is very strong, clear thinking, quick reaction, but the speed is not so fast, but every sentence, can cause the audience to laugh.

In just three minutes, he used humorous language to string most of the films that won the nomination.

Finally, referring to Xiao Yunhai's Jingwu hero, Richard said: "last year, the one that opened my eyes most was Xiao's Jingwu hero. I really didn't expect that action movies could combine force and beauty to such a degree. When I watched this movie in the cinema, my wife brought me a special heart medicine, because she was afraid that the heart I saw would not stand it, so she went to see God in advance


"Ha ha ha."

The crowd applauded and laughed, and Xiao Yunhai's face also showed a smile.

Richard went on to say, "when Xiao was promoting Jingwu hero, he once said that the Kung Fu used in the movie was real. To tell you the truth, I don't believe it in my heart. It was not until I saw the wonderful performances of Chinese kungfu masters in a talk show, especially after Xiao Yiquan defeated the champion, that I believed that Kung Fu was so powerful. But I really didn't see enough. Xiao, can you come up and perform this evening? "As soon as Richard's voice fell, the staff handed Xiao Yunhai a microphone.

Xiao Yunhai gave him a smile and said thank you. Then he said to Richard, "if you can ask the Oscar organizing committee to change the list of winners to my name now, I think I will be very willing to perform for you."

"Ha ha ha."

Richard saw that Xiao Yunhai easily solved his own difficulties. His eyes brightened and he continued: "do you mean that unless you can win the prize, you will perform on stage? That's too mean. "

Of course, Xiao Yunhai waved his hand. It takes a good opponent to perform actual combat. If Mr. Richard is willing to be my opponent, then I will be fine

When Richard heard this, he shook his head and said, "forget it. I want to live a few more years. "

"Ha ha ha."

Without any preparation, the two said the dialogue, which won the laughter of the stars and fans.

Countless Chinese fans on the computer to see Xiao Yunhai deftly solve Richard's problem, can not help but clap their hands happily.

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud, and the reaction speed is very fast."

"The emperor's reply is perfect."

"Worthy of being the top host of China, it's beautiful."

Richard saw that Xiao Yunhai was not easy to deal with, so he immediately changed the topic.

Soon, the first award, the Best Newcomer Award, began.

Next, similar to the process of the golden cup film festival in China, two star guests present various awards to the winners, and then the winners express their gratitude for this and that, and finally step down.

Of course, there are also a few song and dance performances in the middle to ease the tension on the scene.

Don't underestimate these performances. It's not easy for European and American artists to get such opportunities. The competition is very fierce.

As you know, the Oscar ceremony will attract attention all over the world. According to statistics, in the last five years in a row, the number of viewers has not dropped by 1.5 billion. This year, it may be even higher. Because of the relationship between "Jingwu hero", at least it will attract hundreds of millions of Chinese fans to watch.

Therefore, all the artists who get the chance to perform will have a big rise in their value and their status in the circle will also rise in a straight line.

With so many benefits, people naturally flock to it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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