Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:57 AM

Chapter 736

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"Jingwu hero" won the Oscar for best action design in the first battle, and Chinese netizens instantly became lively on the Internet.

"Ha ha, that's great. It's the first time that Chinese movies have won the best action design since the Oscars were held. "

"Hero of Jingwu" is a hero, and the emperor of cloud cheers on. "

"Congratulations on the winning of the Oscars."

"We hope that" Jingwu hero "will continue its efforts and win the best foreign language film award and the best director award."

"Stop talking upstairs. The American Academy Award will not be awarded to a Chinese director, but the best foreign language film is possible. "

"As the iron powder of the cloud emperor, what has not been said is supported by two words."

"If emperor Yun can win the Oscar again, I think the Ministry of culture will not ban him."

"Kill the fart. At that time, Emperor Yun was the hero of Chinese movies, and the world would pay attention to him. If the Ministry of culture does not rescind the ban, it will be a disgrace to the international community. "

In a courtyard in Yanjing, Xiao Changfeng and his family got up early to watch the Oscar ceremony on Xiao Yunling's computer.

The time in Los Angeles is 15 hours later than that in Yanjing, so when Los Angeles is 21 o'clock, Yanjing is only 6 o'clock.

In fact, all fans who care about Oscar get up at three o'clock because they want to see the star red carpet show.

Xiao Changfeng's family of three is already late.

When "Jingwu hero" won the best action design award, Xiao Yunling jumped up with joy.

"It's great that big brother won the Oscar."

Although Xiao Changfeng does not pay much attention to the entertainment industry, he is very clear about the famous Oscar.

In the past decade, there are only a few dozen Chinese films that can be shortlisted for the Oscars, but none of them can win the awards.

Li Xuanwu did, but he made a Hollywood movie, not a Chinese movie.

It can be said that this award won by Xiao Yunhai broke the record of Chinese film for the first time.

Xiao Changfeng looked at the resolute and handsome face of his son on TV, and a strong pride and pride burst out of his heart.

I have no great success in my life, but my son is really striving for success.

In a short period of three years, with his unique talent, he has become a big star to be noticed all over the world, and he has worked hard to earn a hundred billion yuan.

Ordinary people think it is incredible, let alone achieved.

Think of here, Xiao Changfeng a face of joy, looking at the next wife Chen Xiuzhu, found that she had been happy tears.

What is Xiao Wan's hand clapping? You should be happy. "

Xiao Yunling also said, "yes. Mom, big brother is so fierce. Why are you crying

Chen Xiuzhu wiped the tears on her face and said, "I am excited to shed tears. Linger, didn't you say that if your brother could win the Oscar, the Ministry of culture would withdraw the ban on him? "

Xiao Yunling nodded and said, "yes. However, it needs my brother to win another prize. Because the best action design can't focus the global attention on him, but the best director or the best foreign language film can. If you want me to say that, you should let uncle criticize the Ministry of culture. I don't know what they think. They let Wanqing play Pan Jinlian. Well, it's lucky that my elder brother's temper has changed a lot, or I'll have to beat them to death. "

Xiao Changfeng frowned and said, "OK. Don't talk about it in front of you, granddad. Anyway, after all, your elder brother scolded a deputy minister representing the Ministry of culture, and it's normal to be punished. "

Chen Xiuzhu sneered: "you should teach linger less. It's obvious that the vice minister named Tian or something is picking up trouble. Do you really let Wan Qing play Pan Jinlian? How unreasonable. Hum, I thought that when I returned to the famous Xiao family, I would not be bullied by others. I didn't expect to be the same as before. "

Xiao Changfeng shook his head, sighed softly, but said: "as a father, I am not angry. It's just Forget it. Let's not talk about it. Let's move on. "

Seeing the loss of Xiao Changfeng's face, Chen Xiuzhu felt soft and comforted: "OK, I understand. It's not all a good thing to have a big family and a big business. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching. Yunhai is just a small matter, which is not suitable for the Xiao family. You really think I don't know anything. "

Xiao Changfeng, with a smile, said: "when I was in college, you were so smart. But since I married you, you pretended to be confused for a lifetime. You think I don't know."

Two people you look at me, I look at you, at the same time smile.

On the screen, the Oscars went on.

After six consecutive awards, it was finally the turn of the best foreign language film award.

Action star Laurine and last year's best supporting actor Pippen came on stage to present the award. They had worked together in two films and had a very good relationship with each other. After a gag, Pippen opened the envelope."Laurine, you're lucky."

Laurine asked, "what do you mean?"

Pippen shook the list in his hand and said with a smile, "because the winner is your best friend who never forgets."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he sighed and said to Zhao Wanqing, "it seems that my luck is not so good."

Zhao Wanqing shook his head, took his hand and said, "in my heart, you are the best."

After a while, the director of wupeng didn't think of a good film, but he didn't think about it.

"Pippen, I never seem to have met these five directors. You'd better stop playing games and go straight. "

Pippen said with a smile, "that's so boring. Let me give you a wake-up call. Last year, your movie "game of doomsday" met the strongest opponent, and it was the same film type. You once said you'd have a chance to challenge him. "

Laurine suddenly realized and said, "I know who you're talking about?"

When Zhang Xiaojing heard "the end of the game", the expression of excitement appeared. At the beginning, "Jingwu hero" beat many good movies in the same period, including "game of doomsday". Because it was co starred by six of Hollywood's top action stars, Zhang Xiaojing was very impressed.

Can we say that the best foreign language film award is us.

Xiao Yunhai also thought of the film, and his heart was suddenly shocked. He chuckled at Zhao Wanqing and said, "it seems that things have changed. I remember when Jingwu hero was released, "game of doomsday" was on the same schedule. "

Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise, "really?"

As soon as the voice dropped, Pippen on the stage had already said the answer.

"The 32nd best foreign language film award was won by the film" Jingwu hero "from China. Please invite director Yunhai Xiao to accept the award

When the four words of "Jingwu hero" came out of Pippen's mouth, Xiao Yunhai's face showed a knowing smile.

Next to Zhao Wanqing, weeping with joy, she stood up and gave Xiao Yunhai a fierce kiss on her face.

Zhang Xiaojing, Luo Tianxiong, Lin Hui and Lin Lu all jumped up and hugged each other tightly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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